Saturday, November 29, 2008

World Net Daily had an article asking Barack Obama: God's choice?

I simply wrote an email reply to the editor asking for a more complete posting.

As what I wrote created such a strong Spiritual response, I post it here in public for better understanding of the public.


In your article concerning Barack Obama as God's choice, I would ask you please to quote people who have more of a Holy Spirit led understanding of the Bible from God than mortals either pro Obama or anti Obama.

For those who claim God puts all leaders in charge, would submit that in Lutheran Germany that God put Adolf Hitler into power or that Stalin was placed over Orthodox Ukraine to murder those people.
None of which could be farther from the Truth.

The Israelites rejected God and desired a king. God gave them their heart's desire in Saul who looked wonderful, but was a disaster.
God rectified the situation by placing the lineage who would be the parentage of Christ in King David, a person after God's Heart.

I in now way mean to lecture, but only to point out things you probably already know. Esther was chosen by God as the judges were all chosen by God and raised up. Samson was like Solomon in Ecclesiastics and Proverbs being strong in Spirit and weak in humanity.
Esther to her credit like the most wonderful women in the Bible, Hannah, Ruth and Mary was warned by her Uncle Mordecai that either she carried out her calling or God would raise up someone who would do the job in delivering the Judaeans.

Cyrus of the Persians was called God's servant as he helped establish the Judaeans back in the land of Judah for the Promise of Christ's birth.
Even the High Priests who had a hand in murdering Christ were inclined to prophesy that it was better for one to die than an entire nation due to Rome stopping a revolt.

God utilizes people for His purpose from Pharoah's heat being hardened to Ruth of Moab being adopted into the plan of Salvation showing all of us are equal in God's Love in Grace.

I know why Mr. Obama was allowed to do what he has. As I do not know all, I made a mistake in neglecting the principality demon "the monkey king" which is of the Asian order in assisting Mr. Obama in his orgasmic state his followers were swept up in. I had only considered it was the old European oracles lain dormant with the old principality demons Gabriel informed Daniel of. Mr. Obama besides his European comrades was helped by a demon of a different order.

None of that means Mr. Obama is evil anymore than any other deluded human, but he is influenced by evil. His very use of the term Messiah is pure proof how much like Herod Antipatar he is in chararter.
America has reached a point of judgment and not chastisement in love. I have maintained for years that President Bush was viewed as a "good king" like Asa and the coming tribulation was held back due to Mr. Bush obeying God. There are many people in the end who have hammered that man who are going to be surprised what has been going on.
Those events now which have puzzled so many are starting to wash over the dam and it will continue to get worse. The greatest of Biblical leaders have been at a complete loss like Elijah in not understanding why events have not come to fruition. God held it back because of something which is in George W. Bush's heart.

That will now all change as America is two nations. Mr. Obama is in charge of the order which will face judgment. Even the good people as in Jeremiah's time will suffer as he did. It is regrettable and the people who voted for Mr. Obama will suffer most as they are packed into cities where things amplify.
I had hoped as I prayed for Gov. Palin that in God working through her that America could make the way through under John McCain who is a good man at heart, but has only a rudimentary knowledge of Spiritual things. He found God in Vietnamese torture, but while being the best he can be is not up to the personal knowledge.

In this though the balances of justice will be dispensed much as for past national sins America was routed in various ways. Mr. Obama will bear the side of wrath and when God has finished punishing Grace will prevail for those who are God's.

I do not want to leave this without hope. There is a deliverer coming as God will never leave His children without one.
This all would have been easier with a McCain Palin administration, but now it will be the way it is. The saddest part are the "right wingers" who were trusted to do the job and have now been exposed as nothing to do with Ronald Reagan much like most of Congress has been for years.
The people were left without a voice and those who voted for Mr. Obama were either filled with Jungle Fever, working out their personal racist hatred their parents had as Harry Smith spoke of or are of a strange delusion that Mr. Obama somehow will make them all Oprah come January 20th.

America is not a nation of Laws when Pete Williams of NBC writes that the Supreme Court can not vote to view Mr. Obama's birth certificate and disqualify him as it will disenfranchise 66 million people. That is a mob which a democracy is and that is rule without Law.

I only have saddness for my nation. I had hoped to strengthen her and save her from a Eurasian War. The choice though appears to be a gleaning of the wheat from the chaff exactly as our ancient fathers in the northern tribes had to be taught. Yes, I'm a historian who agrees with the research that the Scots in the Declaration of Arbaroath stating they were Israelites were correct along with the migrational routes Jews like Yair David have built upon other historians works. It is why Francis Parkman and Theodore Roosevelt were pondering the strangeness of population movements in certain areas in the world and ending up in America.

God is American destined in Promise to Abraham. We had a purpose and have failed as of late and must now face the outcome. I still hope the outcome would even be punishment under a Hillary Clinton though not a fan of her's for historical purposes as Mr. Obama's father was a black Arab in being foreign and was raised by a foreign Indonesian. This has nothing to do with race for it for God's Throne reasons I would have objected if Mr. Obama's father was a Russian and he was raised by Romanians. While Ruth was a Moabitiss, she changed to become Israelite.
Mr. Obama in his foreign psychopathy seeks to change America to his foreign understanding.
This has never happened in the history of the 10 tribes of the north in a foreign king being chosen over them. This is a unique scenario our founders deliberately tried to keep America from.
For this to have been allowed to happen means greater forces of judgment are at work.

It saddens me for the deluded people who are going to be let down by Mr. Obama as they are not going to have a rose colored world to attempt to deal with their convulsion of reality as their savior reverts to a pumpkin in the patch.

Ours is the time of Jeremiah the Prophet in Lamentations. It is a blessing to understand his words in tears running down for his people. All moral people have disgust in the degrading nature of American national sins, but our love of this wonderful nation in all it could and should be is the America we carry in our hearts. That America when the fury of God is through will be the one to find Grace.

Thank you for your time and may God bless you.


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