for we have seen His star in the east...............
There are certain signs, certain wonders and certain absolutes which IF this is the year which will start the last week before Christ's return which must come into being.
We know there is an absolute that a false peace treaty which is for 7 years will be signed initiated by a great coming European leader of the world.
For this to occur, it means that Barack Obama must have failure, humiliation and utter ruin to himself and to America. Then a new leader will arise to give the people the leadership and peace which they will be terrified for and do anything for.
Terrified, because it is a "peace treaty". One can not have a peace treaty unless there is a war which is large enough, scary enough and weapons of mass destructive enough which logically the United States and certain Middle Nations are involved in that the only "honest broker" will be a European to supplant America.
Logic would dictate this would be in Europe's interest as poisonous things on their borders are not a wanted thing for Europe filled with Muslim rioters.
In Europe taking control, it would mean a void would occur in the Middle East with America withdrawn.
Certain nations as Egypt on the west would seek to fill this void with Libya. These nations are named in Old Testament Scripture pushing at the Europeans. The Europeans in their interests and the Ashkenaz "Jews" who want Jerusalem seek for this domination by them over the Holy City.
In the war which defines the peace treaty, it would be of logic that something destroys the Dome of the Rock or causes such a move in the treaty that the 3rd Temple of Ezekiel is built. We know this has to be built, because it is mentioned in Revelation.
The Temple must be built under Jewish auspices, but logic would conclude that Temple would be built as a modern International Peace Temple which Jews would consider their own, but Scripture states it is made desolate by the abomination, that is sacrificing to demons as Antiochos Epiphanese did in slaughtering swine on the altar.
Antiochos Epiphanese is the prototype of the anti christ. He too was of Greek origin. Greece is noted in Scripture in one verse. While not of Scriptural note, there is a Jewish scribe tradition that the anti christ would come from Dan.
Dan after the exile actually lived in parts of Greece before ending up in Denmark or Danmark, Mark of Dan. It is concluded that many of the advances and learning attributed to the Greeks are actually in great part due to Israelite knowledge and the brilliance given Solomon by God.
Magnify the mania of Barack Obama and couch it in the arrogance of Napoleon Europe with the drive of Hitler and this will be the anti christ of Antiochos Epiphanese who will bribe, change customs and set the world on a new course promoting an entity his people did not know.
This time cycle IF it is based in this year should in logic promote a war which in logic Barack Obama is having staged to "George Bush" himself as a world leader of a new order. Logic would state the problems with his Marxist legislation will require a first part of the year aggression against what appears the named culprit of Persia.
While not Scriptural, there is a oracle from a seer of this Balkan area into the Prussians which notes a vaporization of New York City. This would be logical in an escalation.
Logic would note that Barack Obama as a Saul the people desired will have the sins of America placed on his tenure for judgment. So humiliated and defeated, it will allow the anti christ to appear to "save the day" or install the order which was planned from the start.
Barack Obama is not as intelligent as he thinks nor are his handlers. They have no idea he was set up to fall, so a new order would come to fruition in Europe as has always been intended.
Scripture speaks of the Philistine region in ruins and that Damascus would be a heap. In deduction with Libya thrusting at Europe in a future phase and Libya and Egypt of North Africa being conquered by Europe as was in World War II in the last rising the beast, it is a conclusion that the reason a military might not invade through the land bridge of Turkey is that the land bridge by Damascus is radioactive.
It could be that a direct invasion via Tripoli is more accessible via the sea and that Egypt comes to Libya's aid, but the point is an absolute that Damascus is a ruin and Turkey is not the chosen invasion route to get Jerusalem, but instead North Africa is.
The anti christ as Antiochos Epiphanese will be European with a vesture of Middle East. Logic would dictate for many religions to be swayed by him, that he must be a person of diverse heritage and appeal of religion.
Once again, instead of a white Arab with dark skin in Barack Obama, it would be a white Arabic cast with tan skin in a coming anti christ, a Rick Warren union of Talmudism, Islamism, Catholicism and Christian mingling.
If one takes hanuman in Barack Obama's pants, put it as satan, upgrades to the European overlord in the anti christ from Mr. Obama and removes Rick Warren in his role for a false prophet, in all doing miracles, one has the anti tri union which in this strangeness of satanic manipulation is spawned from the strength of God's chosen people in Joseph Israelites whose blessing and birthright with sceptre rests upon them in America and northwestern Europe and places it upon the not chosen spiritual children of the same Semitic lines.
satan has taken great lengths to take the Holy Mountain, get himself a temple, set up a anti God and anti christ mirror of God's plan. The mould being everything God did and the transference to a negative energy persona.
The implications on what this reveals concerning God mathematics is profound and intriguing on the scientific level as it is an opening of the book of knowledge concerning the physical properties and restraints of the spiritual along with the necessary frequencies of the sacred geometry.
That though is for future pondering if so inspired.
The 7 year cycle of the final week will initiate on the false peace treaty. This is an absolute marked date. Discernment dictates it will occur in autumn for Scripture reveals that Christ returns at the last trumpet. This being code for the Feast of Trumpets or Boothes, the indwelling of God with us. Emanuel.
This is the harvest of the physical in teaching and the harvest of the Spiritual in reality. It is an absolute that Christ returns on the last advent of the major Holy Days as He has fulfilled as the Holy Spirit the first two.
That certain clock means 7 years previous the false treaty must be signed, signed in the autumn of some year. The day and the hour no man might know, but it is certain the year and the season is an absolute. While it will not be revealed here, it is logical that discernment based upon Atonement and the Blessed Day for those who witness it, that the day is a certain to be known based on the 1335 days which is when Christ rededicates the purified Temple in Jerusalem
One also discerns the date of the abomination in the Temple takes place at three and one half years into the 7 year treaty in the Easter period.
This is a most fascinating study as the silent period of Prophecy begins to transfigure to the vocal period of Prophecy.
It is enough though to ponder for today as that which was hidden which American Christians if they had known would have interfered with in prayers, is about to reveal itself further as this season progresses.
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