While the nonsense continues of Phil Berg and that Russian woman from California in beating the dead horse of a Hawaiian government generated false birth certificate for Barack Obama, there is the real issue in a pattern coming to light that Barack Obama was conducting foreign policy in making treaties with various governments and terrorist groups as of last summer before he was in the Oval Office.
That is all illegal and is a felony, because citizens can not go around and make treaties or accept things from foreign governments. Just ask Billy Carter and his Libyan money how much that helped Jimmy Carter's image.
From Hamas, to Fatah, to Colombians being informed by Obama's people he would be President, Canadians being waved off on trade policy, Zbigniew Brzezinski representing Obama to Syria under the cover of Rand Corporation, to what has now surfaced in Barack Obama with his Libyan champion, Saudi Arabian influence and television time has been in direct negotiations since last year with al Qaeda.
I will repeat that so people comprehend, the terrorists who brought down the Twin Towers, crashed a plane into the Pentagon, have murdered and maimed over ten thousand Americans and many more times than that Europeans and Muslims, were in direct negotiations with Barack Obama behind President Bush's back.
That is sedition and a high crime as no Citizen is allowed to be conducting foreign policy.
This is why Obama has been so gung ho about sending George Mitchell and Richard Holbrooke to the region and why he was silent on the pounding the Philistines of Gaza took in cleaning up the Middle East battlefield. He has bigger fish to fry in he intends to kill the Taliban and as indications seem to dictate, he intends to make Iran his war of manhood.
I desire to explain this Obama strategy as it is pure Brzezinski. Brzezinski is the zealot who created the muhajadeen as his personal communist murder agency as Jimmy Carter had failed so completely against the Russians.
Brzezinski in typical fashion started this entire Islamic militant movement to rip the Soviet Union and China apart. Interestingly, Ronald Reagan brought down the Soviets with the Pope, Saudi money and German Lutherans protesting.
Gee no guns or bombs, just good old virtue and it worked.
Brzezinski wants al Qaeda back. In the intelligence leaking out, it appears someone in the Obama camp took this blog's advice and is desiring a negotiation with bin Laden. I doubt it will work effectively as they do not understand bin Laden's mind and there is that incredible problem of Zawahiri growling in the midst.
Once again Brzezinski has taken sound policy and warped it.
I have grave concerns as noted about stationing 30,000 troops into Afghanistan when they are unnecessary as I have shown the entire situation could be cleaned up with a few sniper rifles, high tech and Predators.
What appears to be going on in this now though is Barack Obama in killing those dozen Pakistani's in his first week, was not killing al Qeada. Remember what the story was about in no claims were made this was anything like Bush's war. I believe Obama murdered a faction in the region who was in competition with al Qaeda. A quid pro quo of the worst kind of executive order.
The reason that assessment is considered is al Qaeda via Gamiat Islamiya, urged an immediate 4 month ceasefire after Obama took office, and, not one peep has been uttered about Obama bombing in Pakistan.
Obama is in bed with al Qaeda and that is certain, because bin Laden in his last message did not mention Obama directly, but seemed to be negotiating in his audio. This makes sense in he releases a tape not going nuts over Obama, but not directly antagonizing him.
Obama in turn murders a pile of Pashtuni competitors and everything about Gaza is forgotten.
Of course, the cream of the crop is those 30,000 targets in Afghanistan who are going to be sent in not to kill al Qaeda, but to wipe out competition for al Qaeda in the shorter term.
In the long term, those 30,000 US Soldiers are going into Afghanistan to open a front against, the Islamocommunists of Persia when that Obama war is deemed necessary.
All of this until January 20th at 12:05 pm or the second oath taken later with no Bible for all Muslim eyes to behold, was illegal to conduct.
I will put it plainly for people to understand. If Barack Obama was having contacts in India round up little girls and boys to send them to Thailand to be raped in 2008, it was a felony. Just because he becomes Prime Minister does not negate the crimes of 2008.
Illegal is illegal, and Patrick Fitzgerald of Chicago has a legal obligation at this point to investigate and bring before a grand jury all this clear evidence and indict Barack Obama.
I will remind readers how nuts liberals went over stories about Bill Casey negotiating with Iran and George Bush 41 flying to France in a spy plane in the same deal attempting to find evidence where there was none against Ronald Reagan.
There are though in this case numerous public press accounts published that Barack Obama was conducting policy and making contact with terrorists. I would ask anyone to think through if they called up al Qaeda and started making promises and deals in what you would do to help them and see how long it took before the FBI was breaking down your door and you were on the 6 o'clock news.
This was negotiating and promising things to terrorists who were and are murdering American Soldiers and Obama was chatting them up.
It is obvious now a quid pro quo has been established in the events which have happened. bin Laden has done things as first signs and Obama has blown people up as first signs. As no one is going to get the Constitutional case correct as I have shown how to proceed it is probably time that someone start filing criminal complaints about the real fact that in the press Barack Obama has been outed negotiating with terrorists who were murdering Americans.
Shutting down Gitmo and CIA prisons which hold al Qaeda is a clear payoff. The evidence is clearly there for a criminal indictment of Barack Obama.
Ronald Reagan in Iran Contra wasn't even by Ollie North murdering people to further negotiations and the liberals went wild with criminal complaints. All that was was Hawk missiles sold to fund Contras and hostages were being released.
Quid pro quo and liberals deemed it felonious. Obama is guilty of worse as a Citizen of the United States and as President, Patrick Fitzgerald needs to investigate just who these dead Pakistani's were Barack Obama had slaughtered, if the information came from al Qaeda and if these people were competing with al Qaeda and were murdered for Obama to cut a better deal with terrorists.
Who really were these dead Pakistani's and why doesn't al Qaeda care that Barack Obama had them murdered?
agtG 238
Obama cutting deals with terrorists in 2008