Thursday, February 11, 2010

The lesser of Obama evils

Sheik bin Laden's son, made one of the most astute observations concerning his father in, "When you get rid of the Sheik, he was the humane on in the group of terrorists".

Omar bin Laden is absolutely correct about his father, Sheik bin Laden. The Sheik is Yemeni Syrian and mirrors himself after his boyhood idol, Saladin. The Muslim warlord who fought Richard the Lionhearted, used chemical warfare in poisoning water killing the Crusaders and their horses, but in the end gained respect in the west for his chivalry in battle.

I have profiled the Sheik more than anyone in public correctly. He is an Islamic poetic mystic. He is not a thug like Dr. Zawahiri in working through issues of Egyptian abuse in prison nor the killing of his family.
The Sheik was turned by Islamocommunist Zawahiri who works for the Russian FSB and Chinese PLA to attack America.

If the Saudi’s had not laughed at him, if Bill Clinton would have shown him some respect, 9 11 would not have occurred as Ali Mohamed who was an Egyptian intelligence officer who became a Fort Bragg American soldier, trained Sheik bin Laden.

al Qaeda in all forms is being used by the European Axis, Russia, China, Islamocommunists in Iran and even Eric Holder has so many moles in that group they keep bumping into other intelligence assets, but the fact is al Qaeda is used by the power elite to fabricate policy and blame them.
Sheik bin Laden could have and should have been made an asset. He still could be.
I doubt though that Sheik bin Laden is in any real danger as Rambo Obama said he knew how to get him over a year and a half ago, and the Sheik is turing out more recordings than Britney Spears under the Obama label.

Sheik bin Laden didn’t put in policy which created Yemeni al Qaeda. Barack Hussein Obama did just as numbers surged in Afghanistan from Obama’s predator strikes in Pakistan illegally.

George Bush policy was at least keeping al Qaeda in check. Obama is growing it like a cancer. American policy needs revamping fast and American intelligence needs to do it’s job and not be a political sound byte as Mr. Obama has made it.

Obama has rewarded bigger frauds and terror thugs in Khadaffi and Assad for their financial help to Obama’s 2008 campaign. Libya and Syria were behind the Lockerbie bombing.
When are folks going to insist that the Obama regime be made to explain their ineffective policy.

All of this adds up to the Catch 22 game now, as if Omar makes sense about his old man, and his old man is the kinder and gentler one, then is Omar an intelligence asset playing the west and is Obama the bigger terrorist in the room as ABC of Obamaling puppy press just put this most interesting interview forward for the world to behold.

I do know that in my mention Ali Mohamed that this mere mentioning of this intelligence asset set off so many piggyback alphabet agency artificial intelligence surveillance that my supserphonic computer is running like Obama's 486 brain in dinosaur mode.

There is a great more to these stories when red flag operations are going up immediately in even looking at specific government terror assets and ABC news is on the Omar bin Laden venue championing Osama bin Laden.

That is worth repeating in ABC just stated Osama bin Laden is not the worst thing in the Obama world.

Wonder if Joe Biden will take credit for the new bin Laden as Biden has Obama taking credit for the success of Iraq.


Calling the lesser of two evils