Monday, March 14, 2011

Obama and the Serial Murderers


I was reminded today of a Hebrew text in magor-missabib, which was the phrase given to the Prophet Jeremiah in denouncing the spiritual leading liar of what was left of Israel, after this fraud named Pashur, had beaten Jeremiah and put him the stocks all night in public humiliation over the Prophet stating the Babylonian Empire would come destroy the Jewish state as God had revealed.

Chapter 20 is a heart wrenching dialogue as Jeremiah who is one the greatest of all Prophets has been abused like few others. Jeremiah even prays to God that God, "seduced" him into being a Prophet with promises, and now here this greatest of men of God is alone in the world.
Yet, Jeremiah holds with God as he states, even if he tried to not Prophesy, the Word would come from him as he could not hold it in.

Magor-missabib was the name Jeremiah gave Pashur after this ill abuse. The name means terror on every side. That has a close meaning in this Age of Obama as the Israelite Americans and British of the House of Joseph and their Judahite counterparts in the Israeli state of Judah now have from Mr. Obama TERROR ON EVERY SIDE.

Compare this to George W. Bush, who literally had terrorists terrified along with masters from attacking America. Under Obama though the European cartels have been given trillions from the US Treasury in looting called bailouts.
Terrorists who donated 300 million to Mr. Obama's campaign criminally, have gotten Lebanon, Tunisia and Egypt, with Libya close at the kickback scheme.
Jews are literally surrounded in their own Warsaw ghetto now with Hezbollah on the north, Syria in the east, Egypt in the south, Hamas on the west, and the secular Jewish traitors within selling Judahites out to the Obama highest bidder for orange marmalade.

I do not understand treachery, as that is not in the Spirit within me. Yet, the same treachery is being unleashed by British MI6 which joined with Zbigniew Brzezinski in ousting the Shah for these same Islamocommuists all across the Mideast.
Obama has these British leftists who work for the Rothschilds and implement Brzezinski crazy Islam doctrine doing the damnedest things. It was Obama who had Gordon Brown hammering Iran and Iran humiliated the Brits in taking hostages.
The BBC was all over the Egyptian coup as this blog exclusively reported it was the BBC championing el Baradei months before the hell broke loose there.

Now we read that after Obama tried to get Turkey to invade Libya, which is really what the Middle East needs in these Ottoman Empire cranks of the sons of Esau, who are a murderous and treacherous lot as Jacob found out when he fled for his life, that Obama wants American nuclear armed Turkey of NATO to attack Libya in more Muslim in Muslim tribal warfare.

No need to worry though that if Obama can't get Turkey to invade Libya, the operation is in the works to get bankrupt England to send in spies to Libya to assist the Libyan Marxists and for these Brits to literally invade Libya.

Is it any wonder that the seers point to a coming time not too distant that one of the British royals is going to be kidnapped by Muslims in retaliation, and some have pointed to Libya being the source?

David Cameron is a worse skirt for Obama, than Gordon Brown and Tony Blair were for Bill Clinton combined. I just can not fathom the idiocy in this as it is insane.
Obama cons the Brits of BP to get Scotland to release the Lockerbie bomber on fake medical records. Obama sabotages the BP rig in the Gulf of Mexico to give BP full drilling in Libyan deep water and make America completely dependent on Muslim mafia oil.

Britain has a huge bullseye painted on it by Obama just begging Khadaffi to pull the trigger, and her comes David Cameron in his bankrupt country, going to invade Libya on 24 hour notice.

Obama is the ghetto thug who goes out and rapes the wives of the local Italian mafia, then runs home to his new white neighbors who like their designer negro, and these dumb butt liberal whites are clueless in figuring out the Italian pizza being delivered to their doors has nuclear bullets attached to it.

It is like "What the hell Maxwell!" What are these imbeciles in England and Muslim nations not thinking about? Obama has betrayed every fricking person he has been in bed with, and he sends them away for greater betrayal and these beaten wives beg for another black eye.

Whether Spike Lee and Bill Maher can figure this out, it does not matter, as Obama has painted America's ownership on these Muslim tribal wars, as this blog stated long ago. Obama has taken sides between one group of terrorist for another group of terrorists. They both hate America, but at least the George W. Bush groups of terrorists were not armed with WMD's and were pacified along with their populations.
Making a target of Mommar Khadaffi, then putting an assassination plot onto his head, not getting him, then making a public multi nation assassination by serial murders on Khadaffi's head, turns a pacified Khadaffi into a threat............and this is the reason these Obamites are now using to murder Khadaffi.

Talk about taking a sharp stick and poking a tiger in the ass, and then blaming the tiger who was minding his own business in cage for trying to retaliate.

I have alone stated this has all been planned from day one by Obama and his benefactors. They fully intended to demolish Egypt over two years ago as David Axelrod stated. Obama fully intends to make Khadaffi a nemesis, as it gives these colonials the reason to go back in and "take their Caliph".

As an exclusive, you have all heard of the Islamic Empire of the Caliph in the Moors, Ottomans etc..., but what you do not see as only this blog has pointed out in Obama's Club Meddling, is if you recall, the Roman Empire had little places called CARTHAGE like the Greek Empire had little outposts called India. These Obama benefactors are running the board on this to literally occupy all of North Africa to India again.
This is what Mousillini and Hitler were about as they were the old Roman Empire reformed. The Bible states this Empire or THE BEAST of Revelation in the Mark of the Beast in 666 means Latinous, or the religious order the Empire will use to glue itself together in cause, and that whore is the Catholic religion riding as a Scarlet Whore on this Empire Beast.
The 666 is simply a national identity of the last reincarnation of the Roman Empire to buy, sell and trade........and you can see with WMD terrorism in what Obama and the Rothschilds are igniting on Europe's door, how that kind of control of commerce is going to be necessary, as these Muslims being bashed about are going to want to send nuclear packages to retaliate.

So B. Hussein Obama and his legion of Serial Murderers are setting the stage for Armageddon literally, as that is what in this sparks off the Asians invading the North of Israel, because a coming European ruler will invade North Africa into Egypt and put his governing power outside Jerusalem to rule the old Roman Empire, just as the secular illuminated Ashkenaz of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are moving all of this with Mr. Obama.

Terror on every side, and terror from within. That is the irony of Nobel Peace Prize non earner Barack Hussein Obama.

Terror on every side and terror from within. That sounds like a fitting legacy title of blame for Mr. certainly was the title blamed on Pashur the false priest of the Jews.
Fitting for the false messiah, B. Hussein Obama.
