Sunday, June 27, 2010

G 20 Abyss

As I am typing this, apparently no one has noticed that B. Hussein Obama in Canada at the G 20 Abyss of Obama, that Obama went out and told the world not only that America will no longer be the engine of economic freedom, but the following two hellish Gehenna infernos:

1. Obama demands that other nations go into massive debt like he has spent America into the abyss.

2. Obama demands other nations PASS OBAMA ABYSS BANKING aka Barney Frank - Chris Dodd attacking United States finance, so that American companies can not flee America to their nations freedom escaping Obama regulations.

Here am I not stretching this. Obama ordered other nations to pass his draconian laws, so they can not escape his shackles.

This is the stuff that the Stalin had with his Iron Curtain. Obama called for an Iron Curtain to be drawn around America like the Warsaw Ghetto in order to keep Americans in.

Do Americans need any more proof that Obama is the son of Stalin? Obama has been after Swiss banking to turn over American accounts which are American's money so Obama can confiscate their money.
Now we see that Obama is passing laws which he knows are so draconian that free companies are going to flee America. What kind of Marxist but Obama would change America to his regime outlook where finanicial Iron Curtains must be built by other nations to keep Americans inside America so Obama can whoop on them.

Obama goes on a world stage and does not bring a Reagan message of prosperity, nor a Clinton message of working together for a better world, but Obama issues a mandate to the world to pass laws making American's criminals so if they flee dictator Obama, he can haul them back into the American gulag.

Obama's message from the G 20 abyss is to make the hole deeper, hotter and more hellish in order to incinerate American freedoms.

Can you imagine this that the Obama talking point is not in keeping people who save money more secure or banks more solvent to provide cheap loans for Americans in their dreams, but Obama is lecturing about the world following his ghetto status of keeping those American vermin behind the walls so he can exterminate them the way the Nazi's did the Jews.

These are not terrorists Obama is after, if only they were, but these are banks which bring money into America which makes life better for Americans in acquiring usury from other nations building better lives. Americans banks are the ultimate "green" industry as they produce no pollution, employ great numbers of people in clean jobs, and enrich the American populace, and Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and B. Hussein Obama are tar balling it to destruction just like Obama did deliberately to the Gulf.

The punchline in this is Dodd has no idea what this Obama abyss law will do, as he stated it is all theory and no one knows what it will do until it is implemented.

Only this blog noted what this Obama bank destruction law will do, in it will criminalize any banker from making high stakes loans which are the high profit loans. Those billion dollar loans will all now shift to Europe which will reap the benefits, and American banks will get to make loans on demand to Obama cronies who will default on them, just like Mexicans defaulting on US housing loans which helped crash the US economy.

Americans are now faced with fleeing Obamerica to make a living, but Obama wants Germans to erect concentration camps to capture Americans.

Obama is now not content in just exterminating the GOP Gulf states, Americans in rationed death, now he is demanding other nations bankrupt themselves as Obama did America, with all that money funnelling to the European cartel banks which is behind all Obama policy, as that is where Obama policy is written and set just like Karl Marx manifesto was written for him by the intellectual minds of the Rothschild group in a profitable way to plunder nations and manage the masses of people cheaply.

Only here has it been warned that Obama is not just intent on destroying America, Obama has policies to murder America three times over, so she can not rise before the European axis supplants her.
Obama now is smashing the rest of the world which is rightly trying to rein in spending, but if Obama pushes them the way he did Germany in buying up Greece, German free enterprise will cease to exist too.

In case you missed it, Greece is already auctioning off it's islands for debt. Only this blog predicted that the Obama suits on the ground were going to take over nations in this manner through debt, and what works in Africa and Greece is something these Obamalings will one day do in federal and state lands in America.

So the world does not face Carl Sagan's Nuclear Winter yet. No the world faces Obama winter with an Obama ash cloud as his vulcan polices produces scorched earth America.

Obama has broken America, and now he is shattering the shards into pieces.
