Thursday, June 3, 2010

Yes I speak Obama

Да, я говорю русского, for those who do not speak Obama, I will translate the Russian as I do speak it in my internet connections.

The chief of the FSB, the current KGB in Russia, Comrade Alexander Bortnikiov made the following statement:

" Мы имеем информацию на которую показано что террористы продолжают попытать получить доступ к ядерным материалам и биологическо и химикату components."


"We have information which indicates that terrorists are continuing to attempt to get access to nuclear materials and biological and chemical components."

End translation.

Well the linguistic translation is ended, because what the head of the FSB is initiating is what is terms, CRA, or Covering Russia's A**.

I ask readers to recall now an exclusive of this blog in the Persians selling weapons grade uranium to the South American communists of FARC, to which President Bush immediately sent out execution squads to terminate FARC, as it has been the policy of Russian Bolshevism to set up a nuclear front in South America to attack these United States from.
Iran is the conduit for this and the main front is Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, backed by Danny Ortega and the Castro's of Cuba.

This Iranian uranium was not Iranian at all. What it was, was an amount which the Persian communist had purchased directly from the Soviet Republics, during the time Bill Clinton had allowed the KGB to sell around a dozen nuclear warheads to Iran and 1 lone nuclear SS missile which was too large for a Scud so Saddam Hussein could not launch it.
This Satan warhead was evacuated by Vladamir Putin moments before liberation back to Moscow.

Those are the facts which President Bush has hidden as this blog has exclusively noted and framed. Mr. Bush did this to keep the governments of Eurasia from all imploding. The KGB did though arm Iran and it is why Bill Clinton allowed Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to go nuclear to offset Iran.

What the FSB now though is accomplishing is deflecting a mandatory American strike when these weapons show up in Tel Aviv, western Europe and these United States.
The Russians have just confirmed that Iran and the proxy communists of al Qaeda under Zawahiri have not just been provided by the FSB nuclear, biological and chemical weapons whose structures can all be traced directly back to Russia, but there are operations sanctioned now for their use inside these United States.
It will not be Faisal fizzlers, but will be weapons which have Americans in spasms dying in seconds from chemical weapons, coughing up lungs in biological weapons as they fry in their own blood, and incinerated from nuclear bombs.

These original Iranian supplies of Russian uranium could be traced back to Russia as all elements are local, as well as the biological germs, as well as the chemical makeup synthesis, can all be traced back to Russian Bolsheviks.

This new store though is of the same vintage pointing to the "stans" which Russia is now going to lay the trail so it does not come back to Medvedev. The Russians are now warning the world to save themselves from Obama's itchy sodomite finger in his being forced to retaliate with nuclear weapons.

Obama will bomb some Muslim nation, and I would bet a good bottle of vodka that Putin already has a scenario worked out where once Obama strikes in this retaliation that Russia will be "invited in" as they invaded Afghanistan.

Never forget the Russians know the chess game, and when they initiate murder, they have their military there to acquire in invasion just like they did in Poland.

The Russian FSB just tipped the hand that their proxy terrorists are going to strike with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons as they obtained them from Russian stans, and America is in their crosshairs.

In that, Poland is a good place to end this translation, as Russia wiped out the Polish Government, leaving only their crony like in the Ukraine.
Russia is fully in a mode through proxy terrorists in a process of decapitating the west in political, economic and military stockpile.

That is the meaning of the translation and one knows it if one speaks Obama.

An American city is now in play at 86% of being incinerated, with one being the "moderate" choice to only gage a kinder and gentler Obama response, which Russia can take advantage of without too much nuclear pollution harming their troops.
Ed Koch, you voted for this, and in logical deduction, your New York is 100% the target in this 86% chance now on what the Russians are confirming in the terrorists have the WMD's, and will use them on intended targets in the west.

It is now too late to shut the gate as the wolf has left the cage. Only explicit threats on Moscow and Peking will stop this, but then Mr. Obama just in policy informed the world, he will not respond to mass murder of Americans as Mr. Obama disarms America.

The Russians speak Obama and that is why this is being initiated. It is what I have been warning of since Obama came on the scene.

agtG 247

Speaking Obama