Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Flying Dutchman

Now what has Eric Holder been up to?

The reason this needs to be covered is to ask the question why when his Justice Department using the FBI in a sting case in Aruba, against the homicidal maniac, Jordon Van der Sloot, paid this murderer sting money in the Natalie Holloway murder case, did Eric Holder allow him to escape to Peru, to murder Stephany Flores?

The reason all of this matters is the stinks of past Eric Holder global criminals who like Marc Rich were pursued by the FBI and by miracle Rich's plane would be flying to an airport the FBI was waiting overseas, the plane would turn around in mid air and elude the FBI, because someone tipped off Rich from inside the US Government.

Van der Sloot is well connected as his father is a prominent Judge, and, the twice arrest murder wonder was back in Aruba trying to extort a quarter million dollars from the FBI in providing information like Ted Bundy about the women he brutalized.

That is what makes no sense in this in the FBI had this beast dead to rights in wire fraud and making incriminating statements as in he confessed to murdering Natalie Holloway, and somehow he was allowed to go free, where he jumped island and ended up in South America, home of Obama's drug syndicate pumping coke into Europe via Africa.

The FBI just does not let people go, no more than it "looses" Faisal Shahzad, armed with an assault rifle outside an international airport unless they have orders from Eric Holder who has been using Justice as his personal crime lab.

This all has the scent of Judge Van der Sloot is a globalist, got tipped off what the FBI was up to, and Obama with Holder told the FBI to step down, allowing the Flying Dutchman to escape, with apparently United States taxpayer money from the sting to fund his murder spree in Peru.

This is a white European with a goofy accent, in a land of brown skinned Spanish people, and he slips out of Peru and into Chile, after slipping out of Aruba into Peru to heinously murder a rather stupid girl by breaking her neck.

It will not be popular, but I have no time for these rich children whose parents allow them to go to Aruba as it is an evil world we live in. These children like the Peru broken neck girl, always are flirty with the rich bad boys, and end up in hotel rooms with them, where things go wrong and they end up dead, because Ted Bundy is lurking under the skin.
I would not allow my children to go to Chicago South Side or East LA, no more than Mexico, Aruba or any other place in this wicked world we live in as I know what goes on those hell holes just beyond the resort line and I know what is attached to every resort.

So add this to the list of Congressional hearings involving Eric Holder in how does a known murderer, be paid US money, commit crimes in front of the FBI and somehow he is allowed to go free, and end up in Peru to murder again?

Natalie Holloway should have been home going to Church on Sunday and fishing for a pastime, I had enough of Greta in her violin strings on this story, but everything about it touches upon white slavery, paid snuff excursions and Europeans connected to Eric Holder being set free, because they are above the law the rest of the world has to abide by.

What is Eric Holder's hand in this, as this is a high profile case, got clearance directly from DC, got operational funds and deployment from DC, and they "loose" the Flying Dutchman?
Not a chance. The FBI got caught holding Holder's bag again.

What did Eric Holder know, who did he communicate with and when did he do all of this?

agtG 265

Eric Holder's Flying Dutchman

PS: A million dollars a head for Gitmo terrorists set free in tropical paradise islands, Club Med hotels for border buster Mexicans, trillion dollar deposits for nation rapists of the cartel looted from US banks, and now serial murderers handed traveling money to murder again.

Should not someone in the Obama regime be held accountable for this larceny and enabling criminals with funding?