Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Obama of my Yesteryear

For all the historical pronunciations, it seems Birdie Obama has not been the first of anything really. In history, the pile of dictators is heaped high in blacks taking on titles of "president" and being nothing but tyrants and despots.

The first grande despot of the America's who was black was in Haiti, named Toussaint L'Ouverture.

This guy liked dressing up as a "General", stealing white peoples everything, including nation, and calling it his own. As Haiti was French, soon enough Napoleon caught the rascal and tossed him into prison.
Soon enough another "General" of the black African American named trade, Jean Dessalines, took his place and was running the show like Robert Mugabe in tossing out white people. The French didn't have it so good as he simply murdered them.
Perhaps after millions of dead French, Napoleon had it right about revolution and change and ended it as it was a great deal healthier for the natives.

What is interesting in the black revolutionary was in order to try and cement his power and show the white folks in France, he could be emperor too, was he decided that one had to make the trains run on time as Hitler did later, or as David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama have pronounced later still, "We got to get those middle class types producin' again".
General Toussaint's solution was to round up all the black people he had just set free, and forced them to be slaves again on the sugar plantations. The slaves figuring out really quick that there was no difference in sweating from Frenchman to sweating from a black guy with a whip decided enough of that, and fled to a revolution.

That is the perpetual cesspool of patricians raping Haiti economically for centuries while poor black people there basically breed a new generation to exploit.
That is the change which Barack Obama is instituting in the United States, in exact mirror of the General or Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe.

There are many textbook scenarios played out in Obama's black liberation culture which was set up by Bill Ayers cloning it from the South American despots of Marxism. It is no coincidence that Ayers was playing cuddles with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. It is no coincidence that Obama's "stimulus" is a mirror image of Chavez handing out goodies to bribe the newly orgasmic sheep into a stupor so new "reforms" or power seizure can be instituted in elections.

If you want to see what America is headed for exactly, please visit Bolivia where a Marxist by the name of el presidente Morales, who is of the Indian bloodlines, a good buddy of Chavez, Castro and Ortega, fellow Obamanite Marxists, and behold what he just pulled off.

In America, there is a new murmur about a Constitutional Convention here. In Bolivia, Morales has just in elections changed the Constitution, so he can run for "another term". Americans have already heard about that scenario for Obama too.
What Morales is doing though is organizing communities of poor people for their mass vote. That should sound like Chicago Obama, because it is and is exactly what Ayers was initiating out of the South American socio lab.
The key in Morales is he is taking a mass of poor Indians who exist in the mountains and is by "legal vote" attempting to take from the light skinned Spaniards, their lands, their energy industry and all commerce, which these Spanish elite developed.

For those who think this is a good thing, it is no different than Warren Buffet taking your 401 K retirement plan in legal theft in the Stock Market plunge he helped create or not any different if a group of Mexicans were given a vote in your city and they decided in majority elections that your home will now be handed over to their group which you worked for, because in democracy the laws voted for make it all legal.

Rhodesia in Africa was the breadbasket of the continent. When it became Zimbabwe, Mugabe drove the white people out, the black intellectuals out and then stole the farmland in reforms and gave it to poor, uneducated blacks to "farm". They had no idea what to do with a farm so Zimbabwe starved and is still starving.
For Morales to steal oil and farmlands, and give it to people whose main achievement in life is using a hoe for potatoes and riding a burro, is no different than if Barack Obama handed you a scalpel today and said you were doing heart surgery.
It might make you feel good, might make the nation look like it has allot of doctors, but in the end you would have a pile of dead people and furious families, because you aren't a doctor.

That is the always the problem in this change. Ortega in Nicaragua upon seizing power stole all the car dealerships and made a fortune. Obama in his "stimulus" is starting a trend of rewarding his technology and union buddies. It won't help the nation, but will prosper these "Generals" in their enclaves of liberal cities housing millions of Obama voters.

This Marxist policy works for a few years, but then the poor people get poorer like in Cuba, the criminals start making crime a business as they law is criminal like in Mexico and Venezuela, and soon enough rich Americans will start voting with their feet and taking funds offshore and themselves when a Chavez crackdown comes.

None of this is new and is what George Orwell in Animal Farm and 1984 was recording, as he had studied the Marxist system and witnessed what all these despots had been doing for centuries.

FDR initiated this perpetual voting block with Social Security and other welfare state programs to wean Americans from independence to dependence.
LBJ expanded it and socialist George Bush started the rebate in giving checks out to people further degrading them. They are all part of the same patrician system and Mr. Obama is just going to weld in a few last executive orders to change the democratic socialist United States into a Chinese form of communal capitalism.
No secret for those who have observed these things, but Birdie Obama has been talking up the Chicon slave labor state for months. Why not, because Doc Kissinger is leading the way.

This though is the obamanation which is being cemented and welded into place. Obama states he rules, he signs dictatorial orders, he vilifies all who oppose him and soon enough his "Come on guys" mantra in being disgusted with the press will be, "Come on guys you're under arrest" when he can get away with it as reporters will not dare question Obama as a mob will burn down their house and murder their family.

This is not Molotov Mob warning for headlines. This is textbook in what is occurring in Obama replicants in our modern age from Africa to South America. The exact same patterns are always initiated.

This is why if the GOP had any American love and sense they would have been demanding the 10 Answers to Obama listed here to save this nation.
What is anyone of them or these Obama pundits hiding out in the right offered for one solution?

John Boehner of Ohio comes out against Pelosi 300 million dollar condoms. Wow, they get them removed and the right wingers think something has been accomplished.
Children named Noel Sheppard and Newsbusters who voted for Obama, you know very well that part of the plan was put into place so the GOP would bite on it, it would be taken out by Obama's leadership and then the package would be passed in all it's kickbacks which was intended all along.

I did see though about 35 GOP members in the Senate voted not to confirm the taxpaying Sec. of the Treasury Geithner. That is what Venezuela, Zimbabwe and Bolivia all resemble now.

It is the same old cycle of herding the masses for a Papa Doc on Haiti, well America has it's own Papa Doc Obama looting the store and David Axelrod being caught in body language which never lies in stating Obama has no intention for the state of Israel continuing.

Orwell was only 25 years off in 1984. As the British say, "Long live the tyrant."
