Friday, November 19, 2010

I really want to utter several expletitives

With news out that Gen. Patraeus is "taking off the gloves" in sending in M1 Abrams tanks in Obama's Cold Sore War Afnamistan, I'm personally beyond frustration as the idiocy of B. Hussein Obama has shined up Patreaus like some new apple just released called the MORON.

The Abrams are going to the Marines who are having problems disloding terrorists. Patreaus apparently has never heard of 105 howitzters which are cheaper, more mobile, more effective, faster and will do the job with a great deal less signature in operations which now scream Obama panic.
I have had the pleasure of residing in arid regions where one tastes in every breath the dust in the air of the country you are in. There is a certain pastime in watching the dust clouds of vehicals or herds moving about miles away in kicking up dust as signatures of progression.
That is what a tank will do, as it must stay on the roads which makes it a target, and as the Russians informed Iraqi Saddamists how to hit Abrams to disable them in Gulf War II, this will be the RPG result in Afghanistan.

There are now waiting giddy Taliban hoping to knock out the all powerful tanks, drag dead Americans out to drape them as trophies and pose as pictures for propaganda.

Afghanistan is not built for tank warfare, that is why George W. Bush never sent in tanks nor did Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney ever suggest such a stupid thing.

If one wills to have tanks draw fire, then that is fine, but this is not about drawing fire, it is about firepower, and Afghanistan is better suited to helo hunting, artillery and long range sniping for a cheap and effective war.
This is what the Russians did until Reagan armed the Muhajadeen with Stingers and started swatting the Soviet helos from the sky. This then left the Russians bunkered up and the Muhajadeen blew up their firebases with ease.

The Abrams guzzle fuel at gallons to the mile. It is ineffective in steep rocky terrain, and therefore is a sitting target, where boulders dislodged from small IED charges can disable a tank. The Russians, Chinese and Taliban know this, and that is what they will do in luring in tanks to kill them and pose with the dead crew.........or worse yet, America will have a dozen captured Marines soon as human shields to serve Islamic warfare.

I personally am befuddled by all of this in how this has all gone so wrong, as Bush won Afghanistan, the idiot British officers blew it, Bush stabilized it in 2008, and Obama comes in and deliberately losing it...........and for the most bizarre of reason Patraeus has gone native in not comprehending how to win this war easily.

Put a curfew in, tag the locals, tell them they get shot as terrorists without the RFID tag, after hours or in sectors they are not allowed.
That stops the terror movement and supply.

Then create a lure front which appeals to the Muslim terrorists to strike at Americans. Then hammer them with an operation where they will flee to a prepared safe zone America has left at liberty, and when they go into this anvil, America vaporizes them with thermobaric bombs.

That is what one does when one is operating for victory.

I have the greatest affection for Gen. George Armstrong Custer and Gen. Nelson Appleton Miles, who were the greatest military warfare and Indian fighters ever. There was in the early days of Indian warfare which is what this terror warfare is all about, a problem in the US Army was chasing Indians around with heavy armour and ambulances.
Note* An ambulance is a heavy wagon and not an EMT vehcile of today.

Old Gabe aka Jim Bridger told the Army in the 1860's that they would never beat the Indians because they had horses and dogs. The horses allowed them to move fast and the Indians ate the dogs for food supply.

It was not until Gen. Custer came on the scene with Gen. Crook and Gen. Miles, that the wagons were left at the fort, and packs with mules were the main operations modes.
In depriving the Indian of the security of winter quarters in hitting him there, the Indian wars ended swiftly.

That is why one uses Blackhawks, Warthogs, long range artillery and sniper fire in Afghanistan, and follow up with massive thermobaric bombs to suck the air out of the terrorists lungs once they have gone to hole.

This keeps Soldiers from being murdered, lowers war costs and destroys terrorist morale. That means no recruits and the war is won swiftly.

I have written of this and repeat it here in simple operations, as I thought once should be enough for Patreaus to read it and get it right. Now though my beloved Abrams and their crews are going to be sent in to be propaganda for terrorists.
It only takes one broken tank to make a nasty firefight which lures in Blackhawks to be swatted down with SAMS to make this all something Americans will recoil over as Obama makes this Vietnam.

When your enemy is fast and light, one goes faster and lighter with more long range weaponry to protect you Soldiers.

This is just too much Obama in this in his secular Islam. What can one do when McCain allows this to happen and Obama has rubbed off on Patraeus.

This is not semper fi.
