Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Secular Sins of Eric Holder

With Eric Holder now sanctioned the use of government funds to be allocated to the pedophile human racketeering group of Obama, known as, ACORN, it is past time that a criminal investigation be initiated into the Attorney General for his continuous RIKO Act violations.

The list of Eric Holder's criminal conspiracy are manifold.

Mr. Holder while working in the Clinton Administration obtained pardons for terrorists from FALN.

Mr. Holder, while the US government was actively pursuing international money launderer, Marc Rich, subverted justice and obtained a pardon for him.

In the 2008 elections, black thugs in Pennsylvania assaulted American voters to intimidate them for Barack Hussein Obama. Eric Holder as Attorney General closed the case down as he could not find any crime involved in assaulting American voters.

"Someone" in the Justice Department warned the Obama group while they were still not in the White House, that Justice was running a sting on Gov. Rod Blagojevich.
Mr. Blagojevich was selling a US Senate seat to the highest bidder. Three of the bidders involved in this were Barack Obama, Rahm Emmanuel and Valerie Jarrett.
As of this date, only Mr. Blagojevich has been indicted by Patrick Fitzgerald, but Mr. Fitzgerald did not file charges against Obama, Emmanuel or Jarrett for the very same crimes.

Instead, Eric Holder and Barack Obama, after achieving office, appointed Patrick Fitzgerald as head of the United States Attorneys which is a clear pay and play payoff to Mr. Fitzgerald for not proceeding with indictments on the Obama group.

Mr. Holder has chosen to speak to and associate with the radical Muslim group CAIR, which FBI has disassociated itself with and members of Congress have called for an end to association with it.
The FBI is now subpoenaing evidence in the Muslim Mafia case against CAIR, while Mr. Holder remains actively promoting this radical group.

Currently, Mr. Holder has found that ACORN should be funded by the United States taxpayers, after ACORN was indicted in regional offices on criminal charges, was outed as sanctioning human traffic which involved pedophile prostitution, sanctioned tax evasion, has been dumping evidence in California where Calfornia NeoProg A.G. Jerry Brown has refused to investigate ACORN's criminality as much as Mr. Holder.

One of the known criminal acts of Eric Holder in assisting terrorists to international money laundering criminals should have voided his appointment to the Department of Justice. Each of his enabling and assisting criminal acts against voters, using pay and play, associating with Muslim radicals and now ACORN which was outed in employing woman who murdered her husband and threatened to murder other ACORN employees if they did not remain silent, all are aiding and abetting crimes by the Attorney General of these United States.

The matter of Inspector General Gerald Walpin is the cherry on top in his being fired by Barack and Michelle Obama for calling attention to an Obama backer who was using federal money to pay off sexual harassment settlements, has left Eric Holder silent, with no investigation into the Obama's or the massive money fraud occurring in the Obama group.
Kal Penn can manipulate the artistic world in clear violations of White House authority in NEA meetings, but Mr. Holder observes no crimes there either as he enables Obama crimes along.

In that, Congress should demand that Eric Holder resign immediately, and, the FBI should start immediate evidence gathering in the criminal conspiracy of Eric Holder.
Mr. Holder invests his time in only indicting Mexican mafia types when they only become proxies to Mr. Obama's "good" terrorist friends in starting California wildfires. Otherwise, Mr. Holder can be found only pursuing criminal charges against the CIA in shattering that institutions ability to protect America from terror attack.

Added to this, Eric Holder has now donned American Constitutional rights to the 9 11 terrorists while he remains silent as Janet Napolitano puts American Christians, Patriots and Veterans on terror watch groups.
Mr. Holder has made terrorists the masters of the very violated New York Citizens of 9 11 and in conducting a trial there has made New York an even greater target for the next series of terrorist attacks.

This is criminal conspiracy against these United States of America, in only what we know has made it to the press. As Mr. Holder has been exposed in covering up, enabling and engaging in these conspiracies, there is reason to conclude if over a half dozen crimes have been made public that another dozen are yet to be discovered smoldering in the cauldron of Eric Holder's files.

For black Americans this is a most vital issue as a tan Barack Hussein Obama has enlisted Eric Holder a "more tan" individual to carry out the worst kind of criminality enforcement thuggery. Mr. Obama has made what all street savvy people know as Eric Holder is his enforcer and provider of bling to cover up their gangs crimes.
Putting the black face upon this type of association with terrorists, voter fraud, pedophilia, prostitution, advocating illegal drugs be made legal, is deliberate by Mr. Obama to conjure up the stereotypes against blacks in that is what that ghetto element can only be expected to carry out.

No black American signed onto this portrayal of their people in Obama or Holder. Blacks while still making excuses in mass, individually are figuring out that Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder have absolutely no connection with black experience and only are connected to the "man" who has been keeping them down their entire generational lives.

Barack Obama has pimped the black neighborhood and Eric Holder is his enforcer, giving all blacks the face of criminality which will in future elections accomplish what the cartels desired in the first place, the never to be seen black face in politics again for a generation.

If black Americans continue supporting these criminals, there is going to be a reality show of not just blacks only being good to sex ugly white chics, but just like all those action programs in blacks are always the criminals, a real American stereotype that blacks can not be trusted in public office as all they do in Jesse Jackson jr. barter for Senate seats or RIKO like Obama and Holder ghetto politics.

The entire stage is set now for the blacklash as this blog predicted would come. All of these crimes have exposed the United States to tampered elections no one trusts and terror attacks.
When the 2010 electoral process occurs and a new American advocacy group comes into power, there will be charges filed against these criminals.
WHEN and it will happen, further terror attacks happen in America, the friends of terrorists in Obama, Napolitano and Holder will be the faces who America will blame.

It will be at that point that the calls for criminal indictments will be the chorus from Americans against Axelrod Inc. and not for retaliation against the terrorists as under George W. Bush.

Either the black community and Democrats rise up now and start demanding accountability, or in election and justice cycles their entire dream of power in government is going to evaporate due to the secular sins of Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder.
