Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Turkish unDelight

It is past time due to the deliberate enabling of dithering Obama to bring home all United States nuclear warheads on "loan" to the Islamist radical state of Turkey which just attempted wholesale terrorism against the Jewish state, which still could set off a nuclear war in the Middle East.

The Edrogan government is a mix of the worst of Jeff Rense featured posts. While Mr. Rense trusts his readers to to filter out what is insane, there is no such filter in Turkey in their media reports produce as fact such stories that the United States is organ harvesting in Iraq from dead people and mullahs there issued a fatwa in Iraqi's were not supposed to eat fish from the Euphrates due to all the dead bodies Americans were throwing into the river.

The Turkish regime surpasses the ravings of the Islamocommunist Persians and is equal to the lunacy which is coming from North Korea, as Turkey just initiated an act of terrorism against the Israeli state with full Obama collusion.
For those who dislike the Jews, this is in your self interest to figure out that Jews have nukes, Turkey has nukes, Obama now has you hostage to OPEC oil in shutting off drilling, as the Jews are going to survive at all costs, perhaps one should be focusing on the Turks creating the problem with Obama's blessing, and not Jews sending out ships invading other nation's waters.

This is a NATO issue and the last thing America needs is nuclear Turkey and nuclear Israel lobbing nukes while Obama roasts marshmallows in the ashes of dead US Soldiers stationed there.

Prudently, Turkey does not in the least belong in NATO and should be put on a reduced status role in NATO, as it is now a conduit of Iran. The reduced status role would limit NATO action to only invasion from Russia, as Turkey has not assisted in the least American efforts in the war on terror, especially the Iraq liberation.

America must send a clear signal to the mad Endrogen regime that it will no longer accept the NAZI smears of America in their press of Americans, Kurds, Armenians and Jews. There must be costs in this to Turkey so they learn to behave in a civilized manner.

That first starts will America taking custody of it's nuclear weapons and whatever else is stationed in that Islamist regime. A major American footprint must be withdrawn, while keeping the option of NATO bases operating there so the Russians do not move in to fill the void.

Necessarily, America must seeks out the Turkish secular military and support that institution as a safety measure as when Endrogen is promoting the most odd Jeff Rense stories (Yes this is where the crazy leftists of the world get their information from in the Soros created propaganda which shows up on Steve Quayle type sites) and it becomes Turkish, Iranian, al Qaeda and North Korean foreign policy.
The lunatics of the 3rd world are listening to all of this, and they indeed believe everything evil about America, because they want to.

Turkey must be put on a leash with a status akin to Albania, as it has no military security for the west any longer in what it is now instigating in Islamic warfare. It holds invasion position, but that is it's only viable attribute which can be overcome in emergency Italian and Greek detonation of the Constantinople bridge to stop Asian invasion.

The Turks in their Edomite betrayal of the west which goes back to the hatred for Jacob in the Bible, the Herod slaughter of the innocents to try and assassinate baby Jesus, the rape and murder of Jerusalem in 70AD to the enslavement, rape and murder of Europeans in the Ottoman Empire has now once again surfaced in this pottage clan rejected by God.

Turkey has now reached pariah status. It's press is creating a worse anti American mob than is in Pakistan.
The last situation America needs is when Obama bombs some Islamic nation with nukes for Endrogen to turn over the American warheads he possesses to al Qaeda to vaporize Tel Aviv, Paris, London, New York and Los Angeles.

These Edomites have proven they can not be trusted and are part of an anti western regime which will assist in the invasion of Europe.

There is no blog in Turkey to counterbalance the lunatics, because the lunatics are in charge and they are armed with American warheads.

Bring home the American nuclear arsenal out of Turkey or at least station them in the American bases in Israel for necessary use in time of war.


PS: This is the Muslim regime Obama first went to in 2009, befriended and deferred to.
What does that reveal about Obama's misjudgment?

The Nuclear Islamist Instigators of Turkey