and a pencil for all the world to know
When it went round or when it went straight
The Wisdom was there to show
I bumped into my old neighbor today literally, as I enjoy using the shopping cart as a statement of greeting. I frequently dive at our grocery department girls to surprise them as people are in such a buzz these days that it takes something to wake them up from the doldrums.
As we were visiting, as that is what stores are for, not for shopping, but standing around talking about things, my neighbor was on the subject of poultry as canines had eaten most of her's and somehow the subject came up of divination in sexing them.
I had never heard of such a thing, so I started listening as she started explaining how she could tell if a goose was male or female.
To explain, in the scientific poultry industry, they have to squeeze the rectal area until the genitals pop out which is quite gruesome looking and makes me wince, but companies like Murray McMurray Hatchery in Iowa for baby chicks actually in their old oriental sexer, first squirts the poop out of the chick and then checks.
I have seen it done, but have always figured I would explode the chick and have never tried it. It is just easier to wait a few weeks and have them crow.
My neighbor though used an old method my sisters had brought home that we often played with in finding out what children we were going to have. See if you take a needle and thread, poke it into the end of an eraser on a lead pencil, wrap the thread around your finger, put it over your wrist or someone elses, it will reveal the children the person has.
We use to experiment with this on Sunday afternoons in the middle of nowhere a great deal.
This is what my neighbor was speaking about, except she put it on a goose head and she could tell every single goose as goose or a gander.
She said her mother had done that all the time and when she mentioned it, her husband had to see it done, and sure enough, she was right about the geese another neighbor needed sexed.
That is the oddest of things in that divination as that works for me, but my Uncle was a well diviner, I never could get it done. Apparently when you walk along you have to "see" in your mind the water. It is said if you see running water, only an underground spring will respond to the bent will forked sticks, or in his case he used two copper wires bent in an L shape.
I have one I created which was copper wire with a loop in the end, wrapped tight and then the wires protrude out at 90 degrees to be held between the thumb and forefinger.
When the wires turn or cross, you have found water. The good ones will actually have the rods bend and if you count the times it nods, that is how many feet the water is down below the surface.
It is strange how the human aura is all connected to the God Light found in all atomic structure and can be "found" by just focusing the image in your mind. I knew of one local guy who found caves divining with wires and could find buried jewelry.
My other Uncle could not make it work, but his wife could. I believe it is the focusing of attention on the image of the thing sought which makes this a sort of umin and thurmin in casting lots as the High Priests of the Levites of Israel did before the Lord.
That special group of the Royal Priesthood which all Christians are reborn into were very interesting in their genetics. Some were able to prophesy by playing the harp, which David of Judah in having God's Spirit rest upon him did, but this order of Aspah, Heman, Jeduthun was most uniquely blessed as if you look at the ends of the Pslams there were many of them ordered to be sung according to the special composition these Levitical Prophets of verse and song composed to activate God's Presence in Israel's lives.
That though is what I wanted to sow in God, in a little of this instead of the too much of the other things going on in this world which will pass away with the world.
Such an interesting world it is one has in the unseen world, if one approaches it in God and with care.
agtG 310
PS: Circles means girls and straight lines means boys.