Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ain't Life a Rahm

It almost takes an Obama talent to be a wanted man in two nations, but wanted in the sense of criminal indictment compared to being popular.

Rahm Emanuel sometimes with two M's in Emmanuel blundered his arrogance into the Rod Blagojevich affair in being Obama's pawn shop pimp in trying to buy the Illinois Senate seat illegally, but was saved by Eric Holder subverting Justice along with Patrick Fitzgerald.
(This plays out maybe Fitzgerald should be booking passage to Ireland so he doesn't end up in prison for his Obama bribes in not prosecuting Obama in exchange for a US Attorney lead job.)

Emanuel can never leave well enough alone as he appears not just the culprit in the Joe Sestak bribes in Pennsylvania, but in dangling his Jewish roots inside the Israeli state, Conservative Jews there are busy investigating him for trying to hold a religious ceremony at a historic monument without a license.

This is droll in every sense in Rahm Emanuel in slapping Jews around now for Obama with David Axelrod has Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not stopping a most comical criminal complaint against Emanuel, which is not comical to religious Jews.
So Obama dumps Mr. Netanyahu into a panel wagon, dumps him to go have tea cakes with the kids and then tries to overthrow his government, and in the end when Emanuel needs a Jewish state to flee too over the Sestak crimes, the Jews are hemming Emanuel in, in being a Jew without two countries.

That is worse than the original book A Man Without A Country. I doubt though Emanuel even on a prison ship would be constructing maps of America and the Israeli state in adoring love, as Emanuel would only need a mirror to look at his lovely self to bide his time.

It is humorous in God terms in David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel have for Obama been slapping Jews around, and now Axelrod is running for cover and Emanuel is being investigated in two nations for two different crimes.

How hard is it to be nice to Jews and not bribe Democrats? It appears impossible for the Obama regime. It is not just enough to steal an election and play nice, but Obama and his crew have to go around terrorizing everyone and in the end, everyone starts calling for indictments.
This blog warned that when Obama was smacking Jews around that it was his worst nightmare in they are in numbers of key positions and were his firewall in stopping all of the crimes coming out.
Now they are not only not stopping the crimes from coming out, they are starting to call for prosecution.

So ain't live a b*tch when you it is more, ain't live a Rahm, because it sure is the pooch for Mr. Emmanuel.
It might be a first for an American Obamite in being not asked, "One lump or two?", but instead,"Would you prefer a year in an Israeli prison or a year in an American prison?"

Ain't life a Rahm.


PS: Great news Jews, Emanuel now is having Jews arresting in their own nation violating free speech in daring to yell at him.

What a guy!

The trials of Rahm Emanuel