Monday, May 24, 2010

The Big Beaver Policy

I have concluded that the most dangerous member of the Obama regime is that organ which Muchelle Obama puts on display just under her ovaries.

This creature has Mr. Obama running to gay males, has Muchelle chewing on fat kids for lunch and is infecting sexy Obama policy with a lurid canker cootie which is endangering the world in monkey mansexual meanderings.

For polite company, we here name this the Obama Big Beaver Policy, for reality we just call it Wussy Policy.

The highlight of the BBP is in Asia, which has dear leader, Kim Jong Ill, sinking a South Korean ship, has 50,000 Arnold Schwarzenegger commandos on the border as Bob Dornan foretold of, and is now threatening war......again, for the deuce time under B. Hussein Obama.

Added to this Obama in BBP is about to topple the Japanese Government due to the odd Okinawa policy Obama came up with which has the Japanese convinced the island is their island, when it is American.

For a reality check here, I adore the Japanese people. They are one of my favorites in this world in being both sexy and killers.
They though like Tea Party Americans thought in 1930 they could play on the Obama field. FDR suckered them into attacking Pearl Harbor and after a little genetic experimentation on Asians, raping a few white women and letting loose their Rahm Emmanuel nasty, Harry Truman decided after Okinawa that 10 million dead Japs and 1 million dead Yank Soldiers that vaporizing a few Japanese cities would be a good idea.

So America took Okinawa as small payment for the Japanese acting like Rahm Emmanuel.

It is nonsense to allow the Japanese to think otherwise. It was nonsense by the Bush 41 patricians to economically rape Japan.
The end result is Japanese thinking they can tell Marines where to live on Okinawa when in reality the Okinawans need to comprehend that they can leave if they do not appreciate that the only reason they are still sucking air is because of Americans not vaporizing them or allowing the Soviets or Chicoms to vaporize them.

But America now has this Big Beaver Policy from Muchelle's nether reaches which has another Japanese Government about to topple when the one thing Japan and America requires now is stability.

The Japanese are a wonderfully martial, skilled, intelligent and mimicking race. They need to be required though to have an American direction as they have not had any for 30 years.
I desire to make them the American aircraft carrier and banking station in the Pacific. They would prosper immensely and become a massive nuclear power to offset the Eurasians. The Japanese are the most American of peoples as the Poles are in Europe. They need an integrated American future as without it they are going to start looking toward Eurasia and end up being sucked into China more and more, and a shoving match will result and the Japanese will find a dirty way to win that war and exterminate 2 billion Chinese out of 1.2 billion.

The Big Beaver is a feminist policy thinking it has testicles, but all it does is ramp up war and have real males like Kim Jong Ill attempt to wet hump your leg with nuclear bombs.

This is going to be the result of Obama policy as it has already started. Japan will awaken after some bloodying and then build nuclear, photon and biological weapons, invite the US to get the hell out under point of hostage and this will not end well.

It is far better to have our Japanese children adored by America and showing them an outward way to progress so they stop looking at Marines on Okinawa.

As this blog noted previously, I would have Japan as the American trading hub for Asia. I would progress this to inviting the Japanese on a nice lunar mining project netting both nations quadrillions of dollars as partners in the best possible relationships.
That is the adult way to mentor with honor a fine Oriental people in the mixed races of Japan.

Honorable solutions benefit all in harmony. Obama has dishonored all and no one is happy.

The Big Beaver

In this, as an addendum, this situation requires understanding in a repeat of what Mr. Obama has dithered America into in North Korean escalations, that Americans need to comprehend what can indeed and will happen as Kim Jong Ill is poising for a reunification by force of the Korean penninsula as this blog warned.

For those Eleanor Cliff types who jump into the Obama abyss with grins, the US military nor American public is not prepared for the losses, fight nor results of a new Korean Obama war, as Obama now has placed US forces there on alert.

America has 28,000 Soldiers stationed there. In tactical terms, Kim Jong Ill would not seek to wipe out that force, and for those who do not comprehend North Korean abilities, I will refresh the situation.
The North has a million men under arms. These people are designed like Chinese and Russian troops to eat up American supplies. It is their form of Vietnam attrition.
The North has a hundreds of thousands of artillery rounds ready to lay a gunsighted gridwork across the South which would literally wipe out the south.

To explain, artillery is sophisticated and is my favorite form of military warfare for the quality of it's work. It is possible to "walk" artillery in lines pushing an opponent back or forward and then to sight back and catch the fleeing troops in the open and wipe them out as one walks the artillery back into the lines like a flyswatter.

The North can devistate the entire South, including Seoul, but in doctrine it would not be viable to waste firepower early in the fighting, except to create a refugee force to gum up the South Korean and American supply lines.

The North is Chinese PLA and Soviet adept. They know war and the Americans well from the last war. They are aware how much interesting things can be done with US POW's as their Iranian partners proved during the Carter years.
Logic would dictate that the North would open a cooridore to pour their forces through in a massive sweep, and walking of artillery through the Americans bases, shutting down the air base.

Taking this tactical route, the North would have probably 12,000 dead Americans, 5000 wounded and 11,000 shell shocked Soldiers as POW's. This would then provide the strategy for POW's as shields as Obama could not bomb the North Koreans who had numbers of Americans sheilding them.

Once this was undertaken, then the opening round would be to devastate the South to provide the refugee horror necessary to stop the operation.

Make no mistake as Hillary Clinton is runing around playing Peking girl, that Charlie Hu of China will indeed back the North Koreans as they did previously, and then the question in this is, "What is Obama going to do with 200 million nuclear backed Chicom troops?"

There are no exception to this. Obama now has the far east war with Japan upset with Americans on Okinawa. In knowing this, North Korea has agents in Japan in the million Koreans populated there, and it is feasible tactically to dirty nuke Okinawa to really invite America out of the Pacific.
Obama has opened a war situation that America could win a costly war to stalemate and lose it, as it would cripple the United States fighting population.
Face the facts in this that the warrior white population is not breeding in America, and they are not going to be fighting for Mr. Obama's bungling. Black folks are not ever going to be at the forefront in any wars, the Asians will not fight their own and Obama's illegals are not going to trade a taco for a Korean grave.

Kim Jong Ill was just in Peking and was given the royal welcome. China has signed off on everything the North has done. They see the friction in Japan for America and are exploiting it.
With Robert Gates pulling back American carriers, the Chinese and their proxy North fully realize that America can be bloodied and radiated to such a Korean extent that it will be forced back to Guam and Hawaii.

China will then rule the Pacific and with a quaint nuclear pollution of the South with thousands of American hostages, Kim Jong Ill will rule a united Korea.

Sounds like a mess, and it is. It is Obama Big Beaver Policy.

