Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Obama's magik door of Injustice

One, two, one, two, three, four..............

Some love is just a lie of the heart
The cold remains of what began with a passionate spark
And they may not want it to end
But it really is just a question of when

In 1770, in Colonial America a precedent was set in a trial of British Soldiers who were attacked by a mob of Americans with clubs, which resulted in the Boston Massacre.
A young attorney was asked to defend the British in a British colony and his name was John Adams. The move was highly unpopular and Adams was scorned by Americans, but the future Republican President Federalist took the case and defended the rights of the British in an American colony.

In this Age of Obama and month of Eric Holder, Americans in populist mob appeal have been told that terrorists being questioned are tortured, that foreigners deserve American rights and that Muslim oil money is worth more than protecting Americans from heinous acts.

Barack Hussein Obama has released terrorists and brought terrorists into America in the 9 11 attacks.
The Christmas Day attack on Flight 253 showed Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder affording American Constitutional rights to a terrorist of Nigerian birth and al Qaeda mass murdering terrorism.

There is a vast difference in affording legal rights to a British Soldier in a British colony, there is a vast difference in the Supreme Court making specific findings on trials and Obama awarding American rights to terrorists, and there is a vast difference between American legal codes for all and Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder picking and choosing those who may and may not receive equal justice.

Barack Obama has made a sham, a joke and a 3rd world vestige of American Law that mock the American people and the world.
In Abu Gharib he screamed with Democrats about torture which was not torture. Now Mr. Obama employs the very methods he stated were illegal. In the Flight 253 bomber, Mr. Obama bestows American rights as well as KSM on the 9 11 terrorists, but in Yemen Mr. Obama illegally bombs the same terrorists and now we see in the capture of Mullah Baradar the same picking and choosing of justice violating American laws.

This has degraded into 3rd world as Mr. Obama literally claims trials will be held, and then when called on it, re states his position that the trials will only be show trials with the terrorists already convicted and ready for sentence.
Mr. Obama stating openly that outlook besmirches every Federal Justice on the bench and every Federal Prosecutor, because it states American Courts are 3rd world dog and pony shows with no rights for the accused and it is a thug behind the scenes deciding who lives and who dies.

This is thee most serious of impeachable actions which Mr. Obama has descended America into without an outcry from the majority demanding American Justice be protected at all costs.

In Mr. Baradar's case, according to Obama executive orders for other terrorists and proclamations, Mr. Obama has illegally kidnapped, threatened, tortured and imprisoned Mullah Baradar.
An American nation can not pick and choose to afford KSM rights and then withhold those rights from Mullah Baradar. It is one law and one right for all, or it is not justice at all.

This is why President Bush 43 refrained from the nightmare of civilian trials. I highly disagreed with the capture by Bush 41 of Manuel Noriega dictator of Panama and his trial by American courts as it is illegal. America has no right to haul foreigners into American courts from their native lands to execute justice as Noriega is not guilty of a thing in American courts.
America has every right to make war on Noriega, every right to depose him, every right to put him before a military tribunal and try him, as that is the correct legal procedure in the military is an international force and American Courts are a domestic force.

The Nuremberg Trials against Nazi's were a sham. Nazi's of value were smuggled into South America and into America. Nazi's to be made and example of were executed and imprisoned.

General Patton was correct in noting that Germans were needlessly enslaved, put into foreign countries like France and starved to death in the same concentration camp systems which the Nazi's were tried for.
Russian raped ever female from birth to 90 years old in East Germany, but no outcry was staged against that heinous impregnation of an entire people.

That is the problem with civilian courts turned loose in the mob of communal or communist thought as Obama is of Marxist thought, as justice is picked and chosen, instead of justice being complete in a military system which is equal under law.

Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Leon Panetta and Janet Napolitano are guilty of the very things they had Eric Holder persecuting US Soldiers and the CIA of. They are no different than the sham of the Nazi, Bolshevik or Maoist in picking and choosing who receives justice and who is kidnapped, tortured and sentenced according to political mandate.
Obama Inc. is a disgusting mob of thuggery which has placed the utmost of shame on the American system, and what is worse there sits Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Congress and the ACLU with Huffington Post and DailyKos in absolute silence in the most reprehensible degradation of America to ever be foisted upon a people since the Cherokee had their lands seized and they were forcibly removed when they had American rights as land holders.

As a child I stood with the mob in detesting John Adams defending those British Soldiers against the British American Colonial mob, but as an adult I stood with John Adams for he was absolutely correct in Moses, Arthurian and British Common Law, there is only one Law for King, one for subject and one Law for stranger in the land making their living there.
This entire one Justice Code has been shredded by the Obama 3rd World Mob in the White House. The CIA and US Soldiers must be offered up to slaughter to terrorists in Afghanistan, but when it is Mr. Obama, he may send in the CIA to kidnap, terrorize, torture and imprison a person who supposed has American rights according to Mr. Holder in Pakistan, a nation America is not even at war with, but Mr. Obama has bombed over 50 times in one year.

I have nothing but revulsion over Obama as he is disgraceful, because he is. He has subverted American Justice and made it Obama Injustice. No nation can pick and chose what is legal for one and illegal for another, but that is what criminal Obama has been from this genesis.

Barack Hussein Obama could have very well been born in America, been born in Canada, but he probably was registered in Kenya as British as it was Stanley Ann's agenda to go to Kenya to be harem wife to Bearick sr.
It was only after he became abusive as court records reveal, that Obama was American to protect the baby from being hauled back to Kenya.
Obama's entire life has been one of illegalities of the law stretched for his purposes in his getting foreign student funding or college to his gaining 300 million dollars in illegal campaign contributions from offshore terrorist states.

This is the plank upon which Obama has built his ship and has America walking the last steps to a watery abyss.

There is no law in the United States as it is all outlaw now. This is why I advocated the strict structure of military tribunals for all this terrorist and war legal actions.
The problem is now Mr. Obama as an executive has now opened the door to this along with liberals on the Supreme Court quoting foreign law to "get their shortsighted political way" for a moment, but now the moment has changed and that same law which affords the Flight 253 underwear bomber and KSM American rights, now has snared Barack Obama and his regime as criminals in denying those rights to other terrorists.

None of this can be undone by Barack Obama. It is now law of the land and when he violates he is a criminal along with his cast.
This can only be undone by impeachment or the Supreme Court removing Mr. Obama and finding him ineligible.

This must be the case to save America. A sign in Wisconsin reads IMPEACH OBAMA, the question is on which offense of the multitudes will America decide to remove this band of criminals from office.


Obama kidnaps Muslim leader
with American rights