Sunday, June 13, 2010

Swap Lines

In what will thee most devastating cover up in United States history there has been silence for over a month, since Barack Hussein Obama literally took over Europe for the Rothschild and Rockefeller cartel, and he has done it leaving Americans holding the bag.

There have been rumors in this from Jack Van Impe quoting a blog in how Obama literally ran a coup against the European Union and became their defacto dictator, but the depths of this are beyond what anyone has fathomed, because the puppy press on both sides of the Atlantic, the Asian mongrel press and for the oddest silence of all from the Republican leadership, no one has unraveled this catastrophe which this blog predicted in "the European elite would use American money and debt to literally install the New World Order in leaving Americans holding the bag".

This quote in the Daily Mail UK says it all what Obama was up to illegally:

Labelling the European debt crisis a 'wake-up call' for Americans, lawmakers also said Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke had helped explain why the U.S. central bank was going to be using special 'swap lines' to aid its European counterparts.

The swap lines ease pressure on European banks by letting them swap euros for dollars, if necessary, on short notice to handle emergency situations.

If that requires translation, this is why the European situation settled and the Euro is on almost equal trading terms with the failing dollar, because Obama has been taking in these worthless Euro's in a literal shell game in allowing these European hucksters who installed him, and started this implosion in Soros driving up food and fuel prices and the twice French bust which sent America reeling, to literally dump the Euro and gobble up what has to be trillions in United States Dollars.

This explains why the Stock Market has been on short selling over kill in Geithner has been stealing funds from investors again in order to transfer Dollars to those European dope, diamonds and arms banks of the Rothschild mafia, as they take no risk at all.

Obama literally has America underwriting the entire European Union, and Germany, France and England are only too willing to dump Greek, Portuguese and Spanish debt on Americans.
It isn't enough America has a pirate in the White House, importing Mexicans slaves in the millions, now this shill of the globalists bent on destroying America, has just monetized the Dollar to the extreme in making it the swap line safety net for the European superstate.

In case anyone has a question on this, the Constitution does not give anyone in America the authority to make the Dollar the safety valve for European socialism. This is treasonous in scope what Obama pulled off and the American press literally hid from Joseph Farah to Katie Couric this criminal story from the American public.

Obama just ransacked the Dollar, has been taking in Euros which are dropping, as the Dollar raises (this is making a fortune for the central Europeans while Americans are losing a fortune holding a degrading currency) and while the southern European powers are enslaved, the generational elitists who now have all the money are going to be free to install whatever anti Christ they choose to as they hold all the power, as Obama worked his magik monkey in his pants to get this done, as this blog exclusively predicted was going to happen.

Obama already had Americans in debt for around 13 trillion. There was the off the book debt America was holding of around 60 trillion. Then Obama made Americans insure all of the banking debt of 100 trillion dollars. There is at least 100 trillion dollars equally in European disaster Euro debt, and it will bloom as the Euro is being set up as it plummets to be the equal of the dollar.
To explain this, say the Dollar is worth a dollar. The Euro trades at $1.50 to the Dollar. When the Euro goes for dollar for dollar, Americans will be left holding the debt for that depressed fifty cents which the Europeans gained as they unloaded the Euro.

With the massive tax spikes, inflation and Obama spending to hit America in the coming year, this is lunacy that Obama has pegged the Dollar to save the sinking Europeans, because that dead weight will sink America.

This is how a shell game works, and as stated the Rothschilds just unloaded European debt on Americans, and they are going to make a fortune on the exchange rates pulling this off thanks to Obama.
Their charm is simple in this, because when they bring about their 10 nation revived Roman Empire, they will then have their Caesar currency which will be worth more than the Dollars in probably 3 to 1, which is meant to implode the American currency.

This will in turn implode China as the central Europeans will be lone superpowers to dictate terms to the world.

America will be left with 3rd world debt and no way in manufacturing, trade or oil production to get out of it.

This is beyond criminal and it will be stated again this is treason against America as it is meant to destroy her.

America has literally been enslaved in chains by B. Hussein Obama and his cronies, and they do not comprehend that metallic click they heard were the locks going shut.

Obama is not the world leader in this. He is the South Side bagman delivering the loot to the real Al Capone crime bosses who will gladly toss this fraud under the bus as America in upheaval tries to sort this out as a dying nation as has been the plan all along.

Obama had no authority to do any of this and yet he did it anyway with the full silence of the puppy press and everyone else.

Never in any of this make the mistake of viewing these events as American centric in America is "important" in this, as Barack Hussein Obama is a garcon, a boy, to these elites doing their bidding. He might think he is doing the ordering, but they are pulling the strings to carry out this complex scenario by puppet Obama.

These folks are murdering America three times over to be certain she is dead.

Obama's crimes are so enormous now that the minds of the world can not even comprehend what he has been up to. Hitler and Stalin were school boys raiding the cookie jar, compared to what B. Hussein Obama has repeatedly done in grandest of theft.

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Swap Lines

The Obama Stroke

Obama Woodless
Do not most men stuff things not in their pockets for show?
Lawrence Sinclair proven correct again.

