Monday, March 23, 2009

Please stay on the line as the operator is busy

Imagine if you called 911 on January 20th, after you had phoned into the emergency service the year before, telling them you would be calling on January 20th for help, and, instead when you got a hold of someone they said it would cost you 1 trillion dollars for the ambulance to come on top of the 1 trillion dollars you prepaid the year before.

So you pay the 1 trillion, and wait.............and becomes a week, it becomes two weeks, it becomes a becomes 2 months, and finally on the radio you hear a message to you, that, "Help is coming, but it is going to cost you 1 trillion more dollars."

Just imagine that if you called your doctor and he behaved that way. Imagine when you finally made it to the economic emergency ward and you found out in the preceding two months your physician was:

Not hiring anyone at the hospital to help you when he fired everyone from the previous administration.

Was taking time out for weekly parties for Stevie Wonder or the Super Bowl.

Was off rescuing sexual perverts in transvestites.

Was off pressing issues for aborticide as more important than what you were already 2 trillion more dollars in debt.

Was writing letters to his new friends the terrorists in Persian, Lebanon and Gaza with giving free plane rides to Syrians.

Was slapping around your best friends in England, France and Israel.

While you sat there expecting something to be done, as half your investments were stolen from you, the country which was starting to recover was being strangled deliberately by this physicians actions and he finally gets around after 2 months in a disaster he helped create to tell you, "Oh by the way it will cost you a trillion dollars more, but be patient and please wait until I get around to you".

If Barack Obama and Timothy Geithner were medical doctors treating patients the way they just did America, they would be indicted on homicide charges as the people would have been dying in mass.
What Obama and Geithner are though are much worse than some Mengele doing experiments on Jews, Obama and Geithner are economic terrorists sabotaging the United States economy. They have committed crimes against humanity and should be charged as such with that absolute maniac Eric Holder removed from office in his not upholding the law, but instead putting forth a policy to make American citizens of Gitmo terrorists.

All of this gets even better as America was sitting around waiting for someone to stop strangling the economy in Obama after his love letter to the Russians met with commie Gorbachev in deciding how to deal with Medvedev and Putin.
Goodness people, that is like John Kennedy having a meeting comrade Ho of Vietnam in taking his information in how to fight the Vietnam War.

I mean who in their right mind asks a Russian patriot communist how America should best deal with Russia? What is next, bin Laden meetings in how to deal with al Qaeda?

It has been nothing short of criminal the looting of the United States treasury and for Obama and Geithner to deliberately strangle the US economy further while doing nothing to help America, but instead to harm it.

Imagine FDR after December 7th, 1941 saying, "Well I'll give a speech on Pearl Harbor on February 7th, 1942 to promise something more should be done".

Imagine Dallas, November 22nd, 1963, Lyndon Johnson saying, "Well, just leave Kennedy lay there on the gurney until January 22nd, 1964 and we'll present a bill for his treatment".

Obama Incorporated and Axelrod Inc. are the biggest criminal operation to ever come into being. They have already stolen more wealth out of the world than the world has created in the previous 6000 years.

No more trillion dollars and not one more nickel!

To serve this American nation, I put forth a plan to solve this entire mess. It is simple and it will work.
America needs to produce something which it has a great deal of. That is oil in already capped wells which surpasses the reserves in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Russia combined.
America needs to pump this oil to supply Japan and England, as our trading partners into select western European allies and far east allies.
This will start a balance of trade and end United States debt status and turn America into a lender nation again. Yes people, for those who do not know history. America in the 1950's was the biggest creditor nation in the world and a great deal of that debt was never repaid. America forgave debt.

I have laid out in the Richard Nixon papers a complete foreign policy and touched upon the economic policy which is the fix for all of this. This series of Lame Cherry Doctrines does the one thing which these criminals do not try and that is these doctrines do not cost the taxpayer one cent.
These doctrines are self funded as I have laid out in detail.

For your sake as a people America, scream NO MORE! This is criminal in what Obama and Geithner are doing and they should be in prison as their new trillion dollar plan only rewards the same financiers who already have the trillions they stole out of the markets which set this off, the trillion dollar bailout, the trillion dollar stimulus and now Obama is taking a trillion more of your money and giving it to his benefactors.

Do not believe for a second that the Stock Market is now rallying to this as I will bet that Geithner deliberately infused a trillion dollars into the market in buy options to make this all look Obama good.
That is criminal manipulation of the Stock Market!

Obama is designing this for his European axis friends for the sole purpose of trading in the US dollar as the reserve currency to be led by the Euro and assassin currencies as back ups. This will mean the United States standard of living will fall. Check out how many mansions were in England when their currency was the reserve.
Check out now the slum hole London is in that 2nd world state they exist in after the pound was replaced by the dollar.

That is what is coming for you America. You will not when Obama is done have a standard of living. You Americans will have a standard of existence.


Obama steals another trillion

Obama's communist adviser
