Perhaps such a noted brilliant bulb as Birdie Obama should weigh in on the holocaust of whether it happened or not as George Mitchell seems to have a big check buying results with the Jews there along with the neo Syrian Philistines, because Pope Ben sure has a problem with Jews, as the BBC is lumping all Jews together as one voice.
It seems that there is a British Bishop named Williamson. He was booted out of the Catholic church and the Pope let him back in. Williamson's main claim is Germans suffer from a guilt complex and that there were not 6 million Jews slaughtered in the holocaust and not one of them was ever gassed.
Jews in command of groups they command have broken ties with the Vatican over this "holocaust denial" which if one looks at what Bishop Williamson has said on the BBC interviews doesn't deny at all that the holocaust happened.
Bishop Williamson simply has investigated evidence and not found evidence of zyklon gas use nor that there were 6 million Jews who perished.
I wonder sometimes in these Jews who are always herding other Jews up to make them fearful of the rest of the world for a voting power block and who incessantly come up with twisted Scripture stating they are better than everyone else. Would it be a denial of the holocaust if Bishop Williamson said, "Only 5 million 900 thousand, 999 Jews died".
Just what is the threshold for these Jewish herders who deny Jesus is the Christ and put out Talmudic teachings that Jesus is a bastard and the Virgin Mary is a whore.
Would Bishop Williamson pass if he said 5 million died, but there was no gas, but Germans suck?
From German records and others, I have researched, I concluded that a little over a million Jews perished. Some of those Jews were also serving in the communist Soviet military and some were actual brutes in the Slavic states who those people cheered when Germans took them out.
That some might be around 300,000. That is the number which Williamson concludes is the total dead, which has gotten him the denier title.
Frankly, I have always thought 300,000 dead Sephardic Jews to be a rather large and heinous number. Especially since they were not like Steven Spielberg's drama of Schindler's List in looking fed and lusted after for sex.
These Jews died by being worked to death on starvation rations. That to me is worse than healthy Jews arriving in camp off of trains and being paraded into a gas chamber and dying in a minute.
For those who suffer such things as prolonged John McCain type torture and starvation, that is far worse than the quick gas chamber method.
The Truth is the holocaust is a big industry. I makes billions of dollars and it keeps Jews in line for their Marxist leaders to extort money and obedience. America has holocaust museums all over the states and not one Jew was ever worked to death here.
I brought this up on David Horowitz's site in the skewed numbers, how Jews who were brutalizing people were disgracing the numbers who really suffered and he censored the facts off the site. The secular Jew has a deliberate need to not allow any information in about this as then it exposes what Olmert was doing to religious Jews and how those American Jews in the Israeli state are suffering just like in the Warsaw ghettos.
As near as the information can logically explain, a group of secular Marxist Jews after the war looked at around 1 million dead Jews and decided to inflate the numbers, because most nations had lost more citizens than that in the war. It is a bit hard to get a nation born when your dead do not match the Russians and the allies.
So this holocaust weapon was introduced and has been thrown around with titles like anti semite which is about as strange as they come, because Jews calling Bishop Williamson anti semite must be anti semite themselves, because Yair Davidy, who is an Ashkenaz Jew, has collected proofs as others have that the English are of the tribe of Joseph, so they are semetic peoples.
So these Jews attacking the English, who these "Jews" are not even Judeaens, but Ashkenaz, a tribe from the Japheth line like Russians and not the Shemite line are in effect anti semites.
The reality of this is though the globalists who created this lie, just like the attacks on Henry Ford who was not talking about all Jews, but "international Jews" or we know them now as globalists, new world order types like secular George Soros supplanting the American system, actually leave the door open for people like Ahmadinejad in Persia to take it one step further and be a holocaust denier.
What I personally would in Solomon's Wisdom want is not the focus on this cat fight, but the billions of dollars which are being made off of those million dead Jews to first be divided up to benefit every Jewish family.
Next, I would take all the additional yearly revenues and start buying up the Sinai and link it to Gaza to provide one homeland for the Philistines and neo Syrians with incentives so they could start business and farms in that waste.
That kind of building lives instead of lining pockets, scaring people and inciting more hatred would be a much better memorial to dead Jews who were in numbers of cases used by the Jewish elite, who sold them into force labor so they could drink champagne while Sephardic and lower class Ashkenaz Jews suffered and died.
Those are the wicked secrets behind all of this as wicked as Barack Obama acting like he is black, when he is white, Arabic and Luo in a small mixture, but those 3 groups were selling his wife's Michelle's ancestors to the highest slave bidder.
Just like slaves in America did benefit from being in America, the entire story of these Jews and the holocaust is not being told. It is a shame, because even one dead person from that type of suffering is one too many and one does not need 6 million to make it worth more.
Certainly certain Jews have a control and a command of their own propaganda, but more and more people in this internet age are finding the facts do not match Spielberg's cinema. Jews in this earth were no worse treated in this world than any other people. Ukrainian people had 40 million dead by Joe Stalin and there are all sorts of Indian tribes who do not exist anymore to have anyone mention there holocausts.
As a point sure to inflame more, I will relate about a people named the Pawnee whose people lived in Nebraska and half of their nation was wiped out. For those who have thought "evil white people", think again, because this event took place at the hands of the Sioux or western Dakota named Lakota.
The fact is the only reason any Pawnee are alive today in Oklahoma is that white people advanced at that moment across the Mississippi and the Pawnee joined the white Americans for protection, and were one of the best allies in bravery fighting the Sioux and Cheyenne.
The Pawnee like many plains tribes would be dead now if white Americans had not arrived at that critical 1860 time period as the Sioux would have wiped them out.
The Pawnee certainly did not have 6 million dead. Would Jews call the murder of half their people a holocaust as it does not meet the 6 million? It does not matter as all peoples have suffered this holocaust as each empire consumed the one whose place it took.
I do hope the facts do come out. Just like I hope Judeaens and religious Jews who are being brutalized by secular Marxist Jews of European origins are exposed in just how Olmert and his cabal rounded them out, took their lands, put them in trailer camps behind walls while communist Muslims shot missiles at them.
Those Jews deserve better than what is being planned, because those Jews are the ones who will be bleeding and dying in mass when Obama and George Mitchell's plans come to fruition so all those Marxist Ashkenaz will be in their bunkers safe and secure while Judeaens die in WMD dust.
Once again too much information for the conversation, but until this censorship and rabid racism and bigotry stops from those dictators who are all feeding from the same Soros Obama hog trough, this holocaust of the past is going to be amplified by a real one for all humanity.
We now return you to comply or you will finds lies to vilify you in the global elite's talking points.
PS: This is no defense of Catholic elites either as they have been exposed too in how they are leading the faithful into a coming anti christ abyss.