Currently Obama Inc. is busy taking on "gift cards" in their overcharging. Recall Obamus bragged a great deal about hidden credit card fees.
All of those things point to the Obamalings are all overcharging credit cards and getting stuck with high rates and having gift cards thrown at them, so when they go to the shop they end up with not being able to spend the whole hundred dollars.
I have an expose here on Microsoft in how they have been terrorizing Americans.
Now I do not mean in the Lawrence Sinclair issue of black folks at Microsoft were stalking people, including this blog in phishing scams to gain information on Americans.
What I am speaking about are situations where Microsoft literally has dismantling software incorporated into their operating systems which destroys people's computers.
I will preface this with the world is full of poor people. Some Soldiers deployed can not afford laptops to communicate with their families, some children needing computers at home can not afford them and the list goes on that there are people who have things given to them which are junk, have no operating systems and they do indeed need copies of software to actually run a Microsoft computer.
I have affinity with these people as a child of poverty, I often in school had work to take home fom teachers and our only dictionary was one which had the cover torn off, and 1/3rd of the words were missing. It was humiliating and my work suffered.
This is what Bill Gates misses in his $200 programs in people in this world can not afford things. I have Windows 98 like most people sitting in a drawer, because Gates decided he wasn't going to provide support any longer after this ass made 50 billion dollars off of this one system.
Where is Obama in this protecting the public from Warren Buffett's best friend who is Obama's favorite Chicom nation rapist crony?
What I am about to do is out Microsoft for the terroristic company it is on this basis of preying on poor people.
I know of a person who had Windows XP Pro operating on a computer they bought. Of course it was not supported, and it kept harassing the person with those pop up windows to do upgrades. This person had 98 and decided that they would upgrade to Media Player in the current version as they always had. That is when the problems arose as they downloaded MP and tried to install it, but it flagged that the system was not supported.
So they uninstalled it, and to their watchful terror, they noted that in System Tools, Microsoft had wiped out the maintenance files in Defragging and Disk Cleanup. This was deliberate sabotage from Microsoft as without those tools the system would eventually decay and be worthless, leaving this poor person with nothing, but the extortion from Microsoft to buy their expensive programs.
Recently I have been trying to help someone scammed on Ebay with a computer which arrived not working.
This involved XP too and the computer was loaded with XP with Service Pack 3, but the problem is XP gets stuck sometimes in a BIOS loop and will not repair or restore itself without a CD.
As the person who sold this piece of junk was not being helpful, a copy of XP showed up which was older.
I got the computer to finally reboot, but the Microsoft terrorism part is older versions of XP will wipe newer versions even if they are legal. So this computer was battling in installing only key parts while Media Player, Explorer and Outlook refused to load the DLL files.
I do not mean to get too technical in this, but what Bill Gates designed is deliberate sabotage so the systems will not restore when it is a legal system.
I even was into the RUN commands to attempt to install the KERNEL 32 files and others in repair. It was frustrating and for people who are poverty stricken these situations are heartbreaking.
It is worse in what Gates is up to as in a clean install this XP worked fine, but in the repair it does not as Gates apparently has written in more sabotage software.
Oh and the reason the system will boot just enough of the program is because Gates has designed this computer terrorism with the one thing this system will do is UNINSTALL WINDOWS.
The reason for that is then you can buy more expensive Windows systems.
As stated, this is the dirty piracy secret of billionaire Bill Gates, who talks about using vaccines to murder people to crop off a billion souls on the planet. Barck Hussein Obama though can not see this in the least though.
See Windows could operate easily as it should. Could you imagine if Ford had in a computer chip which said you could only buy Amoco gasoline and it would shut off if you put in Sinclair?
How about if GM had a device that noted it you put on Michelin tires instead of Firestones that your car would stop?
This is exactly what Microsoft does and is enabled now as they signed onto the New World Order. This is not about holes in Windows or Apple for government spying or tracking to take place. This is about consumers having a right of expecting that software is not going to self destruct on their computers.
What if Toyota has a chip in their car which showed if you burned too much gasoline that it would simply not start and you had to haul it in to get it repaired. That is Microsoft, and Henry Waxman would be destroying Toyota with Obama again, but Sheik Bill Gates gets away with all this computer terrorism operating in plain sight.
Microsoft and all computer software developers should be mandated by consumer protection to stop this assault on the poor across the world.
The world though is two different worlds in crime. Toyota is smeared as not being part of the extortion racket and Microsoft assaults Citizens and is championed now.
Those are the facts about the crooks of Microsoft.