Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Brothers Grimm Tales of the Times

Once upon a time, not so long ago, there lived a not so brave soldier who was so in love with himself that he traded in his uniform for a bed sheet to sell and make his fortune in a strange land.
As he sold and he sold, he became poorer and poorer, but he did have a most beautiful wife and soon enough had a most beautiful daughter who he named Mansname.

I told you it was a strange land.

The little girl though hated being called Mansname and soon enough all the boil and bubble toil and trouble created an immense cyclone which blew the entire family away to a far away island called, Cumon Iwannalayah.

On Cumon Iwannalayah, the beautiful little girl contracted a disease called jungle fever which swept through her body, her mind, her soul, so deeply that the fever made her pregnant by immaculate means and what followed was truly immaculate.
Mansname, who tried changing her name to MaName, MName and other names even had three different last names which were secret and known only to the special few.

As the immaculation continued, Mansname soon gave birth to a most immaculate child who was born not in one place, but three places. The immaculateness continued as the little boy immaculately was really triplets all in one body.
To celebrate the immaculate boy, Mansname named him Lilwhiteblacktanboy.

Lilwhiteblacktanboy was so special that he was so special that no one thought he was special even though he traveled around and around the globe. He traveled so much that Mansname eventually lost him back on Cumon Iwannalayah where Mansname's parent raised Lilwhiteblacktanboy on hot dogs, whiskey, marijuana and rhymes.

One of the rhymes Lilwhiteblacktanboy composed was:

I once had a mom and no dad
That left me feeling quite bad
But then along came Uncle Frank
And with all the booze that I drank
I was feeling all what ole Uncle Frank had

As time went on Lilwhiteblacktanboy was caught up in another cyclone and arrived back in the land of bed sales.
There he tried to fit in, but his size had no fit, but gave him fits so when he fit in his fits he just lost his wits and in the end settled in a land of the east, where he took long walks in the concrete jungle to try and find hisself.

One day while walking he saw a most amazing thing, because it was amazing, but he was sad and still feeling bad about the feeling Uncle Frank had, when Lilwhiteblacktanboy saw a monkey swinging from a long vine.

Lilwhiteblacktanboy called to the monkey, "Oh monkey I see, come to me, monkey, monkey, come to me".

But the monkey just ignored him.

Finally Lilwhiteblacktan boy sat down and cried.

The monkey seeing Lilwhiteblacktanboy crying, stopped swinging and came and sat beside him and said, "Lilwhiteblacktanboy, if you stop crying, I will grant you 3 wishes".

Lilwhiteblacktanboy stopped crying and cried out, "I want to be President!"

The monkey said, "You are a President!"

Lilwhiteblacktanboy said, "I don't feel like no President. I feel just like Lilwhiteblacktanboy".

"OK", said the monkey, "I will give you a special secret name which will make people love you and vote for you. Your name is Bi Rock".

"Wow," said Lilwhiteblacktanboy, "Birock, I feel like a President already!"

"Just be careful though," the monkey said, "The more you use it the more it's magic wears out".

"Oh my!", said Birock, "What are you doing in my pants pocket!"

A muffled voice answered, "You got two more wishes and whenever you want to use them, just rub on me and I will grant you your wish".

Not long afterward, Birock was traveling by a blonde compass through the city, but the compass got tired of showing him the way uptown and simply got up and walked off to a place called Neoyork. Birock was crying again and said, "This ain't no fun being lost by my mum or by a compass who loses me."

So sticking his hand in his pocket, Birock rubbed really hard on his magik monkey and said;

Monkey monkey in my pants so tight
Give me my wish on this night
I no longer want to just to date
I want to find a perfect mate
So monkey monkey grant me my wish tonight.

ItalicAnd floofy poofer, puff and smoke, that monkey brought forth a Birock wife with just one stroke.

Birock blinked and winced, because before him appeared a horse.

Birock thought, "I ain't marrying no horse!"

Suddenly Birock's fairy godmother appeared behind the horse and said, "My name is Valdasherie.
This horse isn't a horse at all, but a woman who only looks like a horse. You can ride her anywhere you like and all men will think she is a horse and never run off with her because people drives cars now and all women will not be jealous of her because she looks like a horse, but they will put pretty blankets on her as people like horses".

Birock frowned and smiled at the same time, but still felt a horse faced wife was not a very good wish.

So he pulled his magik monkey out and said, "Look here mate, I asked for a wife and you give me a ho that looks like a horse".

"Hey man," the monkey replied, "You remember you are a triplet dude, and while you was rubbing me wanting a hot chic, one of you was rubbing me thinking about a gay guy named Larry something and one of you was thinking about a goat. Just be happy you got as good a deal as I got you with all that weird science you got going on."

Birock was feeling really stupid about then and started rubbing on his monkey again in his pants, and blurted out, "Make me brilliant so I always say the right thing".

And with that, floofy poofer, flat bright sheen, there appeared a television screen.

Birock thought, "Man that don't look like no brain to me!"

The monkey mumbled from this pants, "Dude that is a teleprompter and with that you won't need to think as that will do the thinking for you. People will love you even more as you will tell them all they want to hear".

So Birock loaded up the screen on his wife who he decided to call, Mrs. Every Delight or Mrs. Ed for short, and away they went to a far away land which was the triplet of Sodom and Gomorrah or Sheekhago for short.
.........and sure enough, Birock was loved by all the people under his monkey spell and in no time at all he became President of a country he wasn't even a citizen of.

This is the part where the tales which are grim end happily ever after, but the problem is in the reverse mirror image world of modern quantum physics, that wishes when used up must come down and that which ends happily ever after become instead a grim end.

For you see, that when the 3 wishes ran out, Birock wanted more wishes and kept on rubbing that monkey in his pants often.
He rubbed it day. He rubbed it night. He rubbed it overseas. He rubbed in on vacation. He rubbed it so much that soon enough the hair was all rubbed off.
He rubbed it so often that he killed the little demon and rigor mortis set in, but Birock still continued on rubbing it.

Soon enough with no monkey to make people adore him, Birock had more and more people not loving him. His horse even changed her named to Mrs. Erectile Dysfunction. Then came the worst of it, as his talking brain even didn't sound intelligent to the people any longer.

The moral of the story thus concludes, When you are a born a triplet, there are never enough wishes in three wishes to satisfy the three people trapped inside pulling on a monkey that was best left swinging in your pants where you found him.
