Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just People

I was thinking about Maurice H. Decker today as one of the few experts I have ever known. The interesting thing in everyone being an expert in this world it seems, I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for most of them.
The amusing thing is that of all the experts I have known who were worth a blessing, because they were or are still a blessing in this world, they were trappers. Tom Krause, Major Bodicker, Wiley Carroll and Maurice H. Decker were and are the epitome of good Americans who always gave freely of their knowledge and for a God given reason, they could always tell you something without making you feel like you were dumb as the post you were.

My reason for writing this is I could not find one article, not one photo and only a few old books listed for Maurice H. Decker, and he was one of the premier outdoor experts from World War II on in being a pioneer of motor camping, trapping and firearms.

Mr. Decker started out life in Arkansas being a lumberman, a prospector and trapper. He would write for the premier outdoor magazines of America, and was always a teacher without making anyone feel stupid.
Someone as valuable to humanity as Mr. Decker and the world has basically forgotten him. The difference between his work and modern dolts is the difference between Ronald Reagan and B. Hussein Obama.

I came across a list of obituaries from Missouri in looking for Mr. Decker pages in another Mr. Decker, another fine American was listed there dead too. Missouri must have a great deal of happy people, as all the dead people there were smiling and it made me mourn for them in knowing so many people die in this world which only God keeps track of.
It doesn't make any difference to me if the person is a 90 plus year old World War II Veteran or like the lovely Cassandra Marie "Cassie" Bader who died at age 27, because for one day in 2010, almost 50 people around Festus, Missouri went home and hundreds of people were sad at their passing.
It wasn't that BS you always hear about, "They were a good person", as most people are the best they will give in fertilizing the ground, but you can just tell by looking at these people that they were good people.

Cassandra Marie "Cassie" Bader, I actually focused upon, because she should have been a wife and mother in my Godly terms, as you know I'm so knowledgable, but yet in God's and Cassie's deal, she was 26 and that was how long it required to make perfection.
Sometimes things are just too perfect, and I wonder if her family ever knew or realized from an outsider looking in how perfect Cassie was.
Her name is melodically perfect. She lived in Bonne Terre.........how perfectly poetically beautiful is that for someone named Cassandra Bader to live in?
A good American girl, pretty as America's shining city on a hill, and she lives in Bonne Terre, the Good Ground in French........I mean just how perfectly lovely is that?

She was even a member of Radiant Life Pentecostal Church, and was buried at Sacred Heart Cemetery in Crystal City...............I could not write a better all American story if I was Washington Irving.

You just have to be special to have a life like that and if you look at all the people in life who died along with Cassie Bader, they had their own special destiny too all planned out by God.
I'm pleased that God never forgets people no matter how much time passes as it seems shameful that the worthless are put into volumes of liberal books and people like Maurice H. Decker and Cassie Bader are only cherished by the few who will still be speaking of them with a smile twenty years from now talking about them like they just bumped into them down the street.

I know I would always write things different, but God has the pen and does it the right way always.

I really do not care if anyone remembers me. I know I told my shocked brother that I wanted to be buried under a rock pile in the prairie if I'm not here when Jesus returns, as the people who would care about me would know where the grave was, and the fact is after a few years, no one would give a damn either way.
So even though I would be in heaven, it would please me to know at this point that cows or buffalo would be grazing over what was me.........and it would be at least some creatures around who knew at least what they were doing there with a purpose.

As Cassie Bader was afflicted with Ehlers Donlos Syndrome, which must have been painful hell as it affects your connective tissues, she got a better deal in heaven. It is the deal I ardently live for each day..........but such a poetic life Cassie Bader had in such pretty words like Alice in her Wonderland.
