Wheat is the staff of life, potatoes have become the base of life, but in reality corn has been transformed into the servant of mankind. It was corn which I held in my hands, but not just any corn. It was not the Monsanto poison killing all of you, but it was the genetic heirlooms which literally won world wars and created a healthy American race that grew to be giants.
This blog is honestly something you should print out and file away, as in time it is going to be worth more than you ever dreamed, because it is an explanation of life in American corn. This might not sound vital, but when you realize that all the corn you see in fields is genetically engineered to not reproduce from seed it produces, you begin to comprehend who perishable you and your food supply is.
The experts always point out that corn came from Mexico. Yeah and so do ducks, but that doesn't mean migrating birds don't hatch in Canada. Just because Mexico is an arid climate of tombs compared to New England which is wet and covered by glaciers, does not mean that there could not have been different varieties of corn, just as there are numerous varieties of genus of "weeds" growing locally which are related, but different.
American corn has it's direct roots into three flint corn (hard smooth shining hull) in a confiscation of an Indian east coast corn field by the English. This 100 acre patch would yield King Philip and New England 8 row (8 rows of corn on the cob), and another from the Canadian Indians of the Sioux in their Sioux Yellow.
King would be a blood red corn and all would be productive on the long coastal growing seasons.
As Americans of the Scott and Irish blood of Israelites moved into the Ohio, they would begin planting forest corn, or corn which they chopped down trees in the unoccupied wilderness, planted it, left for the summer, and would return for the fall harvest to have something to eat.
These plantings would yield parchment corn which would feed the Kentucky Rangers for the interior wars. No one really knows the history of dent corns, that would be corn with a crease in the top of it, but as America spread, they seem located in the Ohio Valley.
The reason this is important is corns come in three basic types of flint, dent for meal, an oil corn and the starch of corn flour known as Squaw Corn.
It was in this area of Ohio to Indiana that a corn would appear of the King Philip dark red lines, but be a semi dent. As this corn would not degrade to parental structures of being yellow, red or flint, it was deemed a stable variety, and in probability the early settlers in not having a great deal of seed or feed, simply happened upon a natural cross that in isolation of those forest plantings became "early bloody butcher".
In 1875 this early corn would be sent to Iowa as the grasshoppers had eaten everything there, and in a late planting this corn would migrate into Minnesota and the Dakotas to become known as Northwestern Red. (Northwestern as Ohio was deemed the northwest from Virginia.)
As immigrants flooded out onto the Great Plains, it was found the Reids Yellow Dent, Bloody Butcher and Silver Kings, along with the old eastern corns like King Philip just were too long season to mature there for a crop.
Oscar Will of North Dakota like many of the modern seed companies of Funks, Pioneer and Northrup would begin taking Indian corns, take corns sent to them by migrant farmers growing them locally, and locate early maturing varieties and bring them to the Missouri River in the Dakotas and try to find a crop which would grow.
Mr. Will was monumental in this, in his Northwestern Red Dent was from a farmer who had a planting, but Mr. Will only could get a dozen ears mature enough. He took this corn, and replanted, and in 4 difficult years he had a red corn like the Bloody Butcher which was a 90 day corn at maximum, which is important in short growing season, low heat areas.
I have seen the old photographs of these corns and it is amazing in how a corn grown in Iowa of the same genus would be tall, sparse leaf compared to a Fargo genus which would be heavy leafed, produce suckers and be barely 5 feet high.
Corn was being made to serve and adapt to conditions. Iowa had high humidity and a long season, so the corn would not need the heavy leaf which would also harbor disease. In short season arid North Dakota with high winds, that same corn would need heavy leaf structure as disease was not a problem.
The end result was numerous varieties of local corns which for the most part have been lost to the ages due to hybrid farming. Some though still survive and that is what I was playing with today with delight.
There are basically five main corns, one sweet in Bantam, and four in the form of Rustler which is a white corn, the Minnesota King a yellow dent, Northwestern Red in red corn with yellow corn, and the historic Minnesota 13 which transformed America by providing corn to short growing season areas beyond the Butcher and Reid's localities.
From these corns come modern hybrids which do not reproduce, but in locations like Montana these varieties would be worked with to produce corn where corn should not have been able to be grown in 1900.
The tragedy is as hybrids started increasing yields, price structure dropped and it did not pay for farmers in fringe areas to grow their own corn. It was cheaper to buy chicken feed than to grow it. The same suicidal method has been work in America in this generation, and now we are finding out that George Soros can manipulate Chicago grain markets and prices go through the roof on this poison food structure America is enslaved to.
As an exclusive only here, the old corns of the Great Plains were only 5 to 6 feet tall. A corn like this did not deplete the soil as it takes less nutrients to produce than a 9 feet stalk which is what Monsanto has been up to.
Put it this way, American farmers are slaves. Monsanto produces a poison Round Up corn, soy, rape seed and sugar beet which must have it's Round Up herbicide to grow it as it makes it easier for farmers to farm more land.
