Friday, January 28, 2011

Take it out in Trade

You took me for all I had
I should have know you were too good
To be bad
Well at a boy girl at a way to make cry
At a boy girl way to tear me up inside.......

Gas prices have now doubled under B. Hussein Obama. This is nothing to what food prices are now criminally rising in as this blog is thee only place that it was tracked in 2010 that the Obama USDA with his Chicago commodity traders literally depressed prices in cattle to corn, by illegally manipulating USDA crop numbers to keep money out of the hands of Reagan blue state farmers and ranchers who are no in "red states" according to dead Tim Russert, as he didn't like New York being red commie by national definition.

Congress isn't going to do a damn thing in investigating this chirade by Obama breaking the law no more than the GOP is going to investigate Tim Geithner in his massive looting of the Treasury. It is all now Val-erie Jarrett bribes in those willing leading Republicans not caring that the poor in America are about to be raped again by Obama Soros commodity inflation manipulation.
American farmers and ranchers literally have had billions stolen from them in the 2010 season by that illegal crop production numbers Obama put out. A neighbor of mine was cussing this week in he had sold his soybeans on next year futures in thinking he was locking in a price which he could profit by, but he said disgusted, "Every day now I loose money as beans are going through the roof".

One must understand that farmers do not get wages or paychecks. They instead have massive bills. Where it costs you fifty dollars to fill up your car's gas tank, a farmer gets a thousand dollar fill up on a tractor, as diesel is even more expensive in screwing the trucking, construction and farming groups than even gasoline.
So farmers and ranchers have to sell at concentrated times in the fall in calf crops or corn crops. The international traders led by George Soros, Obama's benefactor suppressed prices in 2010 to keep Obama inflation from skyrocketing from his massive spending and to give the illusion America had "recovered" with 23% unemployment.
As soon as the farmers and ranchers sold though in November, by December massive price spikes started generating in the cereal grains.

I explained this that Russian wheat was literally poisoned in the spring of 2010, and yet wheat prices did not climb for American farmers as they should of. That cheated American rural areas out of billions of needed currency, as that money does indeed fund your roads, schools, hospitals and all you need in taxes from farm commodities being sold.

Now though that the Obama benefactors have the lion's share of everything, they are now spiking the futures prices through the roof, which is going to rape consumers in America in inflationary prices exactly as SOROS ENGINEERED in 2008 to install Obama in this Super Depression the Europeans initiated against Americans.

What is taking place now is Obama has for a year been dumping billions in bailouts to European nations who are going to be annexed in the feudal system as the Rothschilds will own the finances completely using American money in the same way they annexed the Slavic European east under Obama.
This is about constructing the last Roman Empire and the process is well under way in taking over nations not by boots on the ground, but by suits on the ground.

All of this money though needs somewhere to be absorbed and the bubble to rape people with again is food and fuel, as this is the leverage to deplete populations of their funds.
China is offering to transfer American funds into Europe in the bailout, a this is part of the globalist annexation using money flow that all flows back into the central European banking structures.

The Obama benefactors as in 2008 bought food low, as well as oil reserves low all through 2010. When 2011 comes into full swing, they will continue to spike these cheap prices by forcing consumers in America to pay high, thus robbing them and depleting the American States completely.

Rush Limbaugh no more than Barack Obama gets this about the American poor, as being millionaires it does not make a difference if gas costs 100 to 1000 dollars a tank, as their money flow does not notice small change as this. No American who was a True American would have paid Elton John a million dollars for a sodomite wedding bash if they comprehended just how damn hard it is for millions of Americans. Obama does the same sh*t in flying around the world spending billions and golfing non stop spending money.
If these patricians had any sense, they would feel the break point far too many people are being shattered by. Gas at 3 dollars a gallon is the shatter point in America, and it does not make a difference that retailers are saying they had a good Christmas due to the Limbaugh elite in spending for gifts, because the impoverished Americans are reeling under the last 2008 rape of their finances and they have absolutely nothing to fall back on.

