It is the story of a timorous puss played by Jimmy Stewart who gets bullied by Lee Marvin who plays Liberty Valance. The big showdown happens in which Marvin is going to easily shoot Stewart, but in the shadows in John Wayne who plugs this outlaw as Stewart fires.........and everyone thinks Stewart killed the most notorious outlaw of the west.
Stewart then becomes a celebrity, takes John Wayne's girl, becomes a politician and talk is he will be elected President.
Wayne on the other hand just goes back to his ranch and dies an old lonely man.
The punchline of the movie is the conductor on the rail car Stewart and Wayne's former love are riding in now wanting to return home, says with a big smile, "Nothing is too good for the man who shot Liberty Valance".
As the smoke has cleared we now behold an Obama timorous puss who is even lower than the Jimmy Stewart character riding murder to fame.
Gene Pitney I think it was sang the theme song and while I never could stand Pitney as my sister had a record of his and I can still hear BACK STAGE screaming in my ears as it was the worst rock ever recorded............let us sing as 1 point Obama ........that is what he got for murdering Sheik bin Laden is 1 poll point.
I guess if he shoots 40 more people he will win by landslide as Barbara Walters drooling over murderous Obama opined, "I would hate to be a Republican running against Obama now".
Baby sister.........I would love to be anyone running against Obama now as Sheik bin Laden is going to hang around Obama's neck like a millstone dragging him down.
The Obama Who Shot Liberty Osama
The world was wild
It was untamed
Shooting bin Laden
Was like hoops in a basketball game
I imagined myself
I was a seal
I tapped him twice
I did it for real...........
This was the man who shot
Liberty Osama
Blood on his hands
Barack Hussein Obama
But Mr. Obama I lost my home
Don't worry about that as I shot killed Osama alone
But Mr. Obama fuel prices are high
Don't worry about that as I shot Osama good bye
But Mr. Obama I can't afford to feed my kids
Don't worry about that as I shot Osama I did
But Mr. Obama I'm on unemployment
Don't worry about that as I shot Osama his life is spent
But Mr. Obama I can't pay my bills
Don't worry about that as I shot Osama to kill
I'm the man who shot
Liberty Osama
I got blood on my hands
Barack Hussein Obama
Give me a predator
Give me a seal
Give me more dead Muslims
I'll seal the deal
The man who shot
Liberty Osama
Blood on his hands
Barack Hussein Obama............
Murdering people for covering up crimes in being a birther fraud and we now have proof by polls liberals took that this assassination was carried out to held Obama steal the 2012 election.........makes this all murder, smarmy and simple.
For the Chicago man who shot Liberty Osama.