Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sucking even the squeal from the Tit

There used to be a saying that, "They used everything but the squeal from the pig", when frugal people butchered hogs. That kind of Yankee thrift is what made America a waste not want not nation.

In this Obama age of voters though, America has passed into a situation which Abraham Lincoln once stated upon being elected to office in throngs of people all wanting a hand out from him in, "Too many pigs for the tits", he quipped.

Within the past week, I happened upon the bastardized show now called The Victory Garden which used to be Crocker's Victory Garden.

Mr. Crocker when he starred on the program, which if it is to believed was created alone by Russell Morash, puttered around on no budget, in a little rocky plot by WGBH Boston, in the cold and miserable cramped quarters he was allotted.
From this wonderful program like Bob Vilia on This Old House, Russell Morash made a fortune in dumping the original formats and stars for what looks like in most cases a gay pride program in grown men running around in short pants, red hair and pasty white thighs.

Granted Morash has now gone Rupert Murdoch in having those Brits and Oz twerps scattered about on every program so you can market it overseas for even larger revenues which is all fine, but what really burns me up is what I know is going on with the Morash sucking the squeal from the tit.

See Morash is married to Marian, a rather frumpy, overbearing frumper who horned her way into Crocker's Victory Garden and being a self taught cook, who made horrid recipes on the program became, "Chef Marian".

I will explain something as Public Television run by the Rockefeller syndicate and all things Smiley and Moyers liberal begs all Americans for even more donations than the money taxpayers are screwed out of in funding public television, the cold facts of life.

If you have a frumper wife, you can put her onto a television program where she can then market a book which is probably published by your own little Morash syndicate. You can in effect milk the entire United States into funding your little marketing scheme and it is all legal and so holy as it is on Public Television.

The part in this which makes see red in fury is last week I beheld frumpy Marian, not in Boston, not in America, but overseas waddling around. She was not cooking. She was not doing a fricking thing except watching other people work as the cameras rolled for the Victory Garden.

If this seems petty of me, wait until I explain this little scheme of what was really happening. See there are things for corporations and production companies called tax write offs in business expenses.
Those expenses are designed to assist businesses in expanding their business overseas. What Morash is up to though is the thing which got North Dakota Blue Cross and Blue Shield's director fired a month ago and has everyone screaming about the AIG bonuses, as the Morash's hop on plane to a place they want to go on vacation.
They then spend weeks or a month there living high on the hog. They though bring a few cameras along, a few "production" assistants like that child molester Jeff Smith used to have the light loafered "Craig" bouncing around on trips overseas as this frumper wife stayed home with the boys, and the production crew does the work and the Morash tit suckers have a nice vacation.
A nice expensive vacation paid for by taxpayers, because they are writing off the entire trip for production purposes as it is part of their "business".

This is what Morash is all about it appears as Norm Abrams traipses around the globe for "projects" that by miracle someone like Roy Underhill at the Woodwrights Workshop can find within a few miles of his production facility.
One PBS operator is jigging the system for free trips which should be honestly taxed as income like Tom Daschle's chauffeur and car, while someone like Roy Underhill is so honest apparently he is going to die a poor man, but his children are going to get a pile of wonderful old tools.

I could care less what the Morash tit suckers were up to, if it was not them begging for money from PBS viewers who are already paying for everything from Congressional dollars and if the Morash frumpers were not using PBS as prize hog to feed off of in hiding tens of thousands of dollars in vacations in production deductions.

With Crocker's Victory Garden you could learn something in watching the old man start his tomatoe seedlings, but with this Morash tit sucker programs all you get is foreigners buying piss pots (yes that is what one program was in making planters out of piss pots) and apparently frumper Marian on vacation sucking off the the American taxpayer.

PBS is never going to do any accounting on this no more than Congress is ever going to hold Obama Geithner accountable for their shady business practices on business.

I just want to know though as when it is horrid thing to howl about in AIG or any of these other financial institutions to pull what they are pulling, why is it not worthy of Congressional hearings, IRS audits and some new Congressional oversight of PBS in just how some people are sucking evn the squeal from the hog's tit that Americans paid for already and are living Morash high on the porker.

The propaganda tells the world out of Boston how wonderful the Morash and Morash syndicate is, but in television viewing the programs suck in teaching anything now and by all appearances the Morash's have been milking the public system and owe the IRS a hefty sum for all of these bogus cook books from a self proclaimed chef who is not a chef and for these vacations overseas which Americans are paying for.

Who wouldn't like a free trip to Italy, if all you had to do was take along a video camera, sit and talk to some old dufus for 15 minutes and then spend the rest of the month living at taxpayer expense.

Who is going to audit PBS, the Obama voting block?

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