Apparently while the world was engulfed in March Madness, that world missed the most telling of interviews in former United States Citizen, and now Israeli Ambassador, Michael Oren, appeared on the Charlie Rose program and basically announced Israel is no longer a sovereign nation, but an Indian reservation created by Barack Hussein Obama, and it appears the Jews like this degradation.
What absolutely caught my ear was when Ambassador Oren spoke glowingly of Barack Obama and his regime in their relationship to the Israeli state. Mr. Oren went so far in this quote:
"I would say Israel's relationship is better now than with previous administrations".
That stunned me, as President George W. Bush treated the Jews with the utmost respect in making Israel basically the 51st of America, sharing Patriot technology, building massive military bases, sharing America's most advanced fighters and military equipment, and basically having an Israeli office in the White House coordinating both nations security.
Compare that to Obama telling Jews they must wait around to be incinerated by nuclear terror bombs and trust that Obama will bomb his Persian buddies in retaliation.
The threat by George W. Mitchell to cut off loan guarantees which would plunge the Israeli economy into depression.
The current coup being waged by Obama Inc. in trying to topple the Israeli government, and the little things like telling Jews they can not pray and telling Jews they can not live in their own nation.
For Ambassador Oren to even say what he said, is a slap at President Bush, his entire administration and the entire group of Americans, including this blog who have championed and tried to protect Jews from the forces trying to annihilate them.
Putting Obama ahead of Bush43 is like putting a rapist ahead of Prince Charming waking Sleeping Beauty.
This blog noted today that in simply tracking information on Google about Ambassador Oren that Google refused to "let go" of the search page and my system was blown offline. That would indicate that the Mosaad is tracking through Google all systems inquiring about Ambassador Oren's appearance on Charlie Rose.
All of that is fine in security, but when it comes to Ambassador Oren praising Obama, they spying on anyone simply searching for information with that large of a tracking posse is unacceptable and worse than what a certain Jew who is sitting in prison for spying who should be released.
Ambassador's declaration that Israel is a happy Jewish reservation waiting for death under Mr. Obama and liking the mandates, was not thee worst of this.
It is yet to come.
The Ambassador let slip something he was quite proud of that apparently the entire right wing punditry in America missed, including Drudge.
The quote was from Vice President Aaron Burr Biden, who stood up in Israel and told them that Israel was the greatest ally America had.
This blog notes that the Israeli state is one of America's greatest allies. America has a Biblical and biological connection with the Israeli state as she is America's sister state in being the Southern Kingdom of David in Judah and America is the leader of the Northern Kingdom of Samaria in Israel.
Yes America with Great Britain is really named the House of Israel and the current Israeli state is the House of Judah. That is why this blog refers to them as the Israeli state as Judah with Benjamin and Levi are but 3 of the 13 tribes in Israel, as Texas is an American state among the 50 United States.
Judah though is not the greatest ally of America. America has many equally great sovereign allies in the Israelite sphere in Canada being our most beloved in the Commonwealth. The Australasians are equally great, the English, Irish and yes even the French Reubenites are equally great.
Outside of this Albania has been an important America ally as has Spain, Poland, Jordan, Algeria and Japan topping a list of many trusted allies of America.
For Joe Biden to say what he did is a diplomatic slap to all the other nations which have stood by America for a generation. It is typical of these NeoProg over speaks in Obama being the greatest, Muchelle the most beautiful, the worst economy in 40 years. Everything about them is always to the extreme as they are extremists.
That though are the two immense stories in Joe Biden slapping American allies and the Jews are now content to be an Obama Jewish Reservation being told how to exist under Obama.
This degradation of Jews is unacceptable as Obama policy under the Mitchell Gang of 6 including Samantha Power is to make Jews wards of America and for America to be dying in wars protecting Jews.
Jews have performed quite well in their statehood in making war and creating nuclear bombs. Jews made their economy work, the desert bloom and have the best elected government in the Middle East. For Obama and this group of Marxists to be making them into a Middle East mob looking for handouts and protection is the destruction of the Jew as much as these same liberals destroyed American blacks in the welfare state.
It must not be allowed to make Israeli Jews and Arabs an Obama welfare state.
Obama will not even sell Jews bunker buster bombs for their own offensive capability. Jews can not be made wards of America for their own good and for American security Americans can not be seen as Jewish protectors striking out at Jewish enemies or it triples the events of nuclear terror attacks on American soil.
Yet though in Obama death policy for all, Obama now has Americans lined up to die in wars which Jews are capable of fighting for their own rights, but Obama has the Jews unarmed and dying, which will initiate more Americans dying.
One would conclude the above statements by Joe Biden and Michael Oren would be sweeping news, but it never was noted. Charlie Rose though featuring this was noting this shift in policy from both nations and the advent under Obama that Jews are now part of the Obama Reservation system, telling them where to live and that they can not worship God.
Odd that even in the above photo, Obama is bowing to a former American Citizen now the Israeli Ambassador. Probably the first time in history a Stalin bowed to a people before wiping them off the planet as free nation.
If Michael Oren is speaking for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli government can change it's name to Vichy Judah as it has ceased to be a free nation.
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Ambassador Michael Oren