What requires doing is real money like offering 100 million dollars, and or, half my Yankee supply of gold. Now this is genuine American gold, the good stuff, that glitters like gold, because it is the real stuff.
We all know that Obama likes playing pocket pool in public as the photos were published here. We know Obama likes to be in front of the camera as he was smoking illegal narcotics while being filmed to impress a white girl.
So this all adds up to the fact that there is a full length feature film out of there of Obama playing Magic with his Johnson.
I'm not really interested in seeing Vera Baker neckid as it seems Obama has a thing for saggy boobed, but hipped women with beer guts. Having timber thighs Muchelle before me daily is enough to deal with, so I have to be specific in what kind of Obama sex video deserves the real cash to come up with.
I do not want the Donald Young snuff film or I would have to turn it over to the FBI as snuff sexing homosexuals even if it is Obama is a crime. Now it might be nice to be in court with the lovely Patti Blagovich, but if you have the Donald Young snuff sex film, just turn it over to the federal police or Larry King, so he can ask about sexual things he is pondering as usual.
Next, I am not interested in any Paris Hilton "is the camera on" sex film. It is impossible to make a Bollywood comedy when you have such a blonde on screen so hokey. Granted her mother is so hot she could pull it off, but I doubt that Obama and her were ever gettin' froggy.
As for Bollywood, I am not going to shell out gold for Obama on his Islamic homosexual haj to Pakistan for honorary Pakistani partridge hunting and goat sex.
So no Pakistani films of Obama's squandered youth need apply.
Seeing Muchelle parade around Bobama on a leash is bad enough animal sex to watch as you can just tell she is thinking, "If only I could get a leash on Barack what fun we would have and he would leave that old Reggie Love alone and come back to me, me, me, men".
Yest it was a typo on men, but there are no accidents in life as I have published the johnson photo of Muchele which was showing she was packing more than the Walrus from the porn films.
I guess I need to address that I do not want any flossing films of Obama and Reggie Love. If I want to watch ESPN and floss, I can watch Howie Long on FOX NFL grunt and grin as he strains for thoughts of intelligence which prove him to be the dumbest investment Chevy ever made as a salesman.
What Terry Bradshaw ever saw in Howie Long is beyond Kashmir.
Furthermore, I will not accept any Charlie Gibson soap dropping films. I have seen enough of Gibson with his shirt open, legs spread and having that sudsy afterwards look in his eyes interviewing Obama.
(Is it not strange this blog broke the story about how gay that Obama Gibson interview was and Gibson fled ABC? Odd like that big blue eyed blonde at CBS boinking Bill Clinton and her getting fired to oblivion in the late 1980's.)
In any case, I am not interested in Obama soap dropping as he does not look good in lather. He just looks mansexual enough without wet dog smelling shower scenes that would only appeal to a Bob Barker fido clientele.
Not doing that either.
In the end, I guess I am looking for something along the lines of this gal in Alina Kabaeva, who came up on the Vera Baker search. The National Enquirer said Vera was a hottie, but the photo I found did not do anything for me.
This Alina chic is more to the pin up mass media Bollywood comedy of Eurasia 3 billion ticket holders and counting theaters. There is just something sexy about a woman on snow leopard fur laying on a stag hide looking all Slavic.
See this is what Patti Blagojevich is supposed to be doing in helping her husband's defense, but I digress.
So terms for offering 100 million dollars, and or, my world supply of Yankee gold, hinges on Obama not being in the Obama sex film. I know that Polaroids were all the rage in socialite blonde New York and there is probably some grainy film of, Soetoro and his Bolero, floating around, but the problem is for most normal people they are going to throw up in seeing Obama neckid.
Lawrence Sinclair had to consume adult beverages and mind altering drugs to cuddle with Obama, so having a film around which makes people vomit makes for the worst kind of sticky floor movie theaters.
Sure I could maybe market it to a suicide emergency ward which would make Obamacare cheaper in people wouldn't need their stomachs pumped, all they would need was a few minutes of Obama dribbling his balls and going for the hoop, and the oxy would come spewing up, but with Obama rationing death, I figure that the stomach pump movie would be banned as the entire Obama idea of health care is killing off the masses.
Sometimes I think if folks actually considered when they got caught making sex films if they actually saw who they were having sex with, they would never cheat as Tiger Woods cadre was really quite a group to make one wince. Obama's taste in women who actually bedded the Girl Wonder, is not that appealing either.
So I guess that is the offer and will leave it percolate at that...........but the thing I do wonder about is if the National Enquirer could track down the limo driver who dropped off bang bus Vera, why hasn't anyone been able to track down the limo driver who picked up Obama for his Date Night with Lawrence Sinclair?
I guess that might have been caught in the John Edwards short and curlies with help from David Axelrod.
I'm beginning to think Obama's New York socialite girlfriend looks allot like Rosie O'Donnell.
National Inquiring minds want to know