Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You might be an Obamaneck

You might be an Obamaneck if.......

You think Sherlock Holmes is one of Obama's Congressional stimulus districts.

You think "place a check by your candidate" in the voting booth is an Obama donation.

You marry a foreigner, a Marxist, a tan guy, a black guy, a white guy and he is all the same Obama.

You live in a slum Obama built while he sold his mansion and moved out of town.

You have a short form birth certificate like Obama that says "race" and you have listed "marathon".

You have a dream about your dentist in bed with you and roll over and it is Brian Williams flossing Obama.

You think the change you can believe in is Obama selling his million dollar mansion while you fondle the change in your pocket in your slum home.

You get an abortion because all your friends have had three.

You get vaccinated twelve times for H1NI because it makes you feel closer to Obama.

You cut corners by spending a trillion dollars more.

You get confused in thinking hospital care is spelled D E A T H P A N E L.

You hire Nidal Hasan to your Muslim transition team.

Your favorite hunting season is American Soldiers murdered in Afnamistan.

You have good and bad terrorists for friends.

You are the poster boy for "this is your brain on drugs".

You don't need any more black friends as you have one in the White House.

You think the CIA is the enemy.

You think the top terrorists in America are the Holy Bible, Rush Limbaugh and the Swine Flu.

You think that wiping your nose on your sleeve is good medical advice.

You think Michelle Obama is beautiful.

You get a dog from Teddy Kennedy and Obama is the one dry humping your leg.

You mistake Obama's grey hair for a halo.

You mistake Obama's greasy face for enlightened thought.

You think economic policy is selling America to China.

Your favorite Obama song is Sleepin' Double in a Single Bed.

You actually watch and believe the mainstream media news.

You think Keith Olbermann makes allot of sense.

You think it is normal in your dad paid for your African stepmother with 14 cows.

You have terrorists in your family listed by the British Secret Service.

Your mentors are all in the FBI watch list files.

You don't brush your teeth after every meal, but you apologize.

Your nickname is Bowbama not from gay sex.

Your idea of intelligent debate is "I WON".

You take your wife on a first date after 20 years of marriage.

Your peers are 8 year olds.

Your dog from Teddy Kennedy came with a warning label, "No Sex".

You live vicariously through David Letterman child sex impregnation jokes.

You can't leave home without 500 people, ten jets and 71 motorcars.

You think manboobs is sexy.

You appreciate all that Peggy Noonan does for ya.

You have more history on a 4000 year old mummy's birth certificate than your Obama.

Your short form birth certificate reads "Made in China".

Your idea of healthy gardening is growing cabbage in a toxic dump.

You have your wife wear sexy dresses to funerals as you want to show her off.

You teach your kids to stutter because Obama's genius is off the charts smart.

You had a little butterfly tattooed on your wife's ass which is now so large cars mistake it for a STOP sign.

You change your name not by spelling but by the way you pronounce it.

You think you get a Nobel Prize just for showing up.

You watch The View for intellectual content.

You think Levi Johnston is the brilliant answer for Sarah Palin.

You get more aroused over Barack Hussein Obama than Sarah Palin.

You think the Three R's in school were reefers, roaches and errrrr bad drugs man.

You thought Obama should get an Olympic medal for flossing for just showing up in Copenhagen.

You have Bill Ayers on retainer to write your books.

You have Frequent Buyer miles from China.

You fart and think the world is doing to die.

Your enemies list matches the people in the Lamb's Book of Life.

You thought voting for Obama changed you.

and finally.........

You might be an Obamaneck if you think Obama is not on television enough.
