Monday, April 25, 2011

Lettin' the N*ggah Come Out

I left this lay for over a week to see if anyone did a forensic dissect of Barack Hussein Obama when caught by CBS and I know that no one spotted this, so another exclusive here.

I post the quotes Yahoo posted and while you have read them, and probably heard them, it is important afterwords to explain what is going on here psychologically.


"I said, 'You want to repeal health care? Go at it. We'll have that debate. But you're not going to be able to do that by nickel-and-diming me in the budget. You think we're stupid?'"

"Put it in a separate bill," the president said he told House Speaker John Boehner and his staff, CBS reported. "We'll call it up. And if you think you can overturn my veto, try it. But don't try to sneak this through."

"When Paul Ryan says his priority is to make sure... he's just being America's accountant and trying to be responsible-- this is the same guy that voted for two wars that were unpaid for, voted for the Bush tax cuts that were unpaid for, voted for the prescription drug bill that cost as much as my health care bill--but wasn't paid for."

First, I will be Bill Ayers in the first Obama quote:

I explained, "Is it your position to repeal health care?" Then initiate the action. We will conduct a debate, but you will not be able to accomplish this by extracting portions of this in the budget as attempting this exemplifies we are not aware of your actions.

See when Jack Cashill took apart Obama's and Ayers' Dream of His Obama, I was the blog which noted that Mr. Ayers converses in Norman French, which is intellectual and part of Illinois bougoise while Mr. Obama speaks in broken third world English being based in Kansas simple dialect of immigrant English melded with Indonesian cadence.

When Mr. Obama was caught on tape, you heard him as he juvenile delingquint he is. Imagine him on a street corner with other welfare trash in this conversation:

Yo Barry, what you doin' out? Thought yo ho put the leash on ya bro.

Ain't no ho tellin' me what I can and can't do. I tell that ho to shut her mouth and wait for it on the bed till I come back.

Obama caught without a teleprompter in reading other folks words, breaks down not into intellectual speech patterns, but into street corner chest thumpin' of some fantasy he contrives to inflate his ego.

I highly doubt that Obama spoke any of the above to John Boehner, Paul Ryan or Republicans in any contact. In public, one can recall Obama looking at a paper on his desk and then asking an aide what on earth it are reminded the MSM swooing over this in Obama being so bright in asking questions when he was so stupid.
Ulsterman's insider portrays a constant bizarre Obama who giggles a great deal like he did with Steve Kroft in which people found him goofy, and one who looks to others to do the talking.

What one has here is the same face paint Obama and Muchelle trying to look black to intimidate the folks as that is what they expect from him as donors. Obama is white in Rio and black in Rio, just as Muchelle is white in Rio and black in DC.

Obama can mimmick speech patterns like Bill Ayers, but time and again this uneducated third world is what comes out of Obama revealing the 10 year old he is.

All of this trends even more bizarre as in this pattern period, Obama sent his half sister Maya out to certify like Ann Coulter that Obama was born in Hawaii.
That is most interesting in sending out someone BORN AFTER YOU and her story is about Obama keeping spoiled orange peals under his bed............ah, a bed she would not know of as he was in Hawaii and she was with Mama Stan in Indonesia with her real dad, Lolo.

Obama time and again degrades into the juvenile boy, and time and again he hides behind women like Maya or Val-erie Jarrett or Hillary Clinton to do the heavy lifting.

I find it amusing that just as Bill Ayers used a black man to rape his Jewish girlfriend as the most degrading dramatic effect he could conjure up in his study of Manchurian candidates, that Obama on par conjures up what he apparently saw in a Mod Squad program from his youth in what "tough" is to rich folks in taking on street corner thug.

What is it with these liberals in their reactionary racism which descends to using blackness as their intimidation technique?
One does not think of Martin King, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice or Charles Rangel in those racial thug terms, but for Ayers and Obama, their cue is not John Wayne, Chief Joseph or whoever, but they choose black thuggery as their phobic thing which goes bump in the night.

One wonders if these types profile in all needing a nightlight to sleep with.

It is evident in a week passing that everyone of the experts missed what Mr. Obama was racially projecting from his Barry 10 year old delingquent 7 Faces of Bearick psychopathy.

These are the very blacks who Bill Cosby rails against in what Barack Obama put on public display.

Mr. Cosby must be proud by his silence as all black people heard this and none of them said a word condemning it.
