Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Spirit of 76

In 2008, I put out a plan to unite many diverse groups from the right, attempted to get Joseph Farah to use his leadership, but was met with silence, and outlined here the principles of joining the fractured movements into the Reagan Revolution again.

Conservatives have been betrayed by the Bush patricians who were antagonistic to Ronald Reagan after leaving office, ruined Dan Quayle and went on a systematic destruction of George Allen who should be President now.
The Congress vowed to be Reaganite and was nothing but a group of lying patricians who frustrated voters immensely into the camp of Barack Hussein Obama.

Currently Sean Hannity is unveiling his work in a book for people to read in how to unite this nation together in a common cause.
There is before CPAC the Mount Vernon Accords, as I refuse to name anything with manifesto with it, as that is just pure idiocy, which will be released on Wednesday by Conservatives in putting forward the common doctrine of Americanism the Founders created for these United States.

Michael Steele and the GOP are meeting as of today with the Tea Partiers across the nation in an effort to bring them home. This is beyond necessary, but the GOP had better not try and sabotage nor harness the Tea Party movement in not listening to it, as that is what started this entire mess when the Bushites told Christians after they elected Bush 41 to shut up and go away.

I challenged Joe the Plumber in this blog after he went slash and burn, because he has a voice which is important. He has been screwed over by John McCain and the McCainites which were a bunch of dubious Baldy Schmidt Obama patricians. This is the same ilk which inhabits Newsbusters in Noel Sheppard and the same smarmy Buckleyites who tore into the John Birchers.
I do not want Joe the Plumber outside this revolutionary ring of fire, but I desire him inside stoking these American flames higher.

I out people like Devvy Kidd, because they constantly are all my dictates or not, and then they go on to smash the best person the right who could be worked with and an Obama gets into office.
Joseph Farah in his None of the Above and now by his own words of using the Birther movement, is this same type of anarchist who is part of a Molotov Mob starting fires in their own towns burning it down, and then making money writing stories on it.

I desire though for Devvy Kidd, Joseph Farah and Joe the Plumber to reach a point of understanding that this is not choosing a religion in Christ as the absolute head, but an American Secular faith which is filled with many ideas and flawed people, to which we gain Abraham Lincoln power by electing the best and then making these flawed souls pull the voting arm right.

When I ran for District Attorney, I had one of the most interesting experiences of my life in there were the classic Bush patricians there in the caucus who thought they were going to rule like they always did. That year though, there were immense runs of Americanism who showed up, and soon enough "our group of the people" got together and in about 3 minutes found out which ones of us were going to run in each position on the ballot, and everyone decided to vote in a block.
A stunned elite watched our group ram through our people and started whining about it. Some broke, but our ticket combined past our families, past our friends and past our personal issues to form a sweeping voting block on election day.

That is the key in this in I desire Constitutionalists, Libertarians, Anarchists and Ron Paul gold fever types all to unite as they did under Ronald Reagan.
I desire Democrats as well as patrician Republicans to join this cause. I even want green and whatever communist groups to join the GOP. That includes white racists, black racists and whatever else Obama cranks are out there, even to the gasp of patricians and elitists, because all of these people are Americans.
Should the GOP pander to racism? Not in the least as Obama does, but I have found time and again that Americans are good sorts and a black racist will gladly take a rope when drowning from a white person and a white racist will gladly take a blanket from a black when freezing to death.

See as a Conservative, I understand the very nature of this body politic and the way you create a Reagan Revolution is to get people inside in power, make them understand that power they have is worth protecting as Conservativism empowers them and solves problems, and the next thing you have is Ken Jennings from Jeopardy who was voting Democrat, finding out that once he has all that money, he is a Republican as the GOP protects his work.

It is as Rush Limbaugh said in changing one heart at a time. I do not agree with Rush on all issues and no one agrees with me all the time (obviously there is something wrong with people who do not *satire), but I want the DailyKos and Huffington Post to come on board for 2010 and 2012 for Conservative candidates in finding our common ground on issues that are American.

This blog has argued, debated and annihilated every liberal doctrine from gay to aborticide. I have been blessed by God to explain the incorrect nature of all liberal agendas, but I will not throw liberals away, because at base in caring about issues they provide an unction for all to find Conservative solutions.

So I hope that a unity for the purpose of America can be found which includes a vast majority of Americans. Ronald Reagan in jobs recovery, security and freedom and home and around the world is the place to build from. America is perched on the Obama abyss, and if liberals have noted, he has abandoned most of the things he lied to them on, as their odd ideas have brought him to ruin.
It is easy to be populist, but it requires governing by sound solutions to make American government catch up to where the people are already advancing to.

I have hope and as much apprehension as there will be agents in this cheating as they did to get Obama and Pelosi installed into office in creating this mess for foreign cartels.

America needs everyone in his from oil companies, to bankers, to even those Rockefellers getting on the page to a 1950's governance which provides American jobs, American leadership and American security for the world.
This might shock many, but I have no problem with a New World Order, as long as it is America's New World and America is dictating the peace, prosperity and security.

The world does best when that type of Israelite blessing is leading it and that is the cause I move to in sovereignty for all nations, but all nations American in character of moral responsibility and private ownership of property.
When that happens, America will not be attacked by her children in terrorists or communists, as they will be capitalists with a moral code who will not attack their own.

The world might as well have a choice between an anti Christ system out of Eurasia and a God blesses American system of thee United States. Certainly be easier for Jesus to install His Kingdom with America already laying the framework as God intended.

May God bless the Good in Jesus Name. Amen

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PS: I hope Obama even votes Conservative in 2010 and votes for Sarah Palin in 2012 before he ends up in exile.