America is an Obama feudal state with the David Letterman millionaires living in luxury while the rest of the nation is making fifteen thousand dollars a year to exist on working full time. There has never been this slave state status for the working poor in America, since the industrial revolution in child labor. There is an entire underclass now being told by Sean Hannity to go out and do something to Rush Limbaugh telling callers to go out and do something positive, against the backdrop of their vacations and stage hands in New York earning 290,000 dollars a year.

I don't mean in the least to pick on Sean Hannity, but if I hear him say he knows what it was like to be poor, I really would like to boot his ass, because Sean Hannity doesn't have any comprehension of what POVERTY is now, as this is not Ronald Reagan's poverty system where Mr. Reagan was deflating prices and the necessary staff of life in used cars, first homes, food and gas were still affordable to even the poor. That has all vanished under the Bush duo, Clinton busting unions and Obama breaking the nation into this abyss.
I really would just appreciate if Sean Hannity would get this through his head as he would then get it through his Murdochian friends that America is not the same any longer. This is not Jimmy Carter poverty when American still had the reserves of the World War II boom to get by on. America has now been scraped to the bone, the bone crushed up for meal and there just is nothing left from Greenspan bubbles and Obama Super Depressions for the poor.

Michelle Malkin, God love her, got that Mexican illegals busted the housing bubble in their loans, but she does not comprehend that poor Americans are competing with 40 million of these border busters, and Obama is importing more slave labor, and the border busters are the ones winning because Americans can't get welfare where illegals now can in subsidy.

There are so many forces now at work from the European cartel jacking up prices to destroy America to the oil barons jacking up prices to really f*ck with Obama, that as this economic terror war which started on September 11th, 2001, it has come to the time of Oliver Twist and Scrooge's poor houses.
Obama is dosing Detroit for Rothschild's sake and America is following into that furrowed grave abyss by design.

There can be no recovery in 2011, not with 3 dollar and rising gasoline and these robber baron food prices. Cripes people, pet owners can't even afford a dog any more as dog food is over 30 dollars a bag and vaccinations are like 100 year for what dogs need.

Yes there will be more criminal manipulations of the puppy press saying RECOVERY and there will be more criminal rapine of Americans, and there will be more of that Rush gridlock Limbaugh protecting his own millions as millions of Americans get screwed to the grave in this economic terrorism on the poor.
None of this had to happen, but Obama wanted it, Karl Rove engineered it with Conservative defeat and Rush Limbaugh whispered in his mic "Gridlock is what we want folks".

To hell it is Rush Limbaugh, this could have been fixed, but it is all now sucking America downward as you diddle your blondeberry in comfort.

My concern is what Janet Napolitano had her tampon twisted up in 2009 about in a real revolution breaking out, as she knew damn well what Obama was jacking up, and that is what hammering Hutatree was all about.
The reason for my concern is the Tea Party vented this, and the Tea Party just got screwed over by the lame duck Congress and Obama, and America is about to enter Rush Limbaugh gridlock.

I have warned that when these elites take all from Americans, then these Americans will have no reason to behave. They will start taking things, and there is no way the military and police can throw 80 million poor people on a rampage into prison.
Most of the police as New Orleans revealed protect their own and the military usually enjoys it's own helping the elite and lifting what it can in discount.

So the Soros Rothschilds really want a fire of this to start as they keep trying to ignite Greece in those mail bomb packages in Italy. The reason being that when they stage enough Hutatrees and have enough discontented populations, then a Hitler can sweep in and put a boot on the throat of the culprits.........sounds just like Obama with British Petroleum.

Where do you think he read the script from Harold?

This is a world whore's market in the poor are the prostituted masses equaling the third world Bombay parents selling their children to pedophiles. There can not be a recovery of any sort with the rape of Americans on food and fuel prices.
That is the reality and money that is Obama worthless will be inflated in prices for the traders of the world to make up the Obama spending difference, hence the 100 dollar a barrel for OPEC oil.

Just remember Obama shut down drilling and made America slave to all of this, and remember it was Obama who criminally in the USDA kept food prices low, so his traders could by the surplus and sell it back to you in extreme prices.

This was all staged and will continue in rapine until this erupts into the Tea Party being educated by this blog or this all melts down as intended into a draconian Obama counter revolution.

Time is ticking and the next phase it goes nuclear strikes.
