Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Anti Reagan

It is fascinating to watch the whirlpool of stupidity on the right. They literally are stuck on stupid in the main commentary crew in the snake eating it's tail concerning Obama.

Limbaugh has his "destroy America" he vomits out constantly. Hannity has his "inept" declaration on Obama and Levin comes up with the parody of his two friends. They are ground in a rut stating the same things which everyone knows and can't find the way out, even when this blog showed them the way months ago in laying this out for them in Barack Hussein Obama is the anti Reagan.

Everything Barack Obama has accomplished, and he has succeeded in every damnedable thing he has set out to do, making him thee most successful occupant of the White House against American interests, has been to undo Reagan's economic and American dominance policies.

Obama has given Asia over to the Chicoms, sub Asia to India, the Middle East to the Caliph and Europe over to Russia. This is the axis of evil empire in everything Ronald Reagan freed, and Barack Obama for his cartel benefactors has wiped out all Ronald Reagan has done.

By Inspiration, I now take this a step further as I honestly can not wait for Limbaugh to steal this blog, Hannity to mimic it nor for Mark Levin to catch up, because time is wasting with the front benchers in all their wealth.

It was stated here exclusively that this was an Obama matter of colonial empire again, in the world feudal state which was cast off in 1776 in America. What Obama is conducting is a globalist state of refined measure in the dictate is to be led by the central European cartel Rothschilds in a new Roman Empire. Putin is to lead the way in raw material. China is the slave labor with India. The sword of Islam is to keep the factions busy so the Rothschilds can leverage more Holy Land from Jews and give the Bolsheviks, Hindus and Maoists something to fire at instead of the Roman Empire.

This Libyan matter is a two edged sword. It is the sword of Islam first and on the other blade it becomes not Caliph, but the Roman Empire reborn from India to the Atlantic.
If you do not realize it, Obama for his Ashkenaz princes, have pitted American Israelites in Manasseh and British Israelites in Ephraim as the sons of Joseph with Israelite France which is Reuben to die and spend resources in this so the Germanic Assyrian Empire descendants and the lower Italian Babylonian descendants will inherit the earth.
Berliner Obama is an agent working for the old Nimrodian Empire which founded the world and the Bible states with the anti Christ will end this age at Armageddon.

As another exclusive on top of the ones above, Mr. Obama is just not undoing Ronald Reagan. Mr. Obama is in the current process undoing the American victory in World War II and World War I, in he is recreating the genesis of the world feudal empire state, as his World War III is designed to wipe out the western people's superpower structure for a new reich.

If you do not comprehend the above, the NeoProg, the new liberal which Mr. Obama is, is not a progressive at all, but the definition of regressive and is taking the world back in time to where the world empire started in Nineveh of Assyria with the mystery religion, which is feminine sexual and male earth power wed to pure satanism without God.

Barack Obama is setting the stage for the final Nimrod, the might hunter before the Lord, in the anti Christ. This is coming all full circle and as the tail chasers are all calling Obama a dolt which he is, they are missing that the folks who write for his teleprompter are succeeding in this perfectly.

Undo Reagan, undo American dominance in the past world wars, and the final solution is to transfer empires to sole empire in one world rule and one world ruler.

Barack Obama's part in this is to castrate the Israelites of the Lost 10 Tribes and the three tribes of Judah and set the scenario where the initiator in Europe aka the anti Christ will establish order out of the Obama chaos.

Now those millionaires do not look so cutting edge do they when the simplicity of this Obama secret of his success is laid out. It is pure child's play and so obvious once it is revealed. Yet the tail chasers keep on level one understanding as that is the bone they were provided to chew on, so the order would regress this to where this was all intended.

At the start of this, I witnessed this would come full circle and it is evident it is in perfect disharmony. You though are not getting the knowledge which you need and are being destroyed for the lack of it, as you are pinned down exactly as satan intends, and God is only giving voice to this for the chosen few who are led to the information.

You now know the mystery of this and can thank God for it.
