Friday, January 29, 2010

How Far well Obama Go

The play on words in How Far Well Obama Go is deliberate as I wanted to alert people to something that they can perhaps check in their finances and in their elderly relatives.

This blog has noted that massive Obama taxes have been showing up in tire taxes and phone bills, but an elderly relative of mine in the past year has been finding in Wells Fargo banks, the same group of Rockefeller connected gangsters who put Obama into power, have been making some interesting penalties on their accounts.

Twice now this relative of mine has been charged 25 dollars on early withdrawal penalties they had with Wells Fargo. The problem is in both instances they never withdrew anything.
Both times, calls were made and the bank claimed they had no idea why these penalties were being assessed. Both times after being caught on it, the bank returned the funds.

As of today my relative in doing tax information, was checking the interest rates paid, and she found that Wells Fargo had shorted her 71 cents.

This seems like a definite pattern from the Obama folks and while some will say that it does not matter in the change involved, I instead use this analogy.

A few years ago I purchased some things online and noted my credit card was charged a penny over by the company. I was going to leave it go, but something Yankee in me was just galled that day that someone stole a penny from me. So I contacted the company and noted the charge, and noted that if they were doing that to others in thousands of customers that it would start adding up to real money.
The company sent me the penny which I have here in a letter on my desk. It cost them postage, time, envelops for about a dollar I suppose for a penny theft. When I wrote of that, people laughed and cheered me for having that audacity. It still makes me smile.

In Wells Fargo though, the question is are banks now targeting elderly Americans who might not notice charges to there accounts? 25 dollars put in 10 million times is two hundred fifty million dollars, or a quarter of a billion dollars stolen from Americans.
That 71 cents if you magnify that in interest not paid is almost a million dollars being embezzled from Americans.

That all in one penny starts adding up to real money. While I have no other proof in this, as a public service, people should check all their billing and ask their elderly relatives to check the same, as these Obama linked banks I would put nothing past them as Obama rants about "those other bankers" he is using as a scapegoat.

Frankly, it would be a good idea for the GOP to demand an audit of all of these Tim Geithner banks, especially in the interest rates compounded and paid out, because if this happening once, I would conclude it is going on millions of times in the algorithms of automated banking.
Could be the largest Obama money fraud story in modern history, broken here, exclusively, and it all started with 71 cents missing.

I would put nothing past these Organized Obamas of Crime.

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