Never mind that Rose or Axelrod ever mentioned that it was unConstitutional what Obama Pelosi did in the vote which was and was not.
Never mind that Stupak and the Blue Dogs were exposed for the absolute frauds they are.
Never mind as this blog warned that this was all a set up from day one to pass this Nazi care, and it is Nazi care, as it is National Socialism care, and that is exactly what Obamacare is, is nationally dictated rationed death.
But what was even more disturbing than all of that was observing subject David Axelrod as he is not only pathological as this blog exposed in a previous Charlie Rose interview, but this Axelrod is a sociopath.
I have never in my life ever seen such a creature this far up in government who is literally a psychological mutant.
Axelrod started out with "sob" stories to manipulate the audience. The only problem was his stories were told with all the emotion of Hitler discussing the rations of starved to death Jews in concentration camps and the number of corpses disposed of that day.
Axelrod related an odd tale of "someone" stopping him by his apartment and relating a bizarre family tale of a sick father who this family allowed to die as they ran out of money, and as he was going to die anyway, it was their Jocelyn Elders comfort.
But with tears this person now said Obama has their hero.
Axelrod never changed pitch, never misted up in eyes, voice never cracked, he was like a teleprompter reciting a monotone script.
He even went further speaking about his sickly daughter too, to try to appeal to the masses how he couldn't afford care as a reporter.
Those are simple political ploys and this blog finds Democrats using them quite disgusting in dragging your family members out for political points, but then that is NeoProgs.
Axelrod would slip in poll numbers in how once this crooked Obama law was in effect how great Oabma's numbers were. The problem is the polling data all shows plunging data for Obama.
This is the disturbing thing about David Axelrod in not being vacuous of the facts in lying, nor in making things up, nor in being apparent amoral soul incapable of feeling emotion, but that when David Axelrod was speaking, he looked like a bobble head.
Axelrod would say something about Obama being behind something and that would be an affirmative head nod in telling the truth, but in the middle of that sentence it was something about finances and he would be wagging his head negative lying, and then immediately be back to telling the facts again in the affirmative.
As an example, the Clintons lie adeptly and often, but even they do not have this ability without pause to jump from facts to lies inside the same sentence.
Hillary Clinton on Tavis Smiley lied often enough, but here sentences were congruent with the thought she focued on. A lie was basically a lie for the entire sentence, but with Axelrod he was mixing things up so much his head was bobbling one way and then the other.
In David Axelrod, he also has the most shifty of presences as he will not ever look anyone in the eye. He does fine with television cameras in staring them down, but with Charlie Rose, Axelrod was looking down and away at an angle for most of the interview.
Rose has a hunched neck and stares a person down as his stance is probing for answers, but he looks the person in the eye. Axelrod will not look people in the eye, which means deception and he does not want to be caught.
Rose knew he was lying and was assisting him, but the same stance of Axelrod speaks volumes of his pathological and sociopathic nature.
Axelrod did look up once in searching for an answer, so he does have the ability. One can see him with another liar in Obama dealing with him directly, but with Charlie Rose it was pure deception, lies and a mixing of facts that makes one wonder if Axelrod's neck was sprained for today in the workout he gave it.
This is all troubling as the Obama group now define in one form as pathological liars to the world, and schemers among themselves. They are like an inbred clan who takes care of their own and lies to the world outside, promoting rapine as anything against the outside world is fair.
One recognizes this in tribal Muslims and of Talmudic sects in their goy, who basically like American Indians in their savage years felt rape, murder and theft was not illegal against others as they were inferior.
This is that secular Ashkenaz sect of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers mentality. This is why Bill Gates makes statements that vaccines are appropriate ways to murder people to curb population growth as the people in their eyes are not murdered, but cropped and they really are not people, but a class akin to livestock to be managed.
This is what is at the head of the American government now, a group of pathological, programmed sociopaths all huddled together managing the livestock of Americans.
As someone who is honest and does not lie, I find this all repulsive and something incomprehensible as lying is one of the worst of crimes and doing it on the scale David Axelrod accomplishes it would leave me with a conscience so scarred, I would not be able to function.
David Axelrod though does function. He can not tell legal from illegal. He can not tell immoral from amoral. He can not tell Constitutional from unConstitutional and he can not tell a fraud Obama from an America.
In effect, Elizabeth Edwards, was correct in diagnosing what David Axelrod was in not just incompetent, but on Charlie Rose was exposed as a pathological sociopath.
That must be really comforting among the Obamalings in the White House to know what they are all mingled with.