Obama golfs for four hours in sweltering Heat

Please folks, our Obama works so hard that he deserves to stroke 9 holes in heat on the backside, as he is doing the job of 10 non messiah mortals.
How can any of us understand what goes on in his mind being we are just humans. He must be adored by Paul McCartney concerts weekly. He must burn more fuel in his jet and helo than farmers in entire states do.

I suspect the Nobel committee will be giving B. Hussein Obama another prize as he stood out in sweltering heat of 90 degrees for 4 hours........hey wait a minute, why is it Bridget Johnson (reporterette of The Hill story) never mentioned US Soldiers standing out in sweltering heat and cold for a year as Obama dithered??????

Well folks, Obama can't play with Rush Limbaugh, as Rush, has a wife to play with him now.

90 degrees? Sounds hotter than hell, maybe Obama is getting used to the temperatures.


The comment awaiting review

Obama's N Word

When I witness liberals like Marc Halperin calling Drudge Report readers as "racists" over Obama using the word ass in street ho talk, I wonder how it is the Obamites never see what a racist Obama is, and how people on the right make excuses for him in not being a racist, when this Chicago Indonesian elitist has been doing it all along in plain sight, like Tim Russert changing Reagan Blue States to "red states" as in REDNECKS.

I had been meaning to write about this for some months now, but have been distracted as the volume of information being posted here exclusively has now literally surpassed ALL MEDIA COMBINED NOW.
This blog has outperformed all print, radio,television, pulitzer and nobel in having more work accomplished through it than someone like Pat Buchanan will in four lifetimes.

As another exclusive found only here, I ask you people about something I have touched on, but will explain in detail here by God' Grace in, Why do you think Obama uses the word "folks" and always has on those wrinkled white shirts with sleeves rolled up when he goes out to the American hinterlands?

This is Obama using his N word for Americans in calling them folks and those wrinkled shirts are the sweat stained fabric of a people who are in the Obama harness serving the elite and are not bright enough to launder their own clothing correctly.

You really do not get it, but this is equal of David Duke putting on face paint and a ghetto green toga in going to Harlem and telling those n*ggers that he is going to kick ass.

The reality is Obama gets away with this racist garbage from Marc Halperin, because Halperin and his David Remnick are all like racists who are fixated on race in defining everything. People on the right never call Obama on it, as they do not comprehend things in race and could never figure out that Obama dresses up a like an Alabama Baptist in July visitin' the community while droppin' his "G"s in pulpit dialect.

Can you imagine John McCain talking ghetto and not being called out on it? When Bill Clinton did it in that "bright boy" he was hammered on it as that is exactly what he was doing, but at least Clinton wasn't chewin' on watermelon, spittin' seeds while barefoot singin' Need to beat your feet on the Mississippi mud.

Obama pulls this racist act every time he ventures into America. You never see him dressed like that in Hawaii, for in Hawaii he has his little Polynesian short pants on with luau shirt.
In Chicago, he wears his little square bottom shirts not tucked in, in solidarity with Louis Farrakhan's hood of thug politics.

In America though, Obama pulls out his N word for Americans in defining them as rubes, roundheads, rednecks and red state, and the liberal puppy press never calls him on it as that is what Halperin and Remnick think of those folks and Obama's wrinkled shirt face paint goes unchallenged on the right as they are either too cowardly or out of touch with racism to figure out that Obama has been lookin' your woman up and down while flippin' you the bird.

None of this is by accident. Obama's dictator Admiral shows up in his little Admiral suit, the Secret Service shows up in Ohio wearing their business suits, but Obama in America shows up dripping in racism and not one person bothers to call him on it.

For the fact, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton draped themselves and every photo op with American Flags. The thing B. Hussein Obama drapes hisself in though is sweaty wrinkled shirts as that is what he in racism thinks Americans all dress in, in piles of perspiration as them folks bleat about as sheep waitin' for Washintun' to come shear them and do a little herdin'.

FOLK: A social division of (usually preliterate) people.

That is the definition Americans and that is what Obama is defining you as.

How does it feel having clever thug Obama using his N word on you daily and Jake Tapper not asking him about folks as he parrots Obama in mooselums?


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The Flying Dutchman

Now what has Eric Holder been up to?

The reason this needs to be covered is to ask the question why when his Justice Department using the FBI in a sting case in Aruba, against the homicidal maniac, Jordon Van der Sloot, paid this murderer sting money in the Natalie Holloway murder case, did Eric Holder allow him to escape to Peru, to murder Stephany Flores?

The reason all of this matters is the stinks of past Eric Holder global criminals who like Marc Rich were pursued by the FBI and by miracle Rich's plane would be flying to an airport the FBI was waiting overseas, the plane would turn around in mid air and elude the FBI, because someone tipped off Rich from inside the US Government.

Van der Sloot is well connected as his father is a prominent Judge, and, the twice arrest murder wonder was back in Aruba trying to extort a quarter million dollars from the FBI in providing information like Ted Bundy about the women he brutalized.

That is what makes no sense in this in the FBI had this beast dead to rights in wire fraud and making incriminating statements as in he confessed to murdering Natalie Holloway, and somehow he was allowed to go free, where he jumped island and ended up in South America, home of Obama's drug syndicate pumping coke into Europe via Africa.

