Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rumble on the Left

I admire very few liberals as they are in bulk such foolish people in being taken in and always make excuses for the ilk in their midst. In that though, I appreciate two liberals in Ed Koch and Tavis Smiley for their base understanding of the root of problems and will often enough take positions which gets them into huge problems with their wacko left.

Ed Koch has finally awoken to the fact that Obama green kool aid is poison to Jews.

Tavis Smiley has awoken to the fact that Obama green kool aid is plantation rations for blacks.

The reason this blog stops here in not listing any Muslims, Arabs or Asians of note from the left speaking out, is because there are none challenging Obama policies, and, in that Mr. Smiley and Mr. Koch are the rare birds in the Birdie Obama cage.

This blog champions the Philistines of their traditional Gaza area. It doesn not champion the communist ilk in charge of them, no more than it does the Islacommunist Persians ruling Iran who are starving their people to build nuclear bombs.
The reason is though these other groups do not have a Smiley or Koch standing up is because there are not any who believe in the basic venues of security in peace and ownership of business to advance your people.

To the point in this, I am all for arming Jews with every weapon America has for the simple point, Jews have had nuclear bombs for decades and have never proliferated nor used them in aggression.
Jews have never struck first, but only struck after being struck.

To the point of blacks being dumped off the Obama bus, I am all for blacks receiving the same grants, loans and assistance to build businesses in their cities, so they can all become wealthy and when in tune with moral religion, they have the basis to handle their wealth and live stable lives.

It should be that way for all people. It might surprise Mr. Smiley and Mr. Koch, that America is filled with numerous poor white people who are in worse shape economically and in security than most Jews and blacks. This does not mean that one group is worse than the other, but it means that everyone from Asians slaving away, Mexicans being turned into Obama slaves for amnesty and Muslims enslaved to Islamic controls dictating women to be traded for cattle, that none of this is good whether it is in Detroit, Los Angeles, Houston or some coal town in West Virginia.

I can run a simple bookkeeping assessment to explain what I advocated in I desire every American to be a millionaire.
As stated, John McCain's folks stole that idea off of Newsbusters, and none of them got it, but I will explain it here.

Without inflation, nor higher taxes, every American should in their household earn fifty thousand dollars, whether from combined wages or single wages.
In 20 years, that would mean 1 million dollars. Of course, there are taxes, more taxes and more taxes in that, but given the reality IF Americans could keep more of their wages, not be enslaved by inflation which Mr. Obama is in stealthy destroying American's futures, that without Mr. Obama rigging low interest rates and without the cartels popping bubbles all the time defrauding people of their savings, that with usury, every American should by the time they reach 60 years of age if they work, should have more than enough real estate in homes, investments and personal property which would exceed 1 million dollars.

That is a very simple economics lesson and it is how the situation should be. The reason being the more prosperous Americans are, the more secure America is, and the more opportunity there is for each Citizen to become all they are meant to become.
That in turn means America is not attacked from without as America is not sticking it's nose into other nations affairs over oil and it means that all of these little Muslim or Hutatree enclaves never start, because people have their destiny to focus on, instead of their wounded souls to try and salve another day just to survive.

Jews armed to the teeth, defending themselves and not Americans dying for them is a great policy, but it is not the policy of Obama.

Blacks building businesses and all of them working to be millionaires and Americans not being taxed into welfare oblivion is great policy, but it is not Obama policy.

The best situation for America is Ed Koch and Tavis Smiley are getting ornery and demanding a debate which will be heard. Barack Hussein Obama should not be given a pass for being tan. He should not get Peace Prizes just for showing up and he should not be able to ignore Jews because he has Emmanuel and Axelrod in office, ignore blacks because Caribbean Holder is in office and should not be allowed to ignore Hispanics because he tossed them the Senora Sotomayor bone.

This blog detests hyphenated Americans. It is why I do not refer to Ed Koch as Jewish no more than Tavis Smiley as black, because I do not view them as a race or a sexual choice. I view them and discern in them as Americans alone in their political outlook.

Ed Koch is wondering now why the silence from Jews on what Obama did to Prime Minister Netanyahu. This silence except for Tavis Smiley is coming from the black community in what Mr. Obama has done to them.

The puppy press is completely silent on all, because whatever Obama does is walking on water. Tavis Smiley though in interviewing Hillary Clinton noted in that liberal press corp that not one black person was in that group from these elitists of the Letterman cocktail crowd. Not one minority, but all anemic white folks and they are the ones covering up what Obama is doing to all Americans of all races, because it is the patricians who benefit from all of this poverty of the masses in keeping them down.

Frederick Douglas was a great agitator and in many ways that is who Ed Koch and Tavis Smiley are. The problem is they are alone, and the few people they are forced to associate with, tarnish the reputations these men have.
Sometimes the outside view of Al Sharpton being a joke is the problem even if Mr. Smiley appreciates the community work Mr. Sharpton has brought to the table. David Axelrod and Rahm Emmanuel are defined now as smarmy thugs, and no matter their work, they are viewed by the American majority as part of the problem.

Mr. Obama is out of control literally in the harmful things he is degrading America to. It is going to have to be Ed Koch and Tavis Smiley who correct this as patricians always have their clique, their funding and their trust funds to weather what other patricians are inflicting on the masses.

Barack Obama has already fulfilled the worst in what this blog predicted in a blacklash. White liberals believe they have proven they are not racists and will never allow a black to rise again. Blacks are looking around at Charles Rangle and other leaders of note and see they are being wiped out as Gov. Paterson, by the patricians as one Obama is enough for their collection.

I frankly still hope for the day for a black President who is a native American and not someone of British birth. I hope for a Conservative who arrives there on merit and not because some Americans are exercising their personal sexual or racial demons. I would hope it might be a Lynn Swann, a Ken Blackwell or a JC Watts, because when that American arrives on experience and work, they will govern from the White House in soundness as Clarence Thomas advocates on the Supreme Court.
I placed though in this blog the fears of this never happening, because what Barack Obama is doing is so horrendous to Americans and will have such a lasting effect that no one will be voting for minorities, because even the minorities will not trust a minority to do anything.

Currently in Idaho a white male is going to be elected as Governor who joked about wanting a hunting license for Barack Obama. He ran for Senate and garnered just 5% of the vote.
The Obama national socialism has awoken in western peoples an alarm that the federal government under Obama is the enemy while Obama rewards union thugs and other cartel cronies.
The Obama tide has changed things and is poised to create a greater tidal wave as he antagonizes every group of Americans there are.

The Rumble on the Left has started and will continue to grow as Obama being a Marxist now tries to skid something centrist on using oil drilling to bribe the right. Everyone is being offered bribes except the minorities who voted for Obama.

Jews are told to die and like it. Blacks are told they have one Obama and that is their reward. Hispanics got Senora on the Court and are told that is enough. Asians don't even get a mention nor Indians.

The right had Obama figured out in 2008, so they do not need an education in what he is about. The left though is waking up that Mr. Obama is disregarding them.

It is hoped that Tavis Smiley and Ed Koch actually can lead in this, because on their issues, Barack Hussein Obama is their problem and some rich financiers stooge.
