Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Michael Savage

I have been thinking about writing a letter to Michael Savage, but with mixed results in not getting it done.
As he though is in the current issue of Playboy in an interview, I decided instead to post what I was going to say in the letter here in the hope he might read it.

Mr. Savage has been savaged in the worst possible ways in America and around the world. My conclusion is he is attacked, because he is like Clarence Thomas in being off the liberal plantation in being Jewish. If he would be a sell out like David Axelrod, he probably would be Surgeon General today in the Obama regime.

I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Savage, because he is the intellect you want on point in any fight. Playboy should have hired 100 more liberal smear reporters to engage Mr. Savage, as the fight is always unfair as Michael Savage savages those who come up with the daggers drawn.

In that, Joseph Farah is a groupie of Mr. Savage and takes it too far in savaging people who contact him in trying to vent his frustrations as this blog has noted. Mr. Savage does not suffer fools, but his profile followers do not at times comprehend that Mr. Savage turns it on and turns it off when needed and doesn't punch the little old ladies.

That is the strangeness as Joseph Farah will make headlines in Laura Bush sympathizing with gay marriage, but will never note that Michael Savage in the Playboy interview uses the F word and speaks about gays can go sodomize themselves to death as long as they leave the children alone.

My calling has problems with Laura Bush's kinder and gentler toward enabling sodomites and it has problems with Michael Savage just having people go screw themselves to death.
As I have stated, all humanity has personal flaws instilled by God that each have to overcome in His Thought process, known in Jewish definitions as Jesus the Christ Who overcomes all failings and brings perfection.
Being GOP caring or being Libertarian let God sort them out, does nothing for the mercy, checed or caring all people are to have in not enabling people to destroy themselves.

If Michael Savage had been around in the 1980's to be interviewed in Playboy, he would have received a far different treatment in those pages. It will shock most people to know that Hugh Hefner up until the time Ed Meese started taking on pornography and the devastating effects it had on all people for the Reagan Administration, that Mr. Hefner was quite right wing in supporting gun rights to featuring articles that were about Indochina sail fishing.

That all changed and as Hef got older, his daughter could not handle the business as Playboy became tame compared to what the internet had available and all that was left was the rabid left to fill it's pages.
I have written enough of the predatory nature of Hugh Hefner in his centerfolds were women looking for validation in coming from broken or military absentee daddy homes. I will not reveal the women of Playboy I know, but some sadden me greatly in the hole they are in and Playboy amplified it.
It takes all kinds to make a world though, and I have found the women in the pages of Playboy delightful in specific circumstances in being good people who communicate well. The ones who produce armed children like Lisa Welch interest me in the best of possible ways.

That all is probably digression, but as my friend in school used to say, "You write a report Lame and it is a few lines of content and the rest is filler"........sometimes though the filler is a comforting blanket that your mind can take a nap in while the Michael Savage letter writes itself.

What I really desire to express to Mr. Savage is I heard awhile back when he was having the typical problems he had in being thrown out of England and attacked that he was going to quit radio sooner than later.
I for one do not want him to do that, but understand how after awhile you just have enough in telling liberals they are going into the abyss and none of them would listen.

In that, I am familiar enough with Mr. Savage to know he is person of diverse interests and background which is quite interesting and would be interesting as Rush Limbaugh would explain as Mr. Savage is passionate about it.
So that it what I would like Mr. Savage to consider, that instead of wasting his talent, he could bash some liberal brains for sport, but he could transform his show to the things he loves to indulge in from sharing books to his medical understanding. In media, the key to success is not always being ramped up constantly but an ebb and flow of high tension and petting your puppy.

That is basically what I wanted to express in Michael Savage should not go away, but teach the things to form more well rounded characters in his fans like Joseph Farah who really needs him.
It is a hard business though and I hear radio titans smack each other often. I would that Howard Stern would actually work in his talent as I saw him once wade into Phil Donahue and castrate that liberal's intellect without any effort.
It takes a great deal of charisma to be in the top spots in America and Paul Harvey was around past 90 enjoying himself on air and I hope that Michael Savage can enjoy himself off air and bring that enjoyment on air to share more of who he is, as people would respond to him in even larger audiences while he still set a course for an America governed by the People and not a people governed by executive orders.

God though put us here to grow the flowers we are, and not just sit back and smell them.

Guess I can end that with an Amen or a nuff said.
