Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama will spike Oil Prices

With the world cheering as oil prices fall and the Saudi kingdom agreeing that the 50 dollar a barrel price range is acceptable to fuel the constricting western economies, a new sheriff is in town named Barack Obama who is concerned that oil prices might drop that low.

This blog advocated policies which would drop oil prices as they keep Russia from building advanced nuclear weapons systems pointed at America and no repeats of Georgia, low oil prices keep funding from terrorists and cripple Iran in it's nuclear production, low oil prices in a bloodless coup removes Chavez of Venezuela and low oil prices makes the 150 dollar a barrel oil China purchased to expensive to pump all over the world and they go home within their Peking borders.

On domestic policy, low oil prices sell American vehicles, makes food prices lower, makes heating prices lower and makes it not a cutting off one's testicles to fill up one's car as it breaks everyone's economy.

That though for Obama and his advisers is not equal to the point that oil prices must rise to the 75 dollar level as their happy medium, so that "renewable energy" will be where America goes and so all those "evil" things like SUV's are forever off the road.
First point, ever seen a body come alive out of those little economy cars? No because they die as in humans die.
Second point, except for my posted energy production there is no renewable energy.

Hydrogen is a farce. Wind power is a bottomless pit of broken turbines and the fact the wind needs to blow, so what does one supplement with until the wind blows?

This though is the idiocy of the Obama energy policy which has not one thing about making life better for Americans, but everything to do with dictatorial mandates to make people poor.

What is more important? Low oil prices so you have a good life or a fictional earth warming which has now for the second year cooled drastically, so instead of affording to pay for your children getting dental care you instead pay for Barack Obama 75 dollar a barrel crude oil.

This is what has come on America in policy that has nothing to do with Americans living better, but instead in wacko policy which is based in globalism in how to control people in dictatorships and believed by nuts who back Obama thinking they can pollute the earth.

Gee are oil spills pollution? Then the earth is the biggest polluter of spilling oil as it is generating oil in the trillions of gallons that if projected out in hydrocarbon transfer will end up producing so much oil and methane eventually that the earth will not have enough air to breathe from the thinned atmosphere and filled with oil polluted waters which will kill all life as nothing can drink it.

I have pointed out before that just a few thousand years ago the earth's atmosphere was more dense and oxygenated which created longer life spans.
It is a proven fact that decreasing atmosphere and decreasing oxygen one kills people off by stress sooner.

What is a hydrocarbon? H20 and carbon, base elements being two molecules of oxygen stored in oil. Unless that oil and methane is burned, that oxygen can not be freed up by natural forces to take it's proper place in the atmosphere.

Records show in the past 6000 years peoples lifespans dropped and records show earth cooled and records show lower levels of oxygen. Those records prove my findings that earth is on a record setting gobbling up of atmosphere and storing it in earth generated fuels.
That is the trend which is the plague of this planet and it can only be remedied by people burning those fuels to release the natural elemental gases back into the planet where they belong.

There is no natural remedy for this as crude oil can not be ignited by earth forces. All it does is pollute, build up more and destroy more of the environment as the planet's geological forces sucks more oxygen out of the atmosphere making it worse for all living things.

Obama's logic on oil is logically followed by the price of food is too low, so if it is raised and people are starved then they will loose weight and be more healthy.

It is so not comforting to see the product of Obama stealing this election due to jungle fever single women, blacks in a voter mob and defeatist cowards on the right who were talking defeat when the election was weeks off.
That with the anarchists have now installed the biggest bunch of lunatic robbers whose main concern is policy and not humans.

Follow your Obama into the abyss as it is where all of you belong as you don't have the sense God gave you and all deserve to be Darwin graduates in natural selection.

The utter stupidity of Obama cannibalism for the idea is more important than the person.
