Monday, March 7, 2011

Pretty Love Song

I would like to have a dream
That would dream a tune of life for me

The only thing is there is no dream

Which could match my reality

Pretty love song
Goes on so sweetly

Forever long

Pretty love song

Sings of you discreetly

To you I once belong

When I go to tomorrow

I find it already singing there for me
When I visit my past

There it was always there for me

I find you in a love song
For that is the anthem of you
Even lost in melody I have found

That the music is always true

It sings in the morning

It is the song of the dawn

It sings in the evening

It is song of twilight
It is the song of me

It is the song of you

Love is a song it seems

I breathed with my first breath

I know in you love is a life
Love will grow beyond even death

It is a life which surrounds me

Holding me in perfect sphere

The orb of a theme

Encompassing me always here

It sings in my waking

It is the song of my day

It sings in my dreams

It is the song of my sleep

It is the song of you

It is the song of me

I know that sound will be there

No matter where I will go

It is a comfort of you always near
The song I will always know

Even in the silence

Love is what I hear call

Even to the depths of hell

Love would break my fall

Pretty love song

It is there before me

It is there following along

Pretty love song
All that there can ever be

Sung in a love song
