Sunday, March 21, 2010

All of thee Above

In dealing with politicians, I know what pompous asses they are. One does not become a politician unless one thinks they know more than others, wants to put on display the good deeds they do or lusts for power.
They are actors needing affirmation in having no self worth backed by police state authority.

As Henry Kissinger said, Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac and not sex.

In that, As Obama and Pelosi with the Democratic majority have shattered thee United States Constitutional rule of Law, there must be revisited the original writing of this blog a year ago in staging one of two events.

1. An immediate Court removal of the said perpetrators with the replacement of these politicians with their last opponents in a general election.

2. An immediate national recall in all 50 states of Barack Hussein Obama, the politicians who enabled Obamacare crimes and the Courts who have kept these people in office.

The reasoning of this is sound. The Courts have proven able to remove a North Dakota Governor decades ago and they certainly can remove any criminal from office and advocate the situation for the immediate filling of such seats.
The most viable are the Citizens who ran against these crooks in the last election.

In a national recall, the process would be the same. Some might state that there is no authority for all 50 states to remove the representatives of the other 50 states, but that is not correct, as this is a national Government of a Republic, and the final check and balance would be the most correct check and balance in having other states keep or remove representatives they see unfit.

This is the one mistake which the Madison Compromise in the Constitution did not include. What should be in the Constitution is an Article which states after two terms for example, Barney Frank of Massachusetts would face not his constituents, but a triad of states by lottery from in example Minnesota, Oklahoma and Mississippi, to vote on if Mr. Frank would receive a third term.
That is the term limits in the rest of the nation judging if some vote hog from Massachusetts is really representing America or the piglets.

The reason for an immediate recall with no following elections in the autumn of 2010 would be simply to save hundreds of millions of dollars. America is at a juncture where 2010 could remove the entire corrupt Government, put the fear of thee Electorate into the politician and justices, which would keep them honest as 2012 would be another national election.

It is reprehensible to hear stories of Democrats hanging up on voters to the worst of it in Democrats are sending federal police to intimidate voters who keep calling Congressional offices. Mr. Obama has now openly advocated not using the legislature to pass his mandates, but will Slaughter the Constitution.
As stated, this is not impeachment ground any longer but high treason. When Eric Holder refuses to protect the Constitution and the Supreme Court is too intimidated to hold an immediate hearing to remove these traitors, then it falls to the people to immediately remove the NeoProgs by Court Order or National Recall.

Believe me, once these arrogant pompous asses figure out they do not have until November, but an immediate removal, followed by immediate indictment, they will be on their knees begging for a pardon, promising to be Americans again.

So let it be a recall or a court order in All of the Above for removal from this Republican form of Government, by the people, of the people and for the people.
