Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sense and Insensibility

When we were children, there was a game of nonsense which we played that honestly was like Greek method, German psychology and religious theology as it was an exercise of the mind, but it mattered not in rhyme or reason.

The game was, "Which sense if you had to give up one would you do without?"

Of course the senses were sight, sound, taste, scent and touch, but the reasoning we had as seven year olds was a fascinating visit. In our young minds sight was something which we could not do without. Sound sometimes came up as we thought listening was not that vital.

The three things always debated were taste, scent and touch. Taste after much contemplation was deemed necessary as pizza and pudding were too much to give up for flavors in our lives. This left scent and touch.
Scent really did not have much appeal as about all there was were flowers in our minds to deal with, but when compared to touch which had no appeal at all, I became the Socrates of dealing away with the sense of touch and argued constantly for that as the correct choice for all 7 year olds in life.
Obviously in looking back, I remember that debate, remember watching a blizzard snowfall pile up feet of snow and remember a rather unfortunate child on a May day throwing their windbreaker into the wind, and a gust caught it perfectly in the eddy of our playground and it perfectly floated it up like a balloon twice the height of our school and for all I know it is still in orbit around the world.
I can still see that windbreaker in it's bright colors against a beautiful clear blue sky, made so much more so, because we were being let out of Gulag 3 for the summer.

As one can understand, education was sort of a self premium in contemplating physics and meteorology even if our days were spent telling time, and it seemed I was forever that year a celebrity in being looked up by children I had no idea of, but apparently I made great impressions on others and their little children would seek me out and start chatting at me as I puzzled who these urchins were.

Young minds are ignorant minds and in that given the choices I was given in the game, neglected that without the sense of touch, a human soon dies more readily than any other sense deprived of. Deaf people seem almost lunatic in their Deaf Panther order in not wanting other deaf people to have their hearing restored in keep those in the fold. Deaf people survive quite well in long lives as much as blind people do. That in a way is telling in how many people are in the world even with sight and hearing, as their minds are so closed and hearts shut up, that when one explains Obama to them, they still refuse to hear or see.

Even scent displays an elevated position as once that is gone, the same with taste, the soul looses all zest for life as in diabetics needing assistance to live, but without that stimulation, the other functioning body parts start degrading to a grave state.

It is in that though in the sense of touch, which regrettably in Bill Clinton feeling your pain, that Mr. Clinton knew he was speaking to an injured public, who instead of advocating treatment conned folks into voting for his blasphemous new covenant.
Barack Obama seeking the same psychotic mob, told them to blame others, that America was the problem, and if one murdered America, the reincarnated Obamerika would be the womb to transcend their aborted souls.

If America on the left simply was dealing without one sense, it would be a treatable condition. The problem is the Obama voter has lost all sense as much as all senses. Shown things they can not see. Informed of things they can not hear. They can not scent danger from socialism. They can not taste the fear which drives Barack Hussein Obama in that coppery flavor and they no longer feel like Americans as they are so Godless, doped up, drunked out, sexed sideways and seared to the soul, that all they do is lay their like the wounded carrion on a battlefield begging that someone will come up and administer the coup de grace.

There are shining lights on the left starting to become aware like Ed Koch who was totally senseless when it came to Obama, but once his Jewish heritage came under genocidal ending by Obama Inc., the American in Mr. Koch once again rose up in him. The Ed Koch who made excuses for Obama over rationed death, finally in seeing that a new Obama holocaust was brewing, finally awoke to his American senses and saw the danger of Obama.

Regrettably, that is what it is going to take to open the eyes of Obama voters. The literal genocide of their lives before they run screaming from the Obama lair like Lot from Sodom. I know that America as a nation though can not absorb those kind of holocaust and genocidal hits in trying to convince 100 million enablers for the crook Obama that Grandma in the bed is the big bad wolf about to eat them up.

I recently invested the time to read the Brother's Grim best tales again. A number of the old children's stories were designed specifically to teach children who could answer the world's problems the dangers of trusting things too good to be true. It would be wonderful if Americans in the growing Obama minority led by Frank Rich could absorb children's tales to awaken in them a sense of reason, but that will not occur. It will take upheaval and even in that one knows that in the refugee masses fleeing a smoldering New York for a "safe" Republican state like Oklahoma in the millions, that one will hear the whispers again in all of this Obama that, "It is George Bush's fault".

No Americans without senses, you refused to back George W. Bush as America's last hope in saving this people from what has just started. You in majority stalemated him to bring this on in your Godless order. You chose this fraud Obama in all his criminal rapine.
This is your fault the American majority in voting for racism cures at the ballot box while spreading your legs for black sex as the Obama orgy whored itself across the fruited plains.

Sense or the lack of it, the American Obama voter problem.


Is it any wonder I've got too much time on my hands
It's ticking away with my sanity
I've got too much time on my hands
It's hard to believe such a calamity
I've got too much time on my hands
and it's ticking away from me.......and I don't know what to do with myself

Is it any wonder I'm not President....