Thursday, April 23, 2009

Odd Obama Out

In most cases, I could care less what words the media is printing or a political whore like B. H. Obama is reciting off a teleprompter, because they mean absolutely nothing from a liar.

It is the old joke of, "How do you tell when Obama is lying?

His lips are moving.

That is why the above photo is interesting as it divides along sex lines and what that sex is saying.

Most people will look to Obama, leaning forward, hands extended in his earnestness. They will not see a person in posturing like this showing he knows he has lost, that people are not following him and he is begging for people, starting in the press for them to join with him.
This exhibits a compulsive need relating from his early abandonment by his parents to "be a President of some nation" just to belong.

Obama is still this 10 year old as this blog alone has outed. His current display is one of begging people to go along with him.
This brings up the absolute that the Obama polls are showing something completely different from the much touted 60% popularity and Americans loving him.

Zogby being silent is a sign something is running in an undercurrent in these liberal pollsters and it is not breaking toward Obama.

I will dispense first with the two males in the photo above in both are leaning into Obama which is interesting, as they are drawn to him, but it is not in the way which is positive.
If you behold Gates and the unidentified maniac to Obama's right, both are expressing boredom and an expression of unbelief.
It appears the males are leaning into Obama, because they know he is a failure and are doing what they can to "buck him up".
This is not the posture of a winner, but males around him in body language revealing Obama is incapable in their innate judgment to lead.
It is amusing as both the males look like they have just sat through 8 hours at the in laws and have found out family movies are how the day bottoms out.

The women are interesting in their bodies are leaning away from Obama in not wanting him. There is a repulsion from them toward Obama, but in a strangeness in Mrs. Clinton and the black woman seated behind, both their top buttons are in the opening state.
Women who do not want Obama, but are Joy Behar cleavage trollers for attention.
Some guys really get the look but don't touch.

There is not enough to profile the 3rd woman hidden, except she is leaning away from Obama too. 3 women can not be wrong.

Mrs. Clinton is typical in her wearing her thoughts on her sleeve. Her thoughts are a mix of the moment in, "I can't believe this guy is Prime Minister. This guy is an idiot. I really hate this situation".
Her head is cocked, Her lips pursed and her focus is on the power, as, she glares off to the right coolly putting up with the abysmal situation she is in.

Her expression is that of someone who does not want to face their situation and telegraphing that she does not believe the load of crap Obama is unloading and is wondering if the media will.

Profiles like this reveal a fantastic reality of what is really going on in the Obama White House. It backs the "me thinks they do protest too much" in the exclamations of Obama being the greatest guy in the White House ever to the acclamations of all those Larry King types kicking around Gov. Palin while doing all they can to Charlie Gibson prop up Obama.
What that means is the Obama supporters angst is the knowing he is incapable and they rush to prop him up and they believe if they repeat the lie enough of his capabilities it might come true. It at least soothes their savage breast.

The Obama White House has sex pot women on cleavage patrol which is unprofessional and ties into the leering of Obama and grabbing of female Soldiers in an unwritten undercurrent is setting stage in the Obama House.
These women do not want anything to do with Obama as they are repulsed by him on a personal level, and yet they serve him for their advancement.

The males have no belief in this Obama. Obama bores them and they have a natural reaction to prop up a lesser male so they do not end up going down too.

As always, the French CIA, Mosaad, Russian FSB, Chinese PLA and a host of other profilers have seen this and are setting about to exploit the fissures in the Obama administration to their advantage.

Nothing is worse in this world than to have your cabinet and staff in a photo showing to the person they have all judged Barack Hussein Obama a complete failure.

Photos do not lie, because body language and expression can not lie when captured.

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