Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rhino Obama

While the world is focusing on the new gutter book which has Democrat Harry Reid telling Obama he is going nowhere in the Senate and Obama doesn't talk in a negro dialect, unless Obama is scamming the Oprah ghetto green crowd, I noticed something in this book which is even more damning about the Rhino's who voted for Obama, as have been outed on this blog.

I post below the two accounts in public concerning Sarah Palin. One if from Steve Schmidt the head of the McCain camp, who has been outed as Sarah Palin for the stooge he is and the other is from Barack Hussein Obama.

In another section, aides to Republican nominee John McCain described the difficulties they faced with their vice presidential pick, then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Steve Schmidt, a senior member of Sen. John McCain's presidential team, is quoted telling Palin's foreign policy tutors: "You guys have a lot of work to do. She doesn't know anything."

The authors also quote Obama's initial reaction to McCain's selection of a little-known governor: "Wow. Well, I guess she's change."

Ask yourself in assessment how is it that Steve Schmidt smears Sarah Palin, and how is it that Barack Hussein Obama IMMEDIATELY knew who she was on McCain's list of prospects, when Joe Biden had no idea?

Think on that for a bit as I point out that Schmidt is smearing Gov. Palin with the same note that Jeff Rense would take and has been proven wrong, and that Barack Hussein Obama somehow being briefed on Gov. Palin, is in his "change" saying the same thing Schmidt is and the line Rense and the rest of the press would later gang up on and have since been proven wrong.

How is it that Obama is making a talking point, that Steve Schmidt is dispensing, and that same point ends up in the press?

I was convinced in observing the Lawrence Sinclair story that there was a whispering campaign started against him in the media. I know from reactions of certain people in the press that they were part of a feeding off Larry in sharing inside information he was giving, that I believe was ending up in Barack Obama's office within an hour of Mr. Sinclair discussing anything.

I am certain that John Edwards was offered up by Barack Obama to the press to keep them from reporting on his sodomite rendezvous with gay males. I believe that Hillary Clinton to get herself back into power was probably the source of the Edwards love child scandal which destroyed him while his wife battled cancer, because this group did not want to deal with Edwards again.

I have noted that it was my analysis by the numbers of people like Peggy Noonan, Ann Coulter, Noel Sheppard, Shep Smith who were all Obama voter enhancement scheme, that from the way Joseph Farah was turned on and ridiculed over the Birther issue, that this group were acting as proxy agents feeding information coming directly out of the McCain camp from Steve Schmidt and his Rhino agents directly into the Obama campaign.

That is an exclusive in Barack Obama had spies inside the McCain camp and moles who voted for Obama.

Consider that point then if Obama knew every McCain step, and knew who McCain was considering for Vice President (How else would Obama immediately know the profile on Sarah Palin in how Steve Schmidt had her smeared?), that Obama was trounced by McCain in every debate and Sarah Palin wiped the floor with Joe Biden.

Obama had the cheat sheets and the saboteurs inside the McCain camp and he still lost every time they met.

That is the explosive revelation in this book, in that Obama and Steve Schmidt are on the same page, and that the puppy press was immediately smearing Gov. Palin with those same talking points, which then ended up in proxy outlets like Jeff Rense.

These Rhino Republicans with a Capital O for Obama, were seeping out in their mania like Peggy Noonan, some deflected as Obama voters in terming right wing people as deranged as Noel Sheppard did on Newsbusters with Matthew Sheffield, others like Chris Wallace would say McCain won the debates, but it didn't matter. Others like Shep Smith would go insane. Others in Ann Coulter would join Jerry Rivers in smearing the GOP to affect the Obama agenda, and others as the evidence add up, lead by Steve Schmidt appear to be Obama saboteurs working as spies for Obama to get hisself elected.

Besides this being unethical, it is quite criminal in this coup against John McCain. It makes it even worse that McCain's idiot daughter has literally been taking the side of the very Judas corp who betrayed her father, against the Palin supporters.

The day this blog wants to see is the day David Axelrod in a stupor eludes to the spies he had in the Obama camp and how these Rhino traitors were so busy clogging up Obama's mail box with information in how to betray John McCain that the servers almost melted down.

That is the problem with the smart people in they always think themselves too clever to be caught in their deceptions, but never keep their mouths shut. Patrician Steve Schmidt just couldn't resist being part of the political gang rape of Sarah Palin the Conservative and Patrician Barack Obama just couldn't resist a hateful jab in degrading a woman's intelligence, because Steve Schmidt had leaked his smear to Obama weeks before in the McCain choices of Vice President.

The Rhino's for Obama, their treachery is slowing being outed. Let it brand them for the traitorous cowards they are.

agtG 234

Thee Obama Spies in McCain's Camp