That is in case you missed it as Father Chris Matthews declares in judgment that B. Hussein Obama is a "christian" because he has the same standards as all "liberal christians" in he never goes to Church, uses God's Name in vain on the golf course every Sunday and dabbles in sodomy between services.
As the world knows in this global blog, this blog has done all it can to assist Prime Minister Obama, because this British Indonesian is so American retarded, he needs all the pointers he can get as Obama just plain acts queer daily.
Queer: Beyond or deviating from the usual or expected.
Things continue to go really bad for Obama as all the world despots are more American tough guy than Obama could ever be.
Kim Jong Il has Jimmy Carter flying in to humiliate America again on hostage releases, and Obama just turns terrorists loose for Americans paying a million dollars a head.
(Would it hurt to have Ahmadinejad fly in to release Gitmo terrorists, hint hint.)
Ahmadinejad is firing off rockets and building nuclear bombs.
China is going wild in building weapons of mass destruction.
Even Vladamir Putin the gayest of the world tough guys has this American thing down where Obama is either titty flashing on a beach, playing golf, playing in the surf, taking his daughter on dates or in the worst, he just can't stop playing that fairy nice basketball.
Compare that to Putin in he has this shirt off fishing, has a rifle out firing at things, shooting tigers with tranquilizer guns, releasing leopards into a preserve, swimming in icy rivers, putting out wildfires and currently Vladamir was out in the ocean darting gray whales for research.
Obama instead thinks it is manly to say "kick ass" and that is about it as he tar balls the Gulf Coast in environmental crimes.
Do not you people see something wrong in all of this in Putin knows how to be a leader, of the east and the west, of the elite and the 3rd world, and just how to be a man, even without some foxy chic on his arm proving he has erection potential.
Now I realize completely that Barack Hussein Obama has a great deal to overcome. First he is dark skinned, which in Hawaii and Indonesia gave him designer negro status. When you are a skunk at a party of cats, your perfume naturally gets you all the attention, so Obama never had to accomplish anything, as he pretended to be black as a kid, and everyone liked the novelty of it, even as he crashed 8 year old birthday parties in Indochina.
Then there is Obama is a dope head so his mind just does not function, but stutters in his programming.
Then there is Obama's attitude and ego, which he thinks he deserves world leader status for just showing up, which was not helped by Norwegians giving him a Nobel Prize for nothing.
Then the biggest problem is, is that ugly wife Obama has, with the cotton picker hips. Mrs. Ed, does indeed promote pity for Barry Soetoro from all, but when you are a world leader you need a Laura Bush, Nancy Reagan on your arm like Carla Sarkozy to really make the world population want to be like you.
Face it, when Eleanor Roosevelt was in the White House, like Hillary Clinton, like Muchelle Obama, people just look at that stuff and cringe in thanking God they are not married to creatures like that.
Nobody wants to grow up or fantasize about being Barack Hussein Obama with that monstrous Muchelle in the nightmare, as nobody wants the fat ugly step sisters from Cinderella. They want the glass slipper.
The glass slipper is what Vladamir Putin sips and sups from constantly. Putin murders people around the globe, gives a big stiffy to Obama over Iran and North Korea, and the despots just giggle about what a real man Putin is, as he is kind to animals, in the true mansexual way.
Putin doesn't need chics in skirts, as he is like John Wayne in the complete movie persona. Why introduce the hot chic, when you are the rugged Putin, so muscular that even Siberian mosquitoes can not penetrate your skin as you you are so Bolshevik tough.
To the point, Barack Hussein Obama is British, and that is that too many woman genes British which all British males became after World War II. That David Cameron is just more of a girl that Margaret Thatcher. Look at those penis images on the BBC of the presenters they have on compared to the manly women there who are really sexy.
Obama has nothing male about him. He is a girl, a sissy, a wimp, an international eunuch serving the bow station in the Eurasian ruling courts.
Vladamir Putin is a man in public and there is no mistaking anything he does in being masculine. That is what makes him attractive to the mass of Russians. Putin murders people in London using Polonium. Putin murders reporters in elevators with blood all over. Putin works deals where he gets eastern Europe, nuclear Islamocommunists in Persia and bases all over South America for a war on America.........and Obama gets the shaft, because Obama likes the idea of being a wife beater to the folks at home, but he likes being in bondage to the big dog in Russia as Putin gives him a golden shower in water sports.
One of my favorite bizarre movies has Wings Hauser in it, with Joseph Farah's good friend, G. Gordon Liddy. In it, Liddy is tied to a desk and this huge breasted Roberta Vasquez of Playboy is dressed in leather whipping Liddy, and Liddy can not get enough of being punished.
In this, you can just picture Chris Matthews with his bottom bare, being leather whipped by Hillary Clinton and getting off on it, as he praises Obama as a christian who never goes to Church except to kick blacks out on Easter.
You just have to believe that Obama is the same as Liddy, except, Obama is boring as hell, according to Lawrence Sinclair. Obama never pays for the drinks, has the date buy the coke, and then he gets his cigar smoked..........and then like a pest shows up the next day at your hotel room, strips naked, and just like 8 year old birthday parties in Indonesia, he lays there expecting the designer negro to be the excitement when all it is, is bad porn without even Liddy or Matthews to laugh at.
In seeking to help Obama, this blog has told Obama that Muchelle needs a boob job, and to show some thighs in stockings as wind blows up her dress. This blog told Obama to get his little general uniform out, and yet Obama will do none of the above.
Barack Obama has to go Putin, as he already has fulfilled the prediction here he is blaming Pelosi and Reid now for all of America's woes...........I warned you Democrats to blame Obama, but you cuddled with him, and now he out blaming you and not Bush.
I suggest that Obama get hisself a big ole cigar boat and charge into some hurricane taking weather samples from a distance, at night as lightning flashes in the background.
I suggest that Obama go out and shoot some wolves from a plane in Yellowstone as the wolves there have killed everything, citing Teddy Roosevelt and Sarah Palin.
I suggest Obama take out some naval ships and fire off some cannons at some old tanker, to sink it for the purpose of making fish habitat in the Gulf.
Grow a beard over the weekend while doing some manly things like Putin, and it will at least give the perception Obama has testicles between his legs and not Muchelle's.
This Predator assassination, rights to terrorists, Ground Zero mosques and retreating from al Qaeda is just all girl, and Obama has been too pansy in all of this.
Would it hurt to put on a blessed coyote fur coat, and get some horse blanket for the old lady to at least look like you have not just smelled asphalt your entire lives?
If Obama was a man, he would be down on the Mexican border with a tank, using a 4 by 4 to chase Mexican illegals down. That is what an American would do............that is what a Russian in Putin would do, but Putin has Chicom missiles aimed at him, so he darts tigers instead of Chinese border busters for publicity.
Barack Obama has no idea how to be a man. His male figures were either Gramps who liked wrestling boys in bed, his old man who bought women for cattle, and that Lolo Soetoro who was the wife in that marriage.
Obama has had only these shrews in women who were men, and he has been cruising on black exotic ever since. It landed him Muchelle, but the white New York girl dumped his feminine butt.
So until Obama reads some book on how to be a man, Americans are going to have to look to despots and tyrants for any kind of masculine leadership, as Joe Biden helping Obama steal the Presidency and being a chronic liar is .......well just another girl that Vladamir Putin of the east laughs with his comrades over as they give it to Obama again.