Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama's Superman

I thought it would be interesting to post the photo of what a super genetic human looks like who is the spokesman for the Council on Foreign Relations, Rockefeller, Barack Obama policy for the slaughter of Gaza and the termination of the Israeli state.
The superman of advanced genetics is Peter Beinart, a gap toothed, little smudge of a person whose brain function appears right up their with his twin who runs Dailykos, and thinks he is running the world too.

I had wondered just where the Rockefellers had been as they absolutely disappeared from the stage, but I found Mr. Beinart on the BBC, the Big British Communist telly network.
Beinart was quite fixated on blowing up Gaza. His main interest was either they got Hamas or Hamas was going to be in control of the east and west bank.
I realize for most people this is like a Star Trek episode in one race was black and white on the right and left side and one race was black and white on the left and right side, so it did not make a great deal of sense in why Islamocommunist Hamas which was allowed to blow up religious Jews and making treaties with George Soros to exploit the wealth there while Islamofascist Fatah is somehow the champion of the world, when both sides are about murdering Jews and ending the Israeli state, but it is all about what is really going on in why things are happening and not the people.

See George Mitchell, the ultimate twister and bribe master has been tapped to "bring peace to the Middle East". Peace in Rockefeller and Rothschild terms means Hamas was allowed to be armed to drive out religious Judeaens from Judah. Once they accomplish enough of that task they will be destroyed, unlike just played with now in weakening them so the Marxist secular Jews can win the election in February.
The Jews don't have a big stock market to crash to herd people like they did for Obama in the states. So wars are unleashed to get the vote count up.
It still looks as though Netanyahu is about to win. That would make things interesting in that little Persian communist duel which is being planned soon, much to the incineration of New York's chagrin.

Fatah has a treaty where Jordan and European troops get to occupy the West Bank until the neo Syrians can raise a government. That will never happen, so the Europeans are going to gain control over both east and west Jerusalem.
Apparently by the salivating of George Soros over the West Bank, there are huge oil reserves there. Probably is why natural gas wells were "discovered" offshore in the Israeli state in a big find.
It is coming time to divide up the land as Antiochos Epiphanese did and for his satanic twin to plant his government outside Jerusalem for the new international capital.

Beinart though so coolly was discussing the issue of smashed Philistines that one could not notice that real people were suffering and dead, never to revive again unlike a Jack Bauer 24 commercial break.
This is the coming face of Obama's supermen, those cartels who invested a fortune in Nazi genetics as they were the supermen looking for the Aryan in the first place and setting up sterilization and euthanizing programs in America, which graduated to Planned Parenthood, another Obama partial birth aborticide backer.

I do not mean to be mean, but when one beholds the people behind these mass slaughter policies, you always feel like watching another gap toothed dink in David Letterman. You ask yourself, this is the guy they pay millions to and he can't figure out Obama is a dork.

It doesn't have to do with Obama being a dork though. It has to do with a massive shift in US policy which is going to make what George Bush was accomplishing in setting the stage for this, look like a weekend vacation. The signs all point to a huge realignment of the entire Middle East.
Obama is going to kill people in Pakistan, kill people in Afghanistan and kill people in Iran.

When this gets rolling, Gaza and Lebanon are going to die. With the Russians in Syria and how things progress in "someone" setting off some WMD, it is highly probable that Damascus will be vaporized. The Russians and Persians were trying to get Assad to commit suicide as they do not want him as a competitor and it is certain the Rothschilds do not want Syrian aggression in their greater Ashkenaz state.
The nuclear pollution of the Middle East has been a protocol for various sides in order to get America out. As was pointed out here in the Caspian Gambit of Zbigniew Brzezinski, it is designed to keep the Russian 2nd Spear occupied so it will not attack Brzezinski's beloved Poland.
As a warning though, Russia in her vital interests if this gets to the progression it can is going to gobble up a great deal of US weaponry and stores stationed in the Middle East. While making the US look very Obama weak, it also exposes an entire Russian division to certain death from advanced firepower as there is nowhere to hide in the flat desert.

This is the reason George Mitchell is bouncing about the Middle East and why Obama, Biden and Clinton are acting like thumpers in bashing Bush policy, as they have a very low key Rockefeller backing for what the Europeans are initiating.

It is difficult to believe that someone who looks like they were hatched out of an egg in Peter Beinart is the privy master of the supermen. But then, there is David Axelrod, looking like Hitler being outed in body language on Charlie Rose telling the world "they" do not want a continued state of Israel.

This is an entire power move to install the Ashkenaz elite as soul and sole possessors of the Jerusalem. It appears a 100% probability allot of megatons of weaponry are about to be unleashed. Mid spring appears the window. This would give the Persians time to retaliate in a New York vaporization, whereby Birdie could plutonium dust clouds deal with Iran, Afghanistan and the Pashtun on a southwest wind day, so the other objective of disrupting communist China could fulfill another Brzezinski player on the board.
That would make a nice September treaty of peace available, but as Birdie was making Muslims glow and being a pest to Asia, perhaps a new superman in Europe bringing peace who does not have a monkey in his pants would bring about a 7 year treaty to cool things off.

Netanyahu appears to have close victory. As he is a trigger puller, that is all that will be required in a skirmish.
Logic would dictate that in all of these explosive things flying about that one will knock a hole in the Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount, so a new international temple of peace will be constructed. The religious Jews seem to have all the stone cuts and the service ware, so could assemble it in months.
I doubt they will ever get to be in the place for long though as the Europeans have other plans.

That though is another drama, but the children of the darkness are back and could care less about Russia, North Korea, China or even America. Jerusalem is the focus with that sub continent nation structure of the Himalayas.

I don't suppose anyone noticed both places were where the ancient Aryan, Israelites and Judeaens once trod.

The convert pretenders apparently want squatter's rights in desiring the land for themselves, just like Obama wants his war too to prove he is a big boy now not wearing short pants and a cowboy patrician like George W. Bush.

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