The FBI just does not let people go, no more than it "looses" Faisal Shahzad, armed with an assault rifle outside an international airport unless they have orders from Eric Holder who has been using Justice as his personal crime lab.

This all has the scent of Judge Van der Sloot is a globalist, got tipped off what the FBI was up to, and Obama with Holder told the FBI to step down, allowing the Flying Dutchman to escape, with apparently United States taxpayer money from the sting to fund his murder spree in Peru.

This is a white European with a goofy accent, in a land of brown skinned Spanish people, and he slips out of Peru and into Chile, after slipping out of Aruba into Peru to heinously murder a rather stupid girl by breaking her neck.

It will not be popular, but I have no time for these rich children whose parents allow them to go to Aruba as it is an evil world we live in. These children like the Peru broken neck girl, always are flirty with the rich bad boys, and end up in hotel rooms with them, where things go wrong and they end up dead, because Ted Bundy is lurking under the skin.
I would not allow my children to go to Chicago South Side or East LA, no more than Mexico, Aruba or any other place in this wicked world we live in as I know what goes on those hell holes just beyond the resort line and I know what is attached to every resort.

So add this to the list of Congressional hearings involving Eric Holder in how does a known murderer, be paid US money, commit crimes in front of the FBI and somehow he is allowed to go free, and end up in Peru to murder again?

Natalie Holloway should have been home going to Church on Sunday and fishing for a pastime, I had enough of Greta in her violin strings on this story, but everything about it touches upon white slavery, paid snuff excursions and Europeans connected to Eric Holder being set free, because they are above the law the rest of the world has to abide by.

What is Eric Holder's hand in this, as this is a high profile case, got clearance directly from DC, got operational funds and deployment from DC, and they "loose" the Flying Dutchman?
Not a chance. The FBI got caught holding Holder's bag again.

What did Eric Holder know, who did he communicate with and when did he do all of this?

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Eric Holder's Flying Dutchman

PS: A million dollars a head for Gitmo terrorists set free in tropical paradise islands, Club Med hotels for border buster Mexicans, trillion dollar deposits for nation rapists of the cartel looted from US banks, and now serial murderers handed traveling money to murder again.

Should not someone in the Obama regime be held accountable for this larceny and enabling criminals with funding?

Obama's Arlington National Cemetery Fiasco

I honestly do not know from the Pat Tillman degradation to the current body dumping at Arlington National Cemetery what in the hell is wrong with these political retards who are in the military and civilian government causing misery concerning American dead Soldiers.

Does America no longer have common sense in this Age of Obama or is America now a place where "lies can not be told" even if it is to a Nazi looking for Ann Frank hid in your attic?

I just can not comprehend how the staff at Arlington, the US military, Pentagon, that dolt Robert Gates and the Obama White House in David Axelrod with Val-erie Jarrett could go public with the body dumping at Arlington, unless they desired to torture the families of the living and dead.

For the record, do you really think that every Soldier sent home or buried in the cemeteries around the world is the right one? Do you really think that all of those caskets had bodies in them?

Use your common sense in humanity, in sometimes a GI on morgue duty is going to fake a death date so some kid is not going to remember Christmas is the day their old man died or some bit of flesh off of who knows what is going to be sent stateside or put into a grave, because some GI is not going to have another family not have closure.

That is what made me furious over Pat Tillman's case. The asses who told that family their loved one was a jerk and what really happened there should have faced court martial. The dead are all heroes and in some cases if part of John Smith is buried in a grave of Jamaal Olanka to give that family some peace, then so be it.
One certainly does not after the fact start telling family members, "Oh by the way your loved one is buried on top of someone else's loved one so we are going to disturb them and you just because we can not tell a lie".

Horse sh*t on a shingle! Obama told hand fulls of whoppers at his last press conference from seeing oil coated birds flying around to the beaut there is no more oil on land to drill and that is why we are in deep water.

When no one knows the difference and in 50 years those who care are all going to be dead, and rectifying mistakes is only going to hurt Soldiers and their families, common sense and human decency dictates you keep your mouth shut and file the paper work in the trash.

Who in Obama hell decided at this point in Arlington to do a review of dead bodies? That alone smacks of one more slap at Soldiers and families from these Marxists to degrade morale.

I really believe that 2/3rds of Americans are so without a brain now that the crimes of Obama mean nothing, and there is that majority of political whores in and out of the military like the two dick Admirals in Bribery Joe Sestak and the Dictator in the Gulf, that Wes Clarke torching babies at the Branch Davidians is the marching orders.

We have idiot census workers getting police to murder Citizens and now we have in the latest Age of Obama degradation, the disturbing of the dead.

Where in the hell are the Americans any more as this is not the George S. Patton Nation which would stand or pull stuff like this.

If you don't have the sense to be American any longer, just take a Darwin candidate number as Obama is about to blow all of you spacetakers up with a Muslim nuke.

o>, that good children is the international symbol of an American flat top crew, of a fist being pulled out of a hand, which translates get your head out of your a**.

You people pulling this stuff in the military try it and stop being Obama.
