Sunday, July 5, 2009

O'my O'blackified O'insanity

Like most of the unsilent majority watching print ads, television or internet, you and I have noticed the deluge of white and black couples having sex, the deluge of black people standing around as models who can not model or actors who can not act, as the advertising agencies go mania nuts in thinking just because tan got into the White House, that it will sell to the public.

It has all just gotten too much as I picked the teeth whitening ad which all have seen on the internet to expound upon the debate of, is this racism, nutism or just "If a little black pepper makes the beef taste good, let's put in a ton as that will really be good".

It is almost as a designer blackness fetish has swept the closet jungle fever types. I have warned of this as it will become a blacklash in time as even the most popular of people in America become sport in tearing them down.
I do have concern that the nuts which travel with Obama are going to so make the entire world filled with revulsion for not only black people, but all minorities, and worse yet the real American image that worldwide racism is going to be sport in a few years as people will reject it all based on the idoitry worshipping Barack Hussein Obama.

To point this out, I photoshopped a few different people to just show how idiotic this is for an ad campaign, as blacks in Africa or the West Indies are not going to buy this product and blacks in America a niche market which is shrinking with hispanics increasing daily.

Behold Tavis Smiley, who is a very handsome man. He looks horrid with those teeth which are crooked and that purple mouth which is supposed to be the personification of blackness.
This is what I was stating about the pepper, these people are either deliberately being racists in putting up Conan O'Brien freak photos or are so out of their minds that they actually think since a little tan is good, then a load of black is spectacular.
The problem is in nature, black on white skins, brown skin, tan skin and yes even black skin means a diseases when it is so black it is purple.

Michelle Malkin is here as there just are not any liberal Asians of any substance in the Democratic Party. Yeah I know the Hawaiians in Congress are there, but the Polynesians are not the Asians, even if liberals think they all look alike and sound alike in immediately taking the bait in this wondering about Michelle Malkin being the face of Asians.
No explanation on how purple lips look on this pretty gal.

Then we have Russell the anarchist Means, who is like the current crop of black actors in he can not act, and is just hired, because Hollywood thinks all them Indians look the same.
Somehow he looks like a Batman character with purple lips. Perhaps it will be a new role for him.

Lastly, the only person who really looks better with these purple lips is David pedophile jokester Letterman, which goes a long way to saying how ugly this political rapist is inside and out.
It makes one wonder if Peggy Noonan, Noel Sheppard and Chris Wallace would all look better with the purple butt lips they have been kissing Obama with in private.

The problem is though, for the Republican traitors and David Letterman, there just is not a market for these ugly black teeth, gums and lips. Tavis Smiley is not going to sign onto being blackified no more than Colin Powell, as these handsome people do not want to look ugly any more than if Maureen Dowd was in the White House and white folks all went out and had those anemic lips pasted on their faces.
Heck, they would all be rounded up in the emergency ward and checked for internal bleeding as Dowd's lips are so vampire like.

So this blog records another strange Age of the Obama event. First they were picturing him as a primate until exposed exclusively here, and now after having this purple being marketed as the new black, it must too be exposed as I have yet to see any black people with purple complexions.

The bigger question in this is once more again, why is a Conservative journalist the only one who is standing up for black people and Charlie Rose, Katie Couric, Tavis Smiley and Barack Obama, who all have computers and see these same ads are silent about this horrific treatment of black people which is designed to create a blacklash against blacks worldwide.

These are deliberate acts costing millions of dollars to put this persona before the world in order to sway their opinion in making black people ugly. It is past time the NAACP stands up and makes an issue as Al Sharpton is too busy bowing his groin into young black girls on the dance floor while honoring the memory of pervert Michael Jackson.

What does it all mean? Ponder it for awhile.
