"Reports" have leaked that calm seas will see influx of those naughty pirates that Citizen Kenya was trying so hard not to get killed last year while he was trying hard to get American seamen killed instead as hostages.
Any reports of a problem that does not exist, means one is being staged or allowed to progress for further action.
I would ask, why do you think William Jefferson Blythe Clinton showed up in North Korea? It wasn't about releasing those two female propagandists held there, it was about throwing Kim Jong Il a bone to make him smile, to take the nuclear Kim off the books as Citizen Kenya and Citizen Brzezinski do not need a Korean War, because they have other wars to initiate and deal with.
Study the nations which Hillary Clinton is visiting.
Are they the powerhouse of Egypt? Nope.
How about any of the important oil producing North African or military allies? Nope.
Instead Hillary Clinton is on a Susan Rice mission as was outlined here for the colonialization of African so Obama benefactors can better economically rape the African continent of wealth.
I noted here by God's Grace that Kenya was the logical key in food production. That is where Mrs. Clinton has gone. She is fixed upon Somalia which is the horn of Africa to control shipping and a jump off point into Eurasia..........especially important if the Middle East gets nuclear pollution from an Obama War he is forcing the Judeaens into.
What other nations are important in this?
South Africa for mineral wealth and the control of the southern shipping lanes. Angola, of the communist venture of the 1970's with Cuban fighters is a western staging area. The Congo is the literal mineral wealth gem of Africa these cartels of Obama have been leveraging to get their hands on.
Cape Verde, sounds like a place jutting into the ocean outside of Africa and it is toward America. Wonderful transshipping point away from the mainland in preparation for battles. The Guam of World War II in Asia.
Liberia, basically the American African state and home to America's first real black African President in Joseph Jenkins Roberts.
Liberia was the trading hub of African blood diamonds, and perhaps it might be the transshipping point for Obama South American narco communists shipping coke into Africa for distribution into Europe through the Balkans.
Lastly is Nigeria, the coastal powerhouse in finance and population bordering into Chad and what this is all about in securing the oil wealth of central Africa in Sudan which has those pesky Chinese communists operating there.
What Hillary Clinton is doing in Africa is tidying up the chessboard in getting the major vassal states on board, so the cartels can retake Africa in a new colonialism in driving out the Chicoms.
Africa is not about Barack Obama's birth certificate. Africa is about Obama's BIRTHRIGHT to rapine central and southern Africa for his benefactors.
I addressed all of this months ago, but now remind readers again what has been planned and why. People must remember that Hillary Clinton works for the same people Barack Obama bows to. She does not work for Citizen Kenya. She works for the cartel and has her entire adult existence.
Bill Clinton as the unhappy camper being stuck tidying up North Korea is but the double Clinton whammy from the cartel in Hillary is starting the prepositioning phase in Africa for what looks like a suspected nuclear exchange in the Middle East.
Equatorial Africa south then becomes the major field of pawns to control.
I detest these Obama policies which use humans as fodder and slaves. People deserve better than being radioactive or chained while cartels enrich themselves further. There is enough to go around and peace could prosper if this Axelrod Inc. wasn't busy fomenting war.
As final proof, the American embassy in Kenya was "threatening" the Kenyan government in this little gem released by Obama's people before Hamrod touched down in Nairobi:
"We will take the necessary steps to hold accountable those who do not support the reform agenda or who support violence."
Gee last year it was Cousin Odinga threatening Robert Mugabe of Rhodesia with invasion (Kenya couldn't invade a suppository up a rectum, so it was noted here that the invasion forces would be American..........amazingly Mugabe started enough reforms to pacify the cartels and there that thug sits yet.) and now Obama is threatening Kenya with "necessary steps".
Sounds a great deal like Cousin Odinga is going to get to the lone leader of Kenya doesn't it as the other bad terrorists are dealt with as good terrorist Cousin Odinga is placed in complete control.
Hmmmm wasn't there some story about that predicting all of this in Obama had promised Kenya to his commie cousin?
See don't get caught up in Obama being a citizen of Kenya as that is something everyone knows including Hillary Clinton. Obama is just a whore for the cartel and he for Africa their pimp in making that entire continent a brothel for rapine.
That should probably clear things up as Joker Obama makes another appearance as Citizen Kenya...........same bat time, same bat station, same bat channel.
agtG 236
The Hamite Spoils