The latest example was the 15 day Obama mama nonsense which I'm starting to wonder if Mr. Corsi is suffering from early dementia, but then as Bob Unruh and Joseph Farah allowed it to be posted, they must be in need of the high intensity light helmut too which was developed in London to battle dementia.
Mr. Corsi's main point is on work which was detailed by others and gathered here in being put into a sequence form. He concludes somehow that Stanley Ann Obama 15 days after her supposed birth of Barry O, could not have gotten to Washington to enroll for college.
Mr. Corsi's base of all of this is pure ignorance in he somehow concludes there were only prop driven planes which people were flying around in.
I guess this blog is going to have to assist Jerome Corsi and Joseph Farah in a little history starting with, "Gee what kind of plane did John Kennedy fly to Dallas and Lyndon Johnson take the oath of office in?"
It was called a jet airplane, which could fly over oceans as the Kennedys were in Paris as we have been reminded of in the Obamas.
These jets were based upon the early military transports which in the mid 1950's became known as they are now, the Boeing 707. They were marvelously fast jets flying at 54o knots with the big Pratt and Whitney engines.
Some people might remember in the late 1960's how they were breaking the sound barrier terrifying children and animals across flyover country.
Richard Nixon flew on a 707 even. They were very nice planes to handle, but if I recall right in piloting them, the early versions had a com control feature in the wiring which was a big oval or egg shape between the pilot and co pilot that had a seam on top.
This might not seem like a big deal, but that seam killed a plane load of people in the 60's before they figured out what the devil was wrong.
See a stewardess being the nice person she was had gotten coffee for the Captain and sat it on the com junction box. For some reason the engine went out (they have 4 like the 747) and the plane lurched and all the engines went down and they couldn't reignite the burners so the plane crashed.
The industry and government couldn't figure out the problem, so they finally got the stewardess on board, load it with bags of sand and recreated the flight.
She brought in coffee and sat it down, and in a few minutes they lurched the plane and shut the engines down. The plane started falling and after a minute they tried reigniting the turbines but the engines would engage.
The stewardess was petrified to be going through a plane crash again which she barely survived.
At the last moment, the pilot did get the engines to start. What the FAA found out was the coffee leaked through the seam in the junction box and shorted everything out.
The box or pod was redesigned and no more coffee crashes.
Pan Am was flying 707's before 1960 and American for certain was flying them too. If it wasn't the 707, it was the Douglas DC-8 breaking the sound barrier in the same 4 engine model which was designed for long distance flights over oceans.
Some readers will remember the DC-9 which I was not the most fond of in the 3 engines they had, had an inferior bolt put into them and the engines fell off. Was a nasty crash in Illinois over that.
I was always a Boeing flier and still am. Nothing like a heavy to take a trip on or fly.
In knowing all of that, which one can check and see is published on Mr. Farah's nemesis, Wikipedia, it is beyond reason how Jerome Corsi was taking what other bloggers had scored on months ago, retyping it all and then coming up with some odd story that it would take a plane too long to fly from Hawaii to Washington in the jet age.
He even notes a prop plane could make it in 9 hours, but leaves the impression the airline industry had sails on those planes and it took months to make the voyage.
That is what is starting to look suspect in this in how outlandish World Net Daily has become. Their journalists like Aaron Klein or Jack Cashill hit major dingers out of the park routinely, and then this Farah crew of Chelsea Schilling, Bob Unruh and Jerome Corsi spin these stories which look like red herrings in the most crucial issue of this age in the usurpation of the American government by a foreigner.
15 days from birth to school is not that long of time. A woman from my Church was out picking rock in her fields, laid down at the end of the field, had a baby who is still alive and ancient, and she got up, put the kid in the wagon and finished picking rocks all day.
This nonsense that women can't do things and having babies is some monumental task is something eastern patricians came up with to manipulate men. Indian women worked all the time Hebrew women were the same way. I know American women are just as tough.
Certainly there was the week of taking it easy for women in 1960, but Mr. Corsi needs to understand that except for post birth drainages which they had sanitary pads for in 1961, jumping on a jet, moving into an apartment and attending classes was not picking rock all day for an American woman.
No one though has yet conjectured on World Net Daily as was studied here is the analogy that 38 year old Madelyn Dunham, fertile as a lily in blossom, could have had this child the world over too. That could explain why Stanley Ann or Anna Obama was so perky. She never had the kid and Gramama is Mamama.
Perhaps in 6 months Jerome Corsi will lurch into that exclusive at WND.
Why this all matters is the fact that it takes away from the work which numbers of people have undertaken at their expense. Lawrence Sinclair has his book out now on Amazon for sale. That is a vital glimpse into many facets of Barack Obama that we see today. It in many ways is definitive of many things........but it does not explain one thing I just can not understand with Obama having a butt like a Holstein cow and ears like a chimpanzee, what on earth a handsome man like Donald Young was doing with Obama.
Perhaps in the gay area of Chicago it is like a second day run sale, where you can not be too choosy in what you come home with. You either take the ghetto green shorts or you run around buck neckid.
As stated this matters, as Joseph Farah screws around sitting on stories with America in jeopardy and the world in nuclear jeopardy, he then runs numerous stories quoting people who either got their ideas from this blog or my posts or are following on what occurred here months ago, but ends up adding something bizarre like Jerome Corsi talking about airplane flight like it was in a covered wagon.
That boy is old enough to know better or should have been paying better attention to the jet age to know air travel had shifted fast to 4 engine jets by 1961 with America in the lead.
Why would WND do those things when the stories can be easily checked? That is for people to ponder in this Age of Obama, but things look very fishy over at "none of the above" World Net Daily, just like Newsbusters is fishy in it's patrician hordes there dealing in gossip instead of breaking anything of value.
Oh well, maybe Goober and Gomer will pull up a pop case and offer all of us a root beer soda and we can all discuss how Barney Fife in the White House is doing today.
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