DuPont is a chemical company which is part of the oil fertilizer group. When Monsanto produces chemicals for crops in herbicides farmers must buy, they also produce tall corn which must have more fertilizer to grow. The net result is an entire symbiotic relationship of many corporations raping American farmers and consumers in price spikes.
It is the same reason all of those chemical anti caking agents to whatever are in your food products, because some corporation went to Congress, paid some official off to get an FDA mandate like Obama just did for poison sugar beets from Monsanto in a waver NO ONE HAS TESTED FOR SAFETY, and the new law makes some powdered sugar manufacturer add an anti caking agent into the powder, so consumers get the price hike, and the Obama corporate structure makes billions.
It is the way the profiteering is played, people and pets are dying from it, as all of these parts per billion are fine on their own, but become major poisons as this stuff is in everything.
For the record, Europeans do not have these additives and preservatives in their foods. Gee the Rothschilds controlling the world live there, perhaps that is why they are not poisoning their own food supply huh?
These pre hybrid corns though are the salvation for Americans, as they are God made natural. When one feeds them to chickens or cattle, the resulting eggs, butter and meat do not have concentrations of Monsanto poison crops in them. Therefore you are not getting dosed as you are now.
I can tell you that there is a trend in this to implement the importation of American food from overseas, in this Obama conglomerate has so poisoned the food in making consumers sick, that they are not buying American products any longer, but are starting to be herded into buying out of country food.
I checked Mexican food products and they do not have all the additives American companies are forced to include.
For the self sufficient small land owner, the proven crops are there. Granted one is not going to get 200 bushels of poison in Iowa farming from Monsanto corn, but one will still harvest at least a 75 bushel and acre yield in the poorest locations in Minnesota 13 variety which will surpass the 100 bushel in better locations.
The point in this is more to the point in arid areas like Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas into western Oregon were producing corn in 1900 with niche varieties and were making good harvests. It is a matter of taking land now which is only growing grass or low yield wheat and once again using it to produce a high nutrient crop as in corn.
I had come across several varieties which I have not checked it the USDA seed bank still holds in trust, which originated in South Dakota. One was called Brown County and came from Tom Daschles home area and it was an outstanding drought tolerant corn as that area is desert, and an even worse area is the Southern Black Hills of that state by Hot Springs which had a shoe peg type corn that was producing very good yields in that dry sand.
Corn was made to grow where it is not growing now, except without irrigation. It is in these old varieties which the health of America and it's prosperity is being held captive.
There is more than enough land for dozens of billions of more people, but unless the Obama Marxist regimes give people the Jeffersonian right to own land and make it produce, people will starve and become more sick from the poison food they are eating.
This includes the vast cold areas of Canada, as corn could be once again grown there. It is all in this structure of the old varieties being utilized again to expand range. It is not just about corn. It is about varieties of wheat, oats, potatoes and vegetable crops unique and mutant.
I have behind me a pile of seeds I'm sorting through. One plastic tray has a Kentucky Wonder Pole mutant which there is not enough money to buy. The reason is that last summer as I was busy caring for my Mom, that I noticed in the middle of my row one bean that had set fruit on early in long heavy bean pods, while the rest of the beans refused to set.
Beans are finicky in if it is too hot they will not set and if too cold they will not set. In my area, I have a great deal of both often at the same time.
In God's purpose though, this bean set on when others would not, and two weeks earlier. It was a close rival to the European early varieties I was testing. In other words, I have something which has jumped the genus structure of this hundreds of year old bean. This is my 4th generation planting of this seed I have saved, and they are acclimating, but this one bean which I will trial this year has halved off weeks in maturity on it's own genetic structure.
Oscar Will in North Dakota could shave off perhaps 10 to 14 days in corn after years of work. It is usually only possible to reduce maturity days perhaps 5 days after lengthy work in selective maturity. This bean though has done something in cold weather without heat index days as Illinois has in high humidity and heat.
That is remarkable and why money could not buy that seed.
This is only part of the work I have God accomplishing through my time in this world. I'm literally saving you from yourselves for the day when all of this Obamantion implodes and the large corporate structure reduces to Detroit farming patches.
If more people would stop buying poisons, this would come to pass more quickly, as supermarkets do not stock things which do not sell, then this message goes to processors who will not buy poison crops farmers are growing, and the farmers getting the message start planting naturally reproductive crops that produce well in their areas, and everyone starts healing, and the trillion dollar agri petro chemical industry no longer is raping everyone economically and providing new patients for rationed death.
All of this is connected, and all of it can be cured.
The same corn growing in Montana or North Dakota is the same corn which will grow in the Chinese steppes, giving those Mandarins and Mongols something to produce there for a living, instead of dust and invading India.
I learned early in life about the importance of seeds in saving them, as a variety of pumpkin disappeared and I have never been able to locate it again. There is a great emptiness when you look at fields and have nothing to plant in them.
As Joseph saved Egypt, there are those working exhaustively now in these times to save America, so there will be food in the winter and not starvation.
It is all one seed at a time.