Monday, February 23, 2009

A Michelle Malkin Sip

Since CNBC host Rick Santelli's expressive verbiage calling for a Tea Party in the Great Lakes, many frustrated people have once again been herded into acting out without doing a thing, but wasting effort, energy and time.
I sometimes wonder just how deep Michelle Malkin is in the globalist money train as she champions this kind of Super Bowl type event where people show up like 3rd world mobs, vent a little and then go home to their Lazy Boy recliner as the Obama express rolls on.

Apparently few people know that the Boston Tea Party was a criminal act. In today's world it would be deemed terrorism. Fewer people realize that tea was as valuable a commodity as gold in that period of pre American history.
Yes there was no America nor United States in the Boston Tea Party. There was only colonies, fragmented, in British subjects, without any rights in parliament in London.

The act of dumping a load of tea in Boston which was British government sponsored tea from the Orient was a cost of a fortune. It was an act of terrorism.

It though did not stop there as Americans in mass in being moved for this "tea tax" to dump a fortune of someone's property into the ocean, in Americans not only stopped paying the tax, they stopped buying British tea.

This seems to be lost deliberately by Malkin and her crew of tea party venters. Unless the people protesting Obama's money being dumped into their states, actually enact a plan which penalizes politicians and all businesses which receive that money, then all they have done is piss to the wind and call it perfume.
I will give the well meaning some leeway. I will give Ms. Malkin who knows a great deal more as one will remember she was the one immediately discounting the girl in Pennsylvania who was beat up by an Obama supporter, as she knows this operation of "tea parties" in people protesting and not doing a absolutely not accomplishing a thing.

I have promoted as Opt Out Plan for states to not deal with any federal blackmail money from safety belts being mandatory to employment insurance. One can get into trouble for advocating any acts now as the Boston Tea Party unless one is intelligence asset Bill Ayers, so that is not even suggested in starting any events such as that.
There are though protests including finding banks which the states will be funnelling money through and target those banks, along with any that will be cashing state checks or road construction checks.

Banks feeling that kind of heat will refuse state accounts which means the politicians will have to deal with a growing problem.

This is about money. Let it be known any banks and companies taking this money will be protested against peacefully with people pulling their money out of them and counties having people marching on highways with construction projects and the money will not look so attractive.

That is how one peacefully protests with a brain, using logic to actually accomplish something by denying profits to be initiated and costing states resources to deal with legal protest.

Now why the leaders of this in right wing punditry have not explained nor expounded upon this is up to interpretation.

Americans stopped drinking tea and started drinking coffee. This ruined the tea trade and had the effect of so antagonizing the British they beat and murdered Americans, which started a real war.
Put enough pressure on this and Prime Minister Obama will send out his federal agents to inflict Lawrence Sinclair methods on masses of Citizens as he is already gravitating to.

If that is what these people desire as this is not a game, then accomplish something real. Otherwise stay home, drink your Lipton and watch March Madness to blow off some steam as that is what sports are intended for in the American treatment for Obama tension.


PS: I wrote here before that Americans both poor and rich should demand rebates again, even if they do not work, as I counseled poor Americans to go out and purchase firearms with their supposedly coming 400 dollar rebate.
Put the money where the gun industry will prosper and become more powerful, which in turn makes the Second Amendment more enshrined in American thought.

America didn't get invaded because it's Citizens would maul any military enemy. If Americans have even more firearms, then the federal government is not going to be sending in Kent State troops to maul it's armed Citizens.

Start a real welfare program in cheap guns and cheap ammunition in this America Tea Party. Accomplish a peaceful means to establish a just end.