Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sh*t in a Bull Pen

Sh*t in a bull pen
Knee deep
Ducks in a mill pond
Quack quack

When was the last time that North Africans, Middle Easterners and Near East Asians ever governed themselves as civilized people?

Answer: Never.

Did you ever think there was a reason for this?

The only people in the Middle East who ever self governed themselves were the Israelites, and no I'm not talking about Jews in the Kingdom of Judah, but the time when the Judges ruled in the 13 tribes. Those are the progenitors of Americans and the western peoples as it is in their God blessed genetics to govern themselves, as for the rest of these wild asses snuffing at the wind, they require the whip and lots of it as they yearn for the despotic tyrant to govern their emotions they can not.

Time and again these Muslims worship at the feet of a Muhammed murdering them as the people who would not be governed are executed legally by the state, and those that are left genetically bow to the thug of their choosing.
The Philistines had every opportunity to self rule, and they chose Hamas, the communist thugs who were worse than child pedophile Arafat's thugs.
Throw off British colonialism, French colonials, German and Italians colonials, and these Muslims gravitate immediately to the worst thug they can find in Islam.

The Egyptians threw off their monarchy, and got charismatic Nassar by military choice. The Egyptian yearning for a despot though threw off Mubarak, and there is now the Tehranization of the Middle East to follow, as there is always some Khomenei to follow to slaughter the willing tribes in some form of state run misery suicide.

Look at Dr. Zawahiri. Here is a brilliant man, a wealthy man, and the first thing he gravitates too is to overthrow the Egyptian thugs for a worst form of thuggery led by him who flies plane loads of people into buildings.

So much George Nouri hatred is for Mubarak and Khadaffi, yet............

In addressing the "post colonial thugs" it is amazing in how these "thugs" who pretty much were pumping oil to America at Rockefeller set prices, were feeding their Muslim nations on oil welfare and keeping the peace, that thugs were not such a bad deal for all involved.

Thugs kept Jews from having to resort to nuclear retaliation from Muslim war attacks. Thugs kept for the most part terror events from targeting Americans.
Thugs were a good deal for rich Muslim children who came west, got free educations, learned to speak English and returned home to stage Obama coups on pro western Muslim regimes.

There was nothing spontaneous about these "children marches". Greece has been watching this internet terror for almost a decade in causing upheaval in their nation.

Put it this way, John Wayne Americans never were at a 60's Hey Hey LBJ how many kids you kill today rally. You will not find one Nassar or Sadat at the Obama rallies, nor any Patriots in the mix in any of this. These are international Obama children, with Bill Ayers professors teaching them radical ideas in how Obama has all the answers.

I have a chilling bit of news for all the euphoric idiots in this on the right and left in you are going to rue the day you ever cheered any of this, as this Tehranization of Africa and Asia means these peoples are now nuclear targets and they became that way in this is now nuclear terror in New York, London, Paris and Tel Aviv.

Freedom in Egypt means nuclear craters in New York City. It simply is the reality of the genetics of these peoples.
Lawrence of Arabia had to disguise himself as an Arab or they would have slaughtered him for being English. That is a generation ago and the same manifestations are still deadly and psychotic today.

A group of spoiled Marxist brats sent in by the money cartels to overthrow pro American regimes to re institute Obama colonialism to rape those nations of resources is what freedom in the Muslim world means. (George Soros already has the contracts for the new Philistine state.)
That is what the world now has, and it will trigger wars which are intended and these wars will spread to a great Eurasian War.

How did Iran turn out for you in change?

Iran times a million is what has now been unleashed on the world.

You western world now do not have a Brzezinski sword of Islam to check China and Russia, but have a nuclear saber, sharing WMD's across numerous diplomatic borders, all combining into a grande Islamocommunist scheme. This is now an Obama nuclear proliferation world from Caracas to Cairo, and all of those nuclear stockpiles are going to be aimed at Americans.

There is no control over any of this, because with a Mubarak or a Saddam Hussein, they actually cared about being a ruler. The Obama Islamic sect does not care about rule, but care about inflicting rule to change things to their self imposed dictatorial judgment.

Ask yourself when you installed Obama if it ever occurred to you maniacs that Obama believes he is a god, a messiah, and therefore he is perfect, and you must live up to his standards of perfection in his warped mind as he sees himself, or he disposes you as he did Mubarak.
Obama is delusional as Ahmadinejad. This is the coming order of the Middle East in a dozen Bill Ayers professors all living by their own law, above the law, and not equating that living is worth anything, but that the completion of their prime directive is the only thing to exist for.

That prime directive is everyone being an Islam of a lesser moon demon, and when you are not that equal, you can be legally murdered by any standard, including nuclear holocaust.

Obama has Muslims now eating each other. The time will come when they redirect to eating other peoples as is their policy in hating America, the west and Jews.

When that happens your joy now of being in a bull pen will be a realization you are in sh*t up to your knees and that bull is going to pulverize you into Islamic excrement.

