Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Have your Jake spayed or neutered

I have some advice for the Obamite Obamaling puppy press, and that is to go get their testicles back from Helen Thomas and teach Obama a lesson in who is in charge.

Obama has done nothing but expose Charlie Gibson and Brian Williams as gay, gets Louis Farrakhan's posse to threaten them, mocks them and gives them the slip whenever he pleases over their protests.
Obama sent the White House press pool packing in Canada, when Obama was huddled in the dark mists of the netherworld. Americans do not know if a man sex orgy took place, Obama dressed up in Emanuel's tutu or Obama sold these United States to China. All because the press acts like Al Gore's naughty poodle when Obama jerks their leash.

I have a suggestion for the puppy press in they simply stop showing up at Robert Gibbs misogyny events, stop showing up to care what Tar Ball Obama is up to, and for the next month do this:

Put Sarah Palin on every day, featured as the Shadow President in how Conservatives will save America from Obama.

Feature Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin with no White House rebuttal.

Praise all the GOP candidates running for office and expose all the crooked Democrats.

Quote this blog as the media of record in exposing all the Obama crimes he should be indicted for.

The puppy press shows some fangs in promoting the American solutions, and Obama will be throwing a tantrum in a day.

Make no mistake puppy press if you showed your fangs at Obama, that he will retaliate on you like Obama does on Limbaugh and Hannity. Your corporations will probably be then next BP to have a spill Obama will have to extort 20 billion from. You personally Jake Tapper if you did your job might end up in Obama prison like Rod Blagojevich for daring to stand against crook Obama, this though would be real journalism for the first time in all of your pathetic lives.

Currently puppy press, you are nothing but sex poodles for bestiality Obama. Try instead exposing Muchelle Obama as a big assed, horse toothed, racist bad parent she is tormenting American fat children.
Try asking Obama about being undocumented, his sex perversion among gay males, his crimes against Gerald Walpin and his genocide of the GOP Gulf States.

If you puppy press don't like being treated like poodles then grow some teeth and start promoting the American side and just see how long it is before Obama is personally baking you cupcakes like Helen Thomas got.

Barack Hussein Obama is a wife beater. He beats on women politically, he has never been to Haiti where black folks live and his favorite pastime is giving the old lady press a few before he goes out for a romp with the gay boys.

Try being American you poodles, because if you do not, Obama is approaching the time he is going to drop you off at the Humane Society to give you Jewish final solution.

Obama is going to control the internet, there is only two things left he has not wiped out. The first is land ownership and that will come and the second is the press.

He treats you like this Jake Tapper in good times. What is Obama going to do when the real crackdown comes?

Have your Jake spayed or neutered..............


Obama pisses on the puppy press